Wizard Count

Chapter 556

After listening to Martina’s introduction, old Victor showed a playful expression on his old face full of wrinkles and age spots. He thought about it for a while, and it was a little bland. He asked Martina: "Martina, what do you think is going on?"

Hearing the old Victor’s question, Martina’s eyes showed a look of hesitation, thinking about one minute. She replied: "The current news is not enough for me to make a judgment, but I think it must have something to do with Connor!"

Nodded of old Victor indifferent expression, and then continued to ask Martina:" Connor, where is this little fellow now?"

"I don't know, he may have noticed the appearance of these people from Celta, and he may have taken refuge after leaving the apartment!" This time Martina Without hesitation or hesitation, he said directly:

"Hidden out?" Old Victor preached to himself in a low voice. After speaking, he thought for a while, and said leisurely: "It looks like Connor this Little fellow, there are other places to stay in the city..."

After talking about the old Victor, he took another sip of black tea, and he thought for a while and ordered Martina: "Tell the people below that, no matter what method they use, I will dig out Connor and all the places where he hides! But remember not to disturb Connor!"

"Understood, for a while I'll tell you to go down!" Martina nodded replied:

"What's the reaction from the church now?" He tapped his finger on the sofa and told the old Victor who had been about Connor to turn his attention back to last night's On the explosion, the appearance of three high level wizard apprentices also attracted his attention.

After all, according to the current information, it is still not completely certain. The purpose of these three high level wizards must be Connor · Ferguson, and it is not certain that the power of the Ruen Celta Sect is only these three. The high level wizard, in case their drunkenness is not in the mood to drink, a slap on Connor is actually a Secret Society's attention, then it is a bit tricky. Although this kind of probability is small, it has to be guarded against!

"Half an hour after the explosion last night, Valero led the team to the scene, but according to our insider report, the scene was very clean, and the Celtas did not leave too much. There are many traces, what did Valero It shouldn't be discovered, but the insider said, because the existence of the high level wizard apprentice is involved, it is not possible for Langley to check the scene personally!" At this point, Martina stopped. I glanced down at the watch on my wrist, and then continued: "Because things are a lot of trouble, in an hour, Edel bishop will be Intelligence Section Chief-In-Charge Miss Lena, And Arbitrator led Langley to hold a closed-door meeting where they will discuss whether to start a large-scale search of the entire city!"

Old Victor seemed very satisfied with Martina’s work, nodded to her satisfaction. , And then spoke indifferently said: "The church will not launch a city-wide search, but will be led by Langley, and will conduct a three-day secret search and arrest of the wizards in the city! This operation is aimed at the wizards, the H Gang, and the factories. , The dock, there won’t be too much interference, just let the people below pay attention!"

Although the old Victor didn’t say, why would he only teach high-level closed-door meetings for an hour? Decided, but Martina is obviously not surprised about this, nodded motioned to write it down.

Seeing that there is no problem with old Victor, Martina hesitated for a moment, and then whispered under the turbid gaze of old Victor: "In the church, it is said that Margaret may end the cultivation in the heart of the storm ahead of time. , I returned to Ruen a week later!"

When Martina said the name "Margaret" in her mouth, the old Victor eyebrow raised, and then said coldly: "Because of what?"

"The inside guess is that Margaret is making rapid progress with the help of Heart of the Storm, and the effect is far better than expected. In a few days, Heart of Storm will have an impact on Margaret again, so she will naturally return to Ruen!" Martina explained:

"I see, you can go down and work..." Old Victor squinted his eyes and said blankly:

I will wait a moment. When Martina had left Sensi Villa, there was an icy murderous intention in the old Victor's old eyes. He lowered his head and muttered to himself: "Little girl, since you're back, let me have fun with this old fogey." Bar·······"



In the safe house on Ramsey Street, looking at the crystal ball in his hand, which is not affected by his own decision, Connor suddenly felt a little didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Since he decided to take a long-term plan, Connor stayed obediently and honestly in his safe house, recuperating while cultivating, because he set the small copper mirror in the apartment to automatically respond to the situation, so It was said that at first Connor didn't care about anything, but in the past few days, Connor just noticed something wrong. This check really found the problem, and Temo's he couldn't control the small copper mirror.

When this kind of problem occurs, although Connor doesn’t know what happened, he can probably guess it. Not surprisingly, his little copper mirror was discovered and taken away by others. ······

Thinking that a weird smile appeared on Connor’s face, then he took out a crudely crafted compass from the space ring, and placed the crystal ball on the compass. Suddenly bursts of light burst out on the compass, and the pointer on the compass began to rotate.

This is a backhand that Connor prepared when he arranged the small copper mirror at the time. It was specially prepared for this small copper mirror to be found by the opponent and fell into the hands of the enemy. He used his own blood to portray a very hidden rune on the small copper mirror. This rune, like Connor’s blood, is integrated with the small copper mirror. It is difficult for others to find, but as long as the rune is still in Ruen , Even if it is placed in the space ring, it will be captured by Connor's compass, and Connor can therefore determine the opponent's location.

Ten seconds later, watching the direction on which the pointer on the compass freezes, a touch of surprise appeared in Connor's eyes. Judging from the pointer of his compass, the small copper mirror should be located in Sails in North Ruen. The factory area, and the Sals factory area, not far from Ramsey Avenue where you are now, if you do a public carriage, it only takes half an hour, and the person who took away the small copper mirror is so separated. It's really a little unexpected for Connor. This not only makes Connor have a touch of interest, do you want to see who the hidden person is?

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