Wizard Count

Chapter 508

Feeling Valga's desire for the second half of the classics, Connor pondered and said, "Do you have time tomorrow? If you have time, come and lie down in the safe room. We two Talking about it carefully, I caught a wizard primary level apprentice, which can be used to test the flying potion!"

"I have time tomorrow." After thinking about it, Valga said softly, but from her eyes It can be seen that she seemed very surprised. Connor did not grab a demonic beast as agreed, but instead caught a wizard apprentice to test the flying potion.

"Very well, see you in the safe house tomorrow!" Hearing Valga's answer, Connor was satisfied and nodded, greeted Valga, and then took a step ahead and left the Piero Theater From the letter Valga handed him, Connor is now almost certain: There is a problem with the "Pandev Pharmacy Collection", it must be a means of tracking, but what kind of means will it be, Connor Now I can’t wait to find a quiet place to understand this problem.

Returning to the safe house of his and Valga’s two people, Connor made himself a pot of coffee, then placed a small isolation Formation in the room, and then stood in the array. I took a pair of blue leather gloves engraved with Dao Rune, and took out the black pocket containing the letters and the classics of "Pandev Pharmacy Selection" from the space ring.

Cautiously took out "Pandev Pharmacy Collection" from his black pocket, Connor's eyes became extremely cautious. This book was originally in his Ferguson apartment at 16 Rand Street. , He had already checked it briefly, and discovered that this classic was just torn apart not long after it was disguised as torn hundreds of years ago.

When I first discovered this, Connor was a little curious about why he did this, but this is not a big problem, plus apart from this, Connor didn’t feel any abnormality from the classics. So he relaxed his vigilance and didn't conduct a more detailed examination of this classic. Now it seems that Connor's carelessness has been slapped.

Took a deep breath, Connor took out a magnifying glass with light blue glitter from the space ring, pointed at the magnifying glass, Connor technique shot out, the magnifying glass immediately appeared crystal clear and near -Transparent blue rune, holding this magnifying glass, Connor starts every page, every page of the "Pandev Pharmacy Collection"

Three hours later, holding the magnifying glass will take the whole book Connor went through the classics and put the magnifying glass back into the space ring with a dark face. Although Connor found nothing and found no clues during these three hours, his instinct still told Connor that there must be a problem with this classic.

While drinking the freshly brewed coffee, Connor focused his eyes on the last page of the classics, which was disguised as hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Connor has been I don't even understand why the other party did this. Is it just trying to hide the real time when the classics were split and torn apart? Or is there something else...

Thinking of this, Connor suddenly had an idea, and there was a sharp light in his eyes, and he took out his magnifying glass from the space ring again. On the last page of the classics, looking for any clues centimeter by centimeter, a few minutes later, although no clues were found on the last page, Connor's face gradually became excited.

He thought of a note from his mentor Reyes in "Reyes Alchemy". If you have a very precious thing, there is a secret hidden in this thing, and the enemy does everything possible to follow Get your secret from this thing, so what is the best way to hide this secret?

The answer is: it’s not how you hide the secret properly, but you set up a wrong clue that you let the enemy discover on this thing, and then let him go further and further on the wrong clue, so He will never discover the correct secret.

Although Reyes’s notes are different from the problems he is currently experiencing, or even completely opposite, in Connor’s view, their philosophy is the same, and they are all trying to People who want to see the secret from the classics lead to a wrong answer!

The enemy he invisible is misleading his thinking in this classic book. He is using a small problem to cover up a big problem. His technique is very brilliant. He tears it up on the last page. Although the old technique on the crack marks is brilliant, it is not difficult to see the problem of fraud when encountering some powerful alchemists.

According to normal thinking, if you find that there is a small problem, you will continue to observe and confirm that this is a small problem, you will not care about him anymore, you will start to try Looking for new problems in the classics, you will not think that behind this small problem that you think is actually hidden the real problem, and the small problem that you think you see through the other party, in fact, it is indeed that people deliberately let What you see is used to paralyze you!

Connor, the more he thought about it, the clearer he took out a silver knife from the space ring, and cautiously removed the torn traces of the last page of the classics, the traces of the years that were made up, and removed these After the stuff, Connor checked the last page with a magnifying glass again. Sure enough, although it was still very small, Connor found a magic rune on it. This magic rune was so tiny that Connor had a slight slack, Connor did. It was impossible to find him. In fact, Connor felt very lucky to find this rune.

Take rune from the classics, Connor began to observe carefully, this rune belonged to any kind he had never seen before.



In a small hotel next to the Ruen train station, a middle-aged uncle who was sitting on a bed with a cultivation fat suddenly opened his eyes, and beside him was a middle-aged blond aunt who was concentrating on peeling apples. It seemed to be I was so frightened that I immediately yelled at the middle-aged uncle: "How frightened and flustered you are?"

Hearing the scolding of the aunt, this chubby middle- aged uncle, shrinking his head in fear, then straightened up and lightly coughed and said: "The demonized rune I set in the classics seems to have been discovered..."

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