Wizard Count

Chapter 718

With a doubtful mood, Connor started his own lunch. This is Ruen’s middle-class suburban leisure and entertainment venue No. 37 Manor. Connor once encountered problems in cultivation and alchemy. Later, I like to come here to have fun and change my mood, so I can just order the dishes I want without using a recipe.

Cutting the steak with a knife and fork, Connor sent the cut steak to his mouth from time to time. It looked very uncomfortable with a mouthful of steak and gin, but as time passed, Connor chewed in his mouth. The movements of the steak seemed to be a little mechanical, and the corner of his eyes looked up from time to time, and the various glamorous men and women who walked into the restaurant got up.

After a few more minutes, Connor still didn’t find Kararov’s trace, slightly frowned, took out the silver pocket watch from his arms again, and looked at the minute hand pointing to “six”, Connor The color of doubt in his eyes became more and more dense...

What the hell is this Kararov? Time, agreed position, waited for him, he didn't come? Didn't he want the Salerin potion he was struggling to pursue?

The light in his eyes flickered twice, and Connor picked up the egg tart on the table and ate it. Although he and Makaalov had agreed that the potion delivery time was 11:30 noon, but that was specific Time, he and Kararov made an oath under the witness of the Eye of Arbitration. The agreed time is "before the night rises." Because of the constraints of the Eye of Arbitration, even if Kararov is not here now, Connor cannot leave. It is to wait until the night rises and after the oath of the Eye of Arbitration between him and Kararov expires, he can leave the manor.

After eating for another ten minutes, but still did not wait for Kararov’s arrival, Connor took a deep breath, inserted the last piece of beef on the plate and discharged it into his mouth, and then Connor took another sip For gin, wiped his mouth with a clean white as snow tablecloth, then put two one-golden pound banknotes on the table, and then reached out to the waiter standing by to pay the bill.

Connor, who had a feast in the restaurant, then went to the golf course in the manor. Although I don’t know what Kararov is doing with him, but for the present, he is the best The way is to stay in the manor and continue to wait for Kararov's arrival. As long as the night rises a few hours later, even if Kararov still doesn't appear, Connor doesn't care.

Because at that time the time limit for the delivery of the medicines agreed by him and Kararov has expired, the oath of the arbitration eye can no longer limit Connor, even if Kararov is in possessions after the deadline Great magical power Find Connor, Connor is not obliged to give him the Salerin potion!

Pushing the club for an afternoon on the golf course, watching the sky getting darker, the spirit strength still hasn’t found the trace of Kararov Connor, the doubt in his eyes has become more and more intense, until now. He didn’t come. It seems that Kararov, this guy, should be in trouble, otherwise he would never come and take it from him until now. He tried his best to remember the Salle he wanted to get. Lin medicine.

After another half an hour, the sky has turned dark, and Connor who has not waited for Kararov to appear, only feels that something on his body seems to have disappeared and his body is a lot relaxed... ··· Perceiving such a situation, a faint smile appeared on Connor's face. He knew that this was the effect of the automatic cancellation of the oath between him and Kararov's Eye of Arbitration. He shook his head slightly, and Connor walked out. Manor, although he stayed in Manor 37 for a few more hours, after all, the vow has been lifted, and the ending is still very good.

Several minutes later, Connor returned to his safe house on Ramsey Avenue in the north of Ruen. As soon as he entered the door, Connor raised his eyes and saw Valga, his face a little worried, and at the same time he saw it. Connor came back, and the moment on Valga's face turned into a surprise. Valga relaxed, and said to Connor a bit complaining: "Why are you back now? Didn't you promise noon? I thought you... ····"

Hearing Valga's complaint, Connor shrugged a little helplessly and said: "Kararov didn't know what happened, and he didn't go to Manor 37 as agreed. I know that the time I agreed with him was before the night rises, so I was there and waited for Kararov to come, and I didn’t come back until now, but although he didn’t come, our vows with him were also due to the expiration of time. , The automatic invalidation has no effect!"

After finishing talking, Connor took out the bottle of Valga from the space ring and handed it back to Valga the Sarerin potion he handed to him in the morning, and took it from Connor. After the Salerin potion, Valga's eyes still showed a faint surprise. Although Kararov did not tell them what role the Salerin potion had, as the Potion Master, Valga still knew very well what was the role of refining the potion. As Connor imagined, Salerin's potion was indeed an aid to the high level wizard apprentice, and breakthrough became the official wizard's potion.

Unfortunately, Valga found that the efficacy of Salerin medicine on the wizard breakthrough medicine of the specific cultivation Meditation Method is great, but the effect on the high level wizard apprentices of the other cultivation Meditation Method is negligible without breakthrough. And Kararov was deliberate about Salerin's medicine and tried his best. There is no doubt that his cultivation is the Meditation Method that is matched with Salerin's medicine, and for the Salerin medicine that can greatly increase the probability of his breakthrough becoming an official wizard. Kararov didn’t even come to get it. It’s unimaginable if this happens, unless there is a possibility that Kararov has died...

It seems to have seen Valga In his mind, Connor waved his hand to say solemnly: "Whatever happened to Kararov has nothing to do with us!"

Then spirit strength did not find Connor of Margaret silhouette in the villa, hesitated. After a while, he still asked Valga: "Margaret... she's gone?"

When Connor asked about Margaret, Valga couldn't help but glared at Connor again, and then said angrily: " Go! You left half an hour after you went out in the morning!"

Valga's answer, Connor looked thoughtful of nodded, Margaret's current injury should be about half healed, so he left himself in such a hurry This safe house, it seems that Margaret did not lie to him, she does have things to do in Ruen!

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