Wizard Count

Chapter 543

Valga’s words immediately filled Connor’s heart with helplessness and curiosity. The reason why he rejected Valga’s offer to help him kill the old Victor was indeed because of the possibility of Valga being a Potion Master. It’s not enough to help him kill the old Victor, but what really makes Connor choose to refuse is because of the existence of Margaret. For Connor, whether it is from a personal emotional or intellectual perspective, Valga knows that he has a close collaborator, Margaret. Not a good choice.

But speaking of strength, after a fierce battle with the Kararovs, Connor is indeed a little curious about how strong Valga's battle strength is. He has always used the Potion Master's battle strength to mark before. To measure Valga, but now that he knows that the bronze-mask is Valga, Connor is looking forward to Valga’s battle strength. Connor clearly remembered the encounter when he was an apprentice to the intermediate wizard. He did not use the undead. Before the entanglement, he faced Valga but was at a disadvantage throughout the whole process!

Seeing Connor’s expression, Valga, who knows Connor very well, naturally knows what Connor is thinking. She covered her mouth and smiled, then very seductively, she leaned into Connor’s ear and talked to Connor. Whispered: "If I had recognized Connor you as a bad guy outside the city, I would..."

Valga hasn't finished speaking yet, Connor is a T on his waist, suddenly Valga was crying out in surprise, and was pressed by Connor on his body X. A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Connor's mouth, and he said playfully to Valga under him: "How about you...?"

"What else can be done... It can only be from Master Count Connor..." There was a blush on the pretty face, and Valga whispered and shyly said:

"hehe ······"

After some indescribability, a somewhat exhausted Connor lay on the bed, seeming to still remember the intensity just now

and Valga He recovered faster than Connor. He leaned in Connor’s arms and said seriously: "Connor, after I became a high level wizard apprentice, because I put more energy on pharmacy, the battle strength has fallen a bit. , But I won’t be too far from you, I won’t hold you back..."

Hearing that Valga still insisted on helping himself kill the old Victor, Connor felt very helpless. , Maybe Valga’s strength is not bad, but he and Margaret have discussed and reached an agreement on the matter of killing the old Victor, even more how there is still a helper like Martina now, no matter how you look at it, give up Margaret and Margaret. Martina, and teaming up with Valga are not a good choice.

Although the reason is such a reason, because it involves Margaret, Connor can't tell Valga Petrochemicals truthfully, plus he can't think of any good way for a while, Connor can only be a little vague. Remarks at Valga and said: "Let me think about it!"

Although Connor did not directly refuse, the meaning of his words was still felt by the sensitive Valga, and Valga did not make a nodded expression as usual. , It's just a pair of beautiful eyes, but there is a ray of doubt.



"What is Connor doing lately?" Ruen Suburbs Somewhere in the small garden of the manor, a very old man with a crouched body, watering the flowers very carefully, while indifferently asking the cold woman behind him:

I heard the old man Victor suddenly asked about Connor. Although Martina had no expression on her face, her heart was tight. Said solemnly: "Connor, he spends most of his time in his Ferguson apartment these days, only to go out a few times. Eating in the hotel, or going to the cafe he he coffee again, there is no suspicious sign!"

After Martina’s introduction, the old Victor continued to water his flowers, as if the question was true. It’s just a casual question, but Martina, who knows Victor’s temperament very well, naturally understands that if Victor asked, it’s definitely not a casual question, but definitely has his own reason. Since the old Victor doesn’t say, Martina He didn't wait for him to say it. Instead, he considered the sentence and asked tentatively: "Steward Victor, things at the church have come to an end. Would you like me to inform Connor and let him come here to see you?"

He waved his hand behind him, and the old Victor lightly said: "It's not used yet. By the way, what's the situation with Celta's sneaking into Ruen's group?"

"I'm currently I only found Sandro, the high level wizard apprentice of Celta in the downtown area of ​​Ruen, but I guess he did not come alone. Ruen should also have Celta people!" Martina continued without thinking:

"Well, the last time Celta Sect sent Lindelof and a few intermediate wizard apprentices, they were all destroyed by us. Naturally, they will not only send one Sander this time. Luo Lai, he should have at least one high level wizard apprentice's helper. The Celta teaches the guys, so persevering in chasing the Ferguson family, I am really curious, what exactly did the ancestors of the Ferguson family teach Celta? Baby!" Old Victor affirmed Martina’s guess, and said to herself curiously:

"Martina, you mobilize all our power in Ruen, you must teach Celta to everything in Ruen People, find out, this time I want to give this litt to Connor le fellow A big surprise! "After thinking for a while, old Victor turned his head and ordered Martina:

"Yes! I understand, I will do it now! "Hearing Victor’s order, Martina’s face was nodded and responded:

However, when Martina was talking with Victor, Connor and Valga were sweet and sweet in the safe house, in the east of Ruen. On the second floor of Pedro Café opposite the Ferguson Apartment at 16 Rand Street, a middle-aged beautiful woman and an unusually handsome youngster are sitting by the window, drinking coffee leisurely.

"This is Ruen, it is more prosperous than Catania! "Gently drank a cup of fragrant coffee and looked at the traffic on the street outside the window. The youngster couldn't help but sigh: Although this youngster speaks Kaman, his accent is very awkward, with a very strong Kaman empire. The accent of the southern region, and the Catalan region he calls it is located in the southern part of the Kaman Empire near the United Kingdom of Persis.

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