Wizard Count

Chapter 547

However, to Connor’s surprise, he searched the apartment three times and checked the crystal ball in charge of the camera hidden in the wall, but found no suspicious signs. , The person hiding in the dark seemed to be very cautious. Although he placed a sensor device in the trash can on the street outside the apartment, he did not rush into his Ferguson apartment.

Although the man in the dark did not sneak into the apartment, Connor did not care about it. He pondered for a while, and then came to a room on the second floor of the apartment. This is the guest room of the Ferguson apartment. Sometimes Valga will stay here for one night, and Martinez old steward, who visited last time, lives in this room. The balcony of this room is facing the trash can on the street where the sensor device is placed.

Observing the location of the trash can, Connor took out a small copper mirror with a slightly rough workmanship from the space ring and placed it on the desk in the room, and placed the small copper mirror. Connor made a small mouth on his finger, and then used his finger as a pen and blood as ink to write rune on the mirror. It is also very weird. This small copper mirror seems to be swallowed. Connor's blood was strangely sucked into the mirror. When Connor had painted the last rune, a faint red light appeared on the small copper mirror. After a few seconds, the red light was restrained, and the small copper mirror changed back to the original one. Look like.

Connor who saw this scene turned his head and looked towards the trash can on the street outside the window. A mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Now that someone is staring at him again, he wants to see if the other person is who are you, as long as someone moves the sensing device in the trash can, this small copper mirror will record it and transmit the picture to a matching crystal ball in Connor's hands in real time!

After finishing all this, Connor took away from the secret compartment of the apartment. He needed the tools to open the cube crystal. However, just as Connor was about to leave the apartment and head to Ramsey Street, Connor's eyes I was attracted by the full mailboxes in my apartment.

Somewhat embarrassingly, Connor touched his chin. Connor walked to the mailbox. If he remembered correctly, he hadn't cleared the letters in the mailbox for a while. Maybe at this time, there was What's interesting, now he is not in a hurry anyway. It is not too late to read the mailbox and go to Ramsey Street.

Take all the letters in the mailbox, and Connor will send more than a dozen advertisements. , Or the promotional letter was thrown into the trash can, and when he read the content of the last letter, Connor was instantly refreshed, there was a burst of bright light glittering in his eyes, and then Connor found out from the space ring A book called "Glazer Quotations" was compared with this letter.

At the same time that the Zhaka Textile Factory let Martina go, Connor and Martina agreed on the way of contacting the letter in the secret language, and the Code Book for decrypting the secret language is the "Grazer Quotations" in hand. If Connor remembers correctly, the past few days are what Martina said. The old Victor asked him for his time. Now at this time Martina has sent him a secret letter. Isn't it because things have changed? Thinking of this, Connor couldn't help being curious about the true content of the secret letter.

It took more than ten minutes for Connor to completely translate the secret letter. The look on his face immediately became serious...

Meet with old Victor His time was indeed changed and delayed until later, but this was not the main content of Martina’s letter. Martina told Connor in the letter that recently, the Secret Society discovered on Ruen’s intelligence network that the Celta’s wizard, He sneaked into the Ruen City area secretly again, and among these Celta wizards, the identity of one person has been confirmed. This person is the Celta high level wizard apprentice Alex Sandro. , The silhouette of the Alex Sander Mister Luo, has been spotted near Rand Street within the last week.

Combined with Celta’s conspiracy against the Ferguson family, the elder Victor believes that Alex Sandro’s target is likely to be the owner of the Ferguson apartment at 16 Rand Street-Connor · Ferguson, this is why the old Victor took the initiative to postpone the meeting with Connor. This time, the old Victor wants to sit atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight. See Connor · Ferguson and Celta teach you a life and death fight!

In view of the disappearance of Lindelof, who was also a high level wizard apprentice last time, in Ruen, the old Victor believes that apart from this Alex Sandro, Celta has other Of people lurking in the dark!

And Martina wrote this letter, revealing the situation of Celta and Victor's guess to Connor's purpose, hoping that Connor will be prepared and not be taught to death by Celta!

Carefully read the contents of the letter paper again and printed it into his head. A black qi flame was ignited on Connor’s finger, which burned the secret letter Martina had given him to ashes. There is no doubt that if Martina is right, the situation that Connor is facing now is very close to clarity. The sensing device placed in the street trash can was not done by Alex Sandro or something else. Celta taught the wizard to do it, still lurking in the dark!

"The dog's nose is really spiritual!" Connor muttered to himself in a low voice. Although the wizard of Celta taught him again, Connor's angular face appeared. A touch of expectation.

He is not looking forward to Alex Sandro or other Celta wizards. He is looking forward to what is hidden in the cube crystal in the ruby ​​space ring. The wizard of Dorseta teaches so perseveringly in chasing!

Connor knows very well why after so many years, why Celta’s wizard will stare at him again, they definitely do not want to come to him for their companion high level wizard apprentice Lindelof Vengeance comes, this first is not in line with the selfishness of the wizards, regardless of the life and death of others, if the second Celta is really this idea, they would come when Lindelof just died. My own troubles, I will never wait for several years to drag myself to take revenge.

So there is only one truth, and there is only one reason why the Celtas came to Ruen again to stare at themselves. , That is, they knew that Ferguson’s old steward Martinez came to Ruen to find themselves, and they might even know Martinez’s old steward and gave themselves the Ruby Ring of the Ferguson Family’s Race Protecting Treasure, so this group The talent will be like, the shark that smells the blood is staring at him!

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