Wizard Count

Chapter 559

apart from this, the name Sandro was mentioned in the conversation between the two people, which also made Connor confirm the red head hidden in the sixth warehouse of the Valladolid factory The fierce looking guy is the Celta high level wizard apprentice Alex Sandro who came to trouble him!

I originally discovered that the red-haired wizard cultivation base hidden in Warehouse No. 6 is a high level wizard apprentice. Connor some suspect that the fierce man is Alex Sandro, but because this cannot be ruled out. Men are the possibility of other Celtas teaching wizards, so Connor is not sure, but the conversation between a man and a woman completely confirms Connor's guess!



"Be careful that there are ears on the wall, use sound transmission!" Listening to Palin talking directly to himself, Wanda frowned slightly, and then warned repeatedly to him:

"Uh····" Palin realized that he had made a small mistake, a little embarrassing laughed and said to Wanda sound transmission: "Are you sure that Sandro's dog is nearby? Sandro is still very cunning!"

He glanced all around, Wanda replied to Palin in a low sound transmission: "I dropped a colorless dust on Sandro that day in the grove. This kind of dust can only be possible with a special method. I feel that while I am here, I found the smell of dust, so Sandro should probably be nearby!"

Hearing Wanda’s recovery, Palin was immediately in his hands. There was an extra roll of map, I scanned the map and slightly frowned and said, “This looks like Ruen, a very famous industrial area, the Sals factory area. There are many Ruen factories nearby, with tens of thousands of workers, and hundreds of people. The warehouse of the factory..."

"Give me some time, I don’t see if I can shorten the scope?" Wanda replied: Actually, Wanda does not need to say You can know where it is from the smog in the air.

After another two sentences, Wanda and Palin walked to a tavern called "Workers' House" on the side of the street.

Connor, who hid in the grass and saw this scene in his eyes, touched his chin and thought for a while, did not choose to follow the tavern by the side of the road, the handsome man in the top hat has nothing to do Special, but the middle-aged beautiful woman wearing a veil next to him does seem to be a difficult character to deal with. Not only does she look very alert and cautious, but in his sense of spirit strength, this person’s spirit strength does not have him. Strong, but obviously beyond the ordinary high level wizard apprentice!

After a moment of contemplation, Connor quietly retreated from the grass, got on a public carriage, and left the Sals factory area.

But what he absolutely didn’t expect was that in the tavern called "Worker’s House" at this time, there was a tavern full of laughed unbridled noises of the workers and the smell of cheap perfume from women who stood on the street. In the corner, Palin looked at the entrance of the tavern nervously with one hand on his belt, and then Wanda sound transmission in the other corner said;'Why, has something abnormal happened? '

Hearing Palin’s sound transmission, like Palin, staring at the door behind Wanda’s veil, the eyebrows on his face slightly wrinkled, and the expression on his face became a little surprised, and she groaned for a moment. Xiang Palin’s sound transmission replied: "It may be that I felt wrong..."


Wanda’s reply immediately was to make Palin the whole Man relaxed and picked up the beer on the wine table, which was fiercely and took a big sip. When Wanda told him sound transmission that someone was spying on them with spirit strength, he was really taken aback. He really didn’t feel that anyone was using spirit strength to monitor them, but because he knew that Wanda’s spirit strength was stronger than himself, and because of his trust in Wanda, he and Wanda came to this asking monarch to enter the urn.

But now Wanda has made a mistake. No one is watching them at all. This allows Palin to relax and feel some dissatisfaction with Wanda.





Connor dressed in disguise and returned to Rand Street. He was about to take out the small rock and interfere with the sensing device in the trash can. When his spirit strength suddenly moved, he found the victim in the trash can. The sensor device installed to monitor his apartment had disappeared at this time.

A playful expression appeared on his face. This situation somewhat surprised Connor, but after a moment of indulging, Connor didn’t care too much, and walked into the apartment quietly. He this time When I come back, I have to take a look at his video crystal ball to confirm some guesses.

As soon as I entered the apartment, although the items in the apartment and he left basically did not change, Connor, who was very clear about the items in the apartment, could still clearly find the traces of the apartment that had been searched.

Since he had expected it, Connor was not surprised. After inspecting the apartment and confirming that nothing was installed in the apartment, he took out the one hidden in the wall of the apartment. Crystal ball, the observation period began. The video in the apartment during his departure. Soon Connor found the video of that night. Looking at the crystal ball video, the person with the smile mask searched in the apartment, although this person was wearing a smile. Mask, but Connor confirmed at a glance that this person is the red-haired wizard holding his little copper mirror in Warehouse No. 6 of the Valladolid factory.

It seems that the person who entered his apartment and searched is Alex Sandro, but the man and woman who also appeared in the Sals factory area today are who? Thinking of this in Connor’s eyes A hint of doubt emerged, and Connor put the crystal ball back into the wall with a groan.

Connor who put the crystal ball back, took away all the secret letters in his apartment mailbox, he wanted to see if Martina sent him a new letter.

A few minutes later, Connor found two secret letters in the mailbox. The look on his face was a bit surprised. He really didn’t expect that Martina sent him the secret letters, which should be still there at this time. Margaret of the Heart of the Storm cultivation also sent him a secret letter!

Because I was really curious about the content of Margaret's letter, Connor put Martina's letter aside first and began to read Margaret's letter.

Martina's letter is very brief, just telling Connor that her cultivation in the heart of the storm is better than expected, so the time to return to Ruen has been advanced. It is expected that she will return to Ruen in five days. , Let Connor wait for her at the same place at seven o'clock in the evening six days later, she has something to discuss with Connor.

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