Wizard Count

Chapter 500

"Connor, I just care too much about you. After my grandma passed away, I am in this world, and you are the only one..." Leaning in Connor's arms, Valga lowered The head was whispered, the voice was full of sorrow, and the whole person looked pitiful.

Feeling Valga’s dependence and trust in him in his arms, it is Connor Ferguson's iron heart, this moment can not help but be touched, he strokes Valga's back and said sincerely: "Valga, I I'll never leave you."

The two emotional people are tired and crooked for a while, just when you are in love with me and are ready to have another indescribable, Valga suddenly seems to remember something In the same way, I took out a bottle of red pink from the space ring, which looked very beautiful and delivered it to Connor's eyes like a treasure. Then the mysterious and secretive asked Connor: "Guess what this is?"

Looking at this very "girly" potion, Connor looked carefully for a while, but still didn't recognize what the potion was. Since he didn't recognize it, Connor didn't insist, and immediately looked at Valga intently. Said: "What is this?"

"This is called Pandev Flying Potion!" With a smile at Connor mysterious, Valga reached Connor's ear and said softly:

"This Is it a flying potion?" Connor flashed a surprise in his eyes and asked Valga. He automatically ignored the name "Pandev" in front of this potion. It has been a while since he came to this world, and he knows this well. Potion Masters and alchemists of the world have a unique habit, and they like to name their creations.

Flying potions, like flying demonized items, can make wizard apprentices who have not met the flight requirements fly up. Although Connor has never seen them, their name has long been like thunder piercing the ear In fact, as a wizard apprentice alchemist who can’t fly yet, Connor has been looking for the possibility of refining flying demonized items in the ancient books. However, what troubles Connor is that although his search is not nothing, it is nothing. Too much progress, Connor absolutely did not expect that when he hit the wall, Valga had already refined the flying potion.

"Yes, according to the ancient records, after taking this potion, the wizard apprentice who is unable to fly can fly for a short time. The flight time and speed will vary according to the user’s own situation. Certainly, Connor your cultivation is a high-level Meditation Method, plus your high level wizard apprentice’s cultivation base, you should be able to fly for about half an hour." Valga nodded, introduced to Connor:

From Valga’s After receiving the bottle of flying potion, Connor carefully examined this precious flying potion again, and then once again thought of the "Meditation Method" mentioned in Valga's introduction. Connor seemed to be aware of something, and immediately asked Valga: " The flight time and speed are related to the purity of mana?"

"Well, from the pharmacological point of view, this medicine mainly serves as a bridge, allowing the wizard apprentices to fly mainly by relying on their own Mana, the higher the purity of mana and the stronger it is, the faster it will fly, and the longer it will take!" Valga did not have the slightest reservation, and introduced Connor to Connor the principle of potion.

"Where did you get this from Secret Society?" Putting down the potion Connor looked at Valga with a smile on his face, hesitated and asked her:

"No! "Valga shook the head denied Connor's thoughts, and then continued: "These days when you are away, the Secret Society's energy seems to be placed elsewhere. The several potions I need have never been provided to me, so I went to Getafe, where I happened to find a Byzantine pharmaceutics book on the black market auction. The book recorded several lost medicines, but unfortunately the book was incomplete. There is only the upper part of the book, and the lower part is missing." Valga's voice is full of regrets. It seems that she really likes this book of pharmacy that she got by chance.

Valga really didn't have any reservations about Connor. After the introduction, he took out a very old book from the space ring and handed it to Connor.

Receiving this classic book from Valga, Connor Dingqing took a look and saw that the cover above was written in six characters "Pandev Pharmacy Selection" in Byzantine questions. After reading the cover, he continued Connor turned the classics to the end of the classics. There were tears at the very end of the classics, but the tears were very particular. The place to be torn happens to be the end of a chapter, and the rest of the lower half should be It is about a new chapter.

Even as a history student of Green University, Connor can understand almost all the Byzantine texts, but this "Pandev Pharmacy Collection" is very professional in pharmacy, Connor, who only understands some common sense, can’t understand what’s said above, especially the record of flying potions in this classic book. For Connor, it’s like the Heavenly Book. Connor simply flipped through it. After recording the information recorded above with the Assistance Chip, I closed the classics and reconsidered the appearance of the classics.

The entire book has an obvious Byzantine style. The text is Byzantine. The traces of the years on the book are also in line with the Byzantine period to the present period. Even the paper used in the book is used during the Byzantine Empire. After studying the blue-printed paper, Connor looked at the torn place at the end of the book again. A few seconds later, Connor's mouth showed a sneer.

Seeing the sneer that emerged from the corner of Connor’s mouth, Valga asked in a puzzled manner: "Connor, what are you laughing at? Is there anything wrong with the classics?"

I heard Valga’s Question Connor sneered at the corner of his mouth and explained to Valga: "I don't understand the content of the classics. I don't comment on it. But as far as the classics are concerned, they are indeed from the Byzantine period. There is no doubt about this, but this It should be a transcript, not the original. The wizard classics of the Byzantine period should use a crystal ball to carry information. In addition..."

Here, Connor paused for a while. , And then he pointed to the last side of this book and said very seriously at Valga: "This torn place seems to have been torn a long time from the traces of the torn, but in fact these traces are It was made by a brilliant alchemist with a special technique. In fact, the time for this classic to be torn apart is probably only half a year to a year!"

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