Wizard Count

Chapter 535

Listening to Kararov’s snoring, Connor felt somewhat regretful. In order to seize the opportunity of this fleeting sneak attack Kararov, he did not take out the silver light from the space ring. The pendant increases the spirit strength. If the spiritual impact in Kararov had an increase in the spirit strength of the silver light pendant, Kararov would never be the same as it is now, just as simple as a groan!

Because it was just a little bit of bargain and didn’t really hurt Kararov, Connor didn’t choose to take advantage of the victory, but still looked at Kararov vigilantly, and then cared. Asked Valga sound transmission behind him: "How? Are you injured?"

Now Valga seems to have no problems on the surface, but Connor, who is very familiar with Valga's body, can still feel Valga. The physical anomaly, Valga's current situation seems to be because of the vine card he controlled, which was directly smashed by the middle-aged uncle Kararov's golden fist shadow, and suffered some backlash to some extent.

"It's okay!" Feeling the concern from Connor sound transmission, Valga smiled slightly, and the sound transmission also responded to Connor.

At this moment, when Connor and Valga were sound transmission with each other, the Kararov couple standing opposite them were not idle. Kararov and the blonde aunt looked at each other, and then they shot at the same time very tacitly. Uncle Kararov's left hand glove golden light was released, and he attacked Connor and Valga consecutively. The blond aunt also took out a green leather pocket from the space ring, and then patted the green leather pocket with her palm. A group of jade green bees with a ferocious and savage atmosphere suddenly lurked in Kararov’s golden Connor attacked from behind the shadow of fist.

"Green Demon Bee?"

Looking at the released bees, Connor, who was sheltered by Castilla, suddenly felt "Yalishan", Kararov’s golden boxing shadow Fortunately, although the power is very violent, but his Connor Ferguson's Castilla Formation is not to be trifled with, it must be able to hold it, but the green bee released by the blond aunt really makes Connor feel extremely troublesome.

This green beast is a typical demonic beast that lives in groups, and its individual strength is very weak. The stinger on the tail section will sting on the body of the ordinary person and it will not be lethal, but once the number of green bees is gathered, The accumulation of quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes. Swarms of green bees have poisoned high level wizard apprentices in the wizard world, and not only the green bees’ venom is quite corrosive. The effect of corroding the energy body is very significant, and Connor's Castilla protective Formation is the energy body, and now Connor himself is not sure whether his Formation can withstand the corrosion of the green bee venom after resisting the golden fist shadow.

Thinking that Connor, who was sinking in his heart, injected mana into Castilla Formation and supported the Formation, his attention was also shifted. Standing next to Kararov, the blond aunt who was dedicated to manipulating the Green Demon Bee, from In the beginning, he wanted to sneak attack his own red ant, and now the Green Demon Bee, this aunt looks very clever and can manipulate the demonic beast!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The golden boxing shadow hit the Castilla array one by one, making a deafening rumbling sound, and Connor's face changed more and more. Black, waiting nervously for the Green Demon Bee who came after the shadow of the boxing. At this time, he was concentrated, defending against the attack of the old couple Kararov, and had no time to take care of Connor behind him. Absolutely did not expect Valga behind him. There seems to be no change on the above, but the eyes are flashed with complicated colors. She seems to see the difficult situation facing Connor and wants to make a decision, but she is a little hesitant.

"Tzzzzzzz ········"

The venom of the Green Wasp is more corrosive than Connor imagined. The venom has just touched the Castilla Formation , There was a corrosive sound of zi zi. Everywhere the venom on the Formation went, the light was dim, and the energy was rapidly reduced. Feeling such a situation, even if he was prepared in his heart, Connor couldn’t help being in the heart sighed, he knew It’s hard to carry your own Castilla Formation.

"Valga, my Formation is about to be overwhelmed. I will stop them two for a while. You run directly to Sensi Villa and look for the old Victor. You can rest assured that I won’t have any problems. I have to go. No one can stop me!" Connor thought quickly in his heart, confident of his own strength, while trying his best to delay the time when Castilla's protective Formation was completely corroded, and facing the Valga sound transmission warned repeatedly behind him:

Hearing "Connor told her to run first, he stayed behind." Valga's beautiful eyes immediately showed a touch of emotion, and a touch of determination suddenly appeared on her pretty face, who was still indecisive just now. Zhi Shi, then, under Connor's unexpected gaze, took out dozens of scarlet seeds from the space ring and threw out Castilla Formation.

Just when Connor thought Valga was going to become a rattan brand and browsed tightly knit, Valga's cherry mouth spit out a Byzantine incantation.


With Valga's "boom" these scarlet seeds thrown out by Valga to protect the Formation of Castilla, actually

The sprouting branches turned into thick crimson vines, and then they quickly expanded several times within a second with Connor’s surprised eyes, and the countless blood-like dark red liquid was sprayed everywhere to corrode Castilla Formation. The body of the Green Demon Bee.

"shua ···brush····shua"

As long as they come into contact with this dark red liquid green bee, they can’t even struggle, they just become After the corpse fell to the ground, it took only a few seconds. There were only a few hundreds of Green Demon Bees who were originally in groups.

Without the advantage in numbers, the remaining hundreds of Green Demon Bees can only be lonely and difficult to sing, and there is no threat to Connor's Castilla Formation. But what everyone didn't see at this time was that Connor, who was within the realm, had a flash of light in his eyes, as if he had thought of something from the situation before him, and at this moment, he was originally standing by and seemed to be waiting for Connor. The fat uncle Kararov who broke through and volleyed eyebrow raised, and then hit Castilla to protect the Formation with two punches.

Taking advantage of the cover of her husband's golden fist shadow, the crying blond aunt hurriedly took the remaining Green Demon Bee from Connor's side, and Formation took two punches in Connor's eyes. There was a flash of cold glow, and after being pressed and beaten by the opponent for so long, it was time for him to fight back!

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