Wizard Count

Chapter 502

"It is estimated that in a month, he will let you find him, and be prepared!"

Look at these short twenty words on the letter paper A faint smile appeared on Connor's face, leaning on the sofa in the apartment, and a black flame was lit on his finger, burning the letter paper to ashes and sending it into the sewer.

Although there is no signature or signature on the letter paper, Connor is very clear that this is a letter from Martina to himself, and the "he" mentioned in this letter paper undoubtedly refers to the old bastard of Victor.

Old Victor wanted to see himself, Connor was not surprised. The long-term preparation not only failed to kill Margaret as planned, but also damaged Paredes and Emerson, Connor. If old Victor would definitely call the survivors involved in the operation for questioning.

But what really surprised Connor was that old Victor wanted to see his time! A full month! What does this show? This shows that the old Victor is now utterly exhausted and busy wiping his butt. Otherwise, depending on his personality, let alone a month, he should call himself for questioning now.

After reading the letter, Connor walked out of his Ferguson apartment. He has a lot of things today. Although Margaret is a channel, Connor still plans to visit the Ruen black market first after thinking about it. Auction and wizard exchange meetings are these places. In case he is lucky and really allows him to find a suitable demonic beast that can be used to test the medicine, then there is no need to trouble Margaret. After all, Margaret is the core of this incident, maybe now It’s also a mess, and I’ve searched wherever I’m supposed to be.

For the next ten hours, Connor traveled all over Ruen where he knew, where there might be demonic beast news. As for the gain? It can’t be said to be nothing, but there is also no substantial discovery, but to Connor’s surprise, the news of demonic beasts in the Reggieron Forest is likely to be true. There are many sources of information, including several that are very reliable. All sources of news confirmed this news, which not only made Connor interested in Reggie Lung Forest.

But unless Margaret also found nothing here, Connor might consider breaking into the Reggie Forest.

Connor, who has not made a substantial discovery, reluctantly finds that things go round and round or return to the original point. He still needs to rely on Margaret in Storm Church to help him get a demonic beast.

In the evening, Connor came to the Imperial Department Store and found Leonie, but to Connor's surprise, after Leonie introduced him to the inner hall of the underwear store, Leonie asked him in a surprised way: "I I haven't sent you the news that Margaret wants to see you. Why did you come?"

"Margaret wants to see me?" Connor's heart sank after hearing Leonie's words. At this time, Margaret If you want to see yourself, there is probably no good thing, is it possible that what happened?

'Hmm! It's quite anxious. At 11 o'clock this evening, Marotta Warehouse No. 7 warehouse, don't you know about this? Then, Connor, why are you here? 'Seeing that Connor doesn't seem to know that Margaret is looking for his information, the surprised look on Leonie's face is another three-pointer.

"I'm here because I want to ask her for some things, but it seems that she has something to ask for me, Leonie, I wish you a prosperous business!" After knowing the time and place of the meeting, Connor said a little bit After explaining to Leonie, he hurriedly left the Imperial Department Store.

At 10:30 in the evening, Connor, dressed in black cloth, arrived. Leonie said that the meeting place was warehouse No.7 of the Marotta warehouse. However, Connor was very surprised that Margaret was there. Wait for him.

"What's the matter, so anxious?" Connor frowned, stepped forward and asked Margaret. Margaret was so unusual that Connor had a bad feeling.

"There is a good news and a bad news, Connor, are you going to listen to that first?" Connor's premonition seems to be some deviation. Compared with Connor's nervousness, Margaret is uncharacteristically Whether it is words or looks, it is very normal, and there is even a hint of joy.

"Bad news!" Seeing Margaret like this, Connor's nervousness was relieved. After a moment of indulging, Connor said to Margaret that Connor personally likes bitterness and sweetness.

"I'm leaving Ruen temporarily, and you have been away from Connor for a while!" Margaret spread his hands and said to Connor. Although Margaret was saying that this was bad news, the joy in Margaret's eyes while speaking. But it came from the heart. Obviously, Margaret's short departure this time seemed to be a good thing.

Without waiting for Connor to ask why, Margaret took the initiative to inform Connor: "Edel paid a great price for me to shut up on this matter. He recommended me to the Heart of the Storm cultivation. Three months!"

Margaret's explanation made Connor a little confused. It was the first time he heard of the name Heart of Storm, but from the name of Heart of Storm, it must be A place related to Storm Church, and judging from how happy Margaret is now, this should be a place that is very helpful to cultivation.

"What is the good news?" Looking at Margaret in joy, Connor also put a smile on his face, and continued to ask Margaret, as Margaret's collaborator, Margaret can have this opportunity, and Connor also Really happy for Margaret.

"This is for you!" Margaret smiled mysteriously, then took out a beautifully packaged small wooden box from the space ring and handed it to Connor.

Looking at the small box, and then at the smile on Margaret’s face, Connor had a lot of expectations for the contents of the small box, and took the small box from Margaret Yu’s hand. , Connor opened the small box in front of Margaret, and there was a green stone about the size of a warm stone.

Although it looks like a green stone, this stone is very beautiful, and the whole body exudes the luster like jade stone. Connor, as an alchemist, has seen many treasures, but When I saw this green stone, I couldn’t move my eyes anymore. At the same time I looked at it attentively, an expression of surprise appeared on my face, but this was not because of the beauty of this stone, but because of Connor. The true identity of this green stone.

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