Wizard Count

Chapter 522

Because I knew the auction list of today’s auction a long time ago, Connor, who was not interested in auction items, sat in the corner of the auction, quietly closing his eyes. The main goal of Connor is the exchange meeting between the wizards after the auction.

Perhaps there is nothing too valuable on the auction today, so the auction proceeded very fast, and it took just over an hour to reach the last auction item on the auction.

Under the gaze of more than twenty wizards in the auction, the gray-haired Alazov smiled mysteriously, then took out a crystal bottle from the space ring, placed it on the palm of his hand, The wizard shows up.

"Arazov, what is this? Isn't this last auction item listed as First Rank Peak enchanted item Bastoni staff?" Sitting in the first row of auction A dark person wearing a green robe who couldn't see his appearance, old fogey, asked Arazov that this Old Guy had the aura of a high level wizard apprentice without concealing it. At first glance, he looked like that kind of cruel stubbornness.

Alazov waved his hand apologetically at the old man, and then said to the wizards in the venue: "Before auctioning this last item, I want to represent us. Acha Manor, I apologize to all the friends present! The First Rank Peak enchanted item Bastoni staff originally scheduled for the last auction of this auction was forced to cancel the auction due to some force majeure. I am sorry friends! "

"What's going on?"

"It's really disappointing..."

"Can you still have a credibility with Meazza?"



Arazov’s words just fell , The venue was as if a pot had been exploded, filled with dissatisfaction and complaining words, presumably if it weren’t for Arazov is the cultivation base with the high level wizard apprentice Peak, I’m afraid that at this time, the venue has already begun to respond to Allah. Zoff's body attacked.

Feeling the noise in the venue, Connor, who was sitting in the corner of the venue with his eyes closed and waiting for the auction to end, slowly opened his eyes, and his attention was focused on Arazov. In the crystal bottle held in the palm of his hand, although Connor didn’t know what was in the crystal bottle, although the energy fluctuations emitted by the crystal bottle were very subtle and weak, as an alchemist, Connor I can still feel that the energy fluctuations emitted by this crystal bottle belong to the First Rank demonized item.

How luxurious is it to use a First Rank demonized item as a container? It can be seen from this, what kind of treasure is the thing in the crystal bottle?

Connor in the corner, with a curious look in his eyes, his interest in discovering the secret of the crystal bottle was also hooked by the contents of the crystal bottle.

Because it was his own mistake that caused the cancellation of Bastoni’s staff, even though his face was very ugly, an elderly Alazov suppressed his anger and did not vent it, just He said loudly, "Everyone, be quiet, be quiet, and listen to me!"

Arazov may have been a sonic spell like cultivation. His voice is very penetrating. The audience was quiet down below, and everyone refocused on Arazov's body.

The gray-haired Arazov seems to be very satisfied with this effect, slightly nodded, and then said solemnly: "I can fully understand your indignation, but what I want to say is, for your explanation, I deliberately took out this item from the treasure house. I believe that this item in my hand will not let you down!"

After talking, Arazov took out a pair from the space ring. The glove made of ice silk was put on the hand, and then the cap of the crystal bottle was taken off cautiously. In the next second, a strange scent floated in the venue.

Feeling the scent of this fragrance, Connor suddenly realized what kind of treasure is in the crystal bottle. His eyes flashed brightly, and his palms could not help being held tightly. The fragrance was strange and delicate. Existing, not only did Connor realize it, three or four people in the venue, including the green robe elder who just made the noise, all shined in front of them and were very excited.

After some flavor came out, Arazov just re-capped the cap of the crystal bottle. His move aroused the dissatisfaction of some impatient people in the venue. Some The impatient person said again: "Arazov, what exactly is in the crystal bottle? Are you playing with us? Why do you kiss us and cover it again?"

"Yeah! Open the bottle, let's see what it is!" Just now the person's voice fell, and the meeting immediately appeared in the meeting, but this time, Arazov was not used to them anymore. It is directly coldly snorted, the person who speaks and the person who echoes, suddenly as if was struck by lightning, the ears and nose bleed.

"Spirit Attack? It seems that this Alazov is not a spiritual wizard, but it is a little tricky!" Seeing Alazov's shooting lesson in his eyes, Connor said silently in his heart:

"This treasure in my crystal bottle, but with the smell, people in the audience who have the ability to buy this treasure can already recognize it, and those who don’t have the ability to buy it don’t need to know what it is. Something! And I want to say that this thing does not accept golden pound, only magic stone!" After the lesson was over, Arazov said calmly:

Arazov's voice fell. , There was silence in the venue. Some people who did not know what was in the crystal bottle, although curious, because they had learned from the past, they did not dare to ask, they could only look at each other in blank dismay.

After one minute, the old green robe sitting in the first row broke the silence in the venue and first said: "It's important, we need to see it with our own eyes!" This Old Guy did not say "I" is the "us" that was specifically said, and the tone of this "us" was specially emphasized. It was obvious that he knew that he was not the only person in the venue that felt it, what was in the crystal bottle!

After reading the "us" hint of the green robe old man, Arazov readily agreed. He nodded and said: "Of course! But to prevent any cat or dog from coming to join in the fun , If you want to see things with your own eyes, you need to deliver ten magic stones! These ten magic stones are not refundable, no matter whether you are satisfied with the things or whether you photograph them or not!"

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