Wizard Count

Chapter 662

Having a schematic Margaret Connor can go, go to see Connor and Connor disguised Margaret couple, Connor naturally pull on the arm, and Connor with the "male animal under "under the gaze out of Mr. Suleyman Lal cafe.

out of the cafe, Margaret Connor walked along several hundred meters on Lewandowski Avenue, seems to feel somewhat aimless Connor's, Margaret hesitated or sound transmission inquired to Connor : "this Lewandowski Avenue, is one of the main road Ruen Western Region, there are hundreds of stores on this road, five residents of the community, who make a living on this road thousands of the less Downer. can you narrow the scope of what we find one by one if so go on, would be very time-consuming. "

reminder of Margaret, Connor did not speak, he closed his eyes seemed a little sense what to see Connor like this, Margaret although some curiosity, but aware of the magical Connor spirit strength, and Connor character, she is naturally very clear Connor not random, it did not bother Connor, Connor opened silently waiting Eye.

Connor of the induction time is not short, a full induction of two and a half minutes before slowly opened his eyes, see Connor ended the spirit strength induction Margaret change is ready to open, but not Margaret asked out loud, etc., Connor was already extend the hand pointing to the side.

Margaret Connor along the direction of the finger within the meaning of looked and saw where it is a residential area.

"I sensed my body to stay in the spirit of Martina's mark, it should be is not far behind in this neighborhood!" Connor face serious, solemnly to Margaret whispered:

Connor listening to the words of Margaret looked thoughtful of nodded, then pulled out from the space ring in the one Ruen Western region of the map, look up, look carefully for a while, Margaret pointed to this area on the map and said opening : "Simone is in front of the residential community, and after Simone community, it is a villa, Connor sense if you have not mistaken, Martina should be is in a villa that villa!"

Margaret eyes sweep the sweep out the map, Connor slightly nodded and said: "come on, we go there to see!"

with the decision made by Connor, he and Margaret two people immediately into action. Five minutes later Connor hugged Margaret Yingying a grip waistline, and like a couple of general Margaret, appeared in an alley after Simone among communities, and in their left side less than a hundred meters, it is a uniform, luxuriously furnished villas, villa at the door at the entrance, several security stature muscular young, being constantly heavily armed patrols, evidently this side of the level of protection is still very good.

pedestrian lanes, while small, but also a lot of, among more than a dozen pedestrians, Connor and Margaret camouflage young couple not so rare, so the villa still dedicated security is also not particularly notice the two of them.

while pretending to Margaret and sweet whispers on that side of the covert observation of the plants and trees villa, looking for Martina's silhouette possible, since coming close to this villa, Connor Martina him to stay in the body of spiritual imprint, the sense is growing, Connor can be sure he stays in the body of Martina spiritual imprint, in front of the heavily guarded villa. But this villa so there are more than a dozen buildings 2-Layer villa, his spirit is what a mark in which one of these villas, Connor also need to be carefully distinguished.

Although Connor and Margaret have slowed walking speed as much as possible, but on the road so long, there is always that moment of finish, and Margaret Connor has left the vicinity of the villa ten minutes later, again to a small park shelter.

"Connor, sensitive to Martina where it?" Margaret whispered to him inquired, Connor and she just so a walk before the villa, taking the risk, but a little low, to Martina really hiding in a villa villas that area, it is not impossible that they found to occur between two people.

Inquiries to Margaret's, Connor faintly muttered to oneself for a moment and said:. "Villas sixth from the left, where I feel very strongly that I should mark the spirit is there."

listen Connor's narrative, Margaret recalled just a passing situation villa, then flashed a hint of naked eyes, asked to Connor: "? Semedo mansion"

"no wrong! It should be right here, Margaret can not you see if you can get information on this building mansion? Martina's spirit strength is not weak, my spirit strength though relatively strong, if I rashly deep into this building Semedo mansion words likely to be found! "Connor cautious in their analysis:

Margaret Connor did not refuse the request, he took out his pocket watch time looked after very confident and said:" give me three hours, Three hours later I handed things over to your hands "

despite the ability for Margaret's, Connor still strongly believe, but still could not help but remind Connor said:"! Margaret careful you I do not worry! "

" Connor you will do well "

directed at Connor Perfectionist smile, motioned him not to worry, Margaret then immediately walked away.

Margaret stared leave a tiny black silhouette becoming even to last disappeared, Connor is also turned, walked back to the villa, mansion Marit although Semedo went on data, but these three hours Connor would never wasted, he has to stare at this building Semedo mansion, maybe three hours later he could find out anything worthwhile.


........................ ............................................................

just when Connor eyeing Semedo mansion, in the chamber inside the mansion, Margaret look complicated look at five of his hand, lit light blue light, and almost the size of an egg shape stone.

This is Stroman refining, Avars alchemical bomb, Stroman yesterday once again came Semedo mansion, these five bombs handed her hands, and taught him using this method alchemical bomb.

Although for these five things looked like stone, Martina spent a lot of energy, but there is no doubt that, if possible, Martina did not want to use this five Avar alchemical bomb.

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