Wizard Count

Chapter 721

Although Isabella was born beautifully and admirably, the only regret is that on Isabella’s left eyebrow, it can be seen There is a careful cover, but it can still be seen that there is a pink scar about three centimeters in that place...

"Satisfied?" Isabella showing her true face Zhan Blue's eyes looked at Connor coldly, no doubt that she was now suppressing the anger in her heart.

Connor, who admired Isabella’s beauty for a while, heard Isabella’s inquiry, and the nodded of as it should be by rights said: "Of course! If Miss Isabella, you If you want to leave now, I won’t stop you. In one minute, this train should arrive at Rummenigge station, right?"

I heard Connor’s words, Isabella I was not talking, I just lifted my hand and brought the transparent mask as thin as cicada wing back to her face. After a few seconds, Isabella’s face changed back to the shape of a beard. Isabella stood up without the slightest hesitation, with her hand on the doorknob of the small box, but after doing this step, Isabella didn't leave immediately, but turned around, remembering something. Looking at Connor, she seemed to vent her hatred and said: "Connor Ferguson, you are a bastard!"

Isabella, who seems to have vented her anger in her heart, no longer hesitate directly after voicing this sentence. Pushing open the door of the small box and stalking away.

Looking at Isabella who left angrily, Connor didn’t say anything. He was silent and thoughtful, as if waiting for something. Connor didn’t let Connor wait too long, and the train made another noise. The long whistle stopped at the edge of the Rummenigge Railway Station platform, and under the supervision of Connor spirit strength, Isabella, who maintained the image of a middle-aged beard man, walked off the train without any reluctance. , Walked towards the train station.

Although I saw Isabella's departure, Connor still didn't care. Spirit strength was still cautiously guarded to prevent Isabella from sneaking back to the train. This state continued. For about five minutes, until the train departed from the Rummenigge train again, Connor was relieved and collected the spirit strength for a while!

Taking out the wax pill from her pocket, Isabella used the little frog to pass it to herself. Connor moved her finger slightly. A small note.

The note is written in Byzantine script with a line of fine prints

"63 Zanetti Avenue"

Look at the address on the note An unexpected expression flashed in Connor’s eyes. If his memory is correct, there is no Zanetti Avenue in the four urban areas of Ruen City, but there is a Zanetti in his hometown, far away Frosynone City. Main street, but the time is too long. Connor only remembers such a street, but he can't remember what the 63rd Zanetti Street is.

Connor's brows frowned when he thought of this, and when he saw the golden puppet frog giving him wax pills, Connor had vaguely realized that it was Wang Jue's people looking for him.

Because if it is Ruen Reyes’s subordinates, with the death of the old Victor, the dragons without a leader cannot find their own troubles, Storm Church or the Secret Department of the Empire, or Celta Teach, their enemy, find yourself Wouldn't use such a gentle means to pass messages to himself with golden puppet, and contact him in such a concealed way. The only thing Connor can think of is the opponent of his mentor-Wang Jue!

In fact, as long as Reyes left himself in the crystal ball message, before the Wang Jue faction mentioned that Wang Jue would find him, Connor realized that Wang Jue would come to him sooner or later, Reyes. To train himself from an ordinary person to a high level wizard apprentice, and to continue to train himself as a formal wizard, there is no doubt that his plan is not small. Since Reyes has such a big plot, then Reyes’s opponent in the Secret Society, The legendary Level 3 wizard Wang Jue will most likely not sit idly by, so they will get on the line with themselves sooner or later.

Although there is such a consciousness, Connor still surprised Connor when he was in contact with Wang Jue's people on this train, and it made Connor smell a bit of danger... ·

Wei shook the head, a black qi flame appeared on the tip of Connor’s finger, burning the small note with the address "36 Zanetti Avenue" in his hand to fly ash. Before the fly ash fell on the floor of the train box, Connor raised his hand slightly, and a strong wind blew the fly ash along the window of the box and into the vast Heaven and Earth outside.

After dealing with this, Connor left the box and returned to the box where he and Valga were in the section six compartment of the train. Looking at Connor returning, Valga in the box cast an inquiring look at him. With Connor's departure, Valga stayed alone in the box, but he was always on guard, ready to meet Connor in case there was an accident on Connor's side.

Under Valga’s gaze, Connor was slightly nodded, signaled that Valga don’t be impatient, then closed the box door, and then took out a blue pen from the space ring, lightly Flicking the pen, a group of transparent red light suddenly appeared on the pen, and with the appearance of the red light on the pen, a layer of invisible sound-proof Formation immediately enveloped Connor and Valga in the train compartment. Inside.

Seeing Connor set up a sound-proof Formation, so careful and solemn, Valga's expression gradually became more solemn.

"It's from Wang Jue, come to me!" After considering the language, Connor preached in a deep voice, saying this, Connor raised his head and glanced at his Valga, who was close at hand. Connor took Valga's little hand and continued to say in a warm voice: "But don't worry, they should just come to contact me. It doesn't seem malicious for the time being. I have already driven off the train!"

"Did Martina lead them?" After thinking for a while, Valga said softly:

Connor shook the head, without hesitation: "I think it should not be, Margaret told me On the night when he encountered old Victor in the fishing village of Aravis, Margaret met Martina. Martina sold some intelligence to Margaret and asked Margaret to let her go. Margaret saw with his own eyes that Martina took advantage of the moonlight and fled to Hoy's new continent, Martina. There should be no chance to inform Wang Jue!"

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