Wizard Count

Chapter 492

"Emerson, since you were able to plant an alchemy bomb near my Formation-Arrangement Tools, you must have some knowledge of arrays, so do you know what the array you just destroyed? "Connor's faint voice floated in the array and passed into Emerson's ears.

"hmph, I don’t know what Formation it is, I just need you to delay time and prepare to deal with my deployment!" Coldly snorted, Emerson, who was caught in the array, said sarcastically. After speaking, he suddenly started, rushing to the barrier of the array very fast, wanting to break the formation.

But when Emerson just came to the barrier of the array, before he had time to attack the barrier, the black mist around Emerson suddenly burst out of several hand-held knives, fierce and unafraid of death. warrior, they cut away fiercely at Emerson's wrist, neck...etc.

Emosson’s eyes flashed, and he took out a cigarette from his pocket again, but this time he was not as comfortable as yesterday. He smoked and spit out the smoke ring in two actions. It took only a second to complete, and the smoke ring he spit out exploded before the black warrior blade was cut off as Emerson thought.


There was a muffled sound, and the bursting smoke ring immediately made the black warrior rushing in the front all split up and in pieces, but Emerson's eyes were full of disappointment for the effect of the explosion. Except for the black warrior who rushed to the front and died miserably, the remaining black warrior only suffered some superficial wounds, and the effect that Emerson wanted was completely. It is worlds apart. Although very disappointed, Emerson must first put his disappointment behind, because the sharp blade shining in front of him still killed him!

"shua! shua! shua!"

Emerson was born as a killer, and coupled with this dark dagger that appears and disappear unpredictably, just like a butterfly wearing a flower It moved twice, not only to resolve the attack of the black warrior, but also to smash the two black warriors of the second wave. Although Emerson killed beautifully, but the black warrior is in Connor’s array. There are a full ten, plus in the Castilla array, as long as the Connor mana that hosts the array is supported, the black warrior can be called irreconcilable, so the second wave black warrior has just defeated Emerson, which is besieged by the black warrior. Encountered in the third wave of the black warrior.

"The Formation you destroyed today is called the Dark Forbidden Array. It is a form of concealment and siege. This Formation offensive, and the suppression of the enemy’s spirit strength mana, is not very Is strong, but the array you are facing now is called Castilla array, which is the most important attack method of Second Rank Peak’s magical item Castilla wand. You already feel his power, right?" Connor’s flat voice floated in the array. , The voice came into Emerson's ears from all directions. Although Connor's voice was very clear, no matter how hard he tried, Emerson could not find Connor's position in the array.

In just two minutes, he experienced several warriors of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Emerson’s eyes were full of anxiety and impatient negative emotions. There is no doubt that he finally tasted it. The meaning of Connor's words, if it is not in the array, then Emerson is confident that no ten black warriors will be mentioned anywhere, even twenty black warriors will never be his opponent!

But in the Castilla array, under the suppression of the array energy, every time he casts a spell and performs an action, not only the formidable power is reduced by 20 to 40% than under normal circumstances, but the mana required is more It’s more than half of your feet than under normal circumstances. In this extremely unfavorable situation, you have to face ten, continuously, tireless, fierce and unafraid of death, a killing machine that doesn’t know what the pain is. , As long as your strength does not have an absolute advantage and you can break the formation and leave, then you will taste despair here!

Even though his eyes are irritable, Emerson’s killer heart is still very calm. He knows that he must leave here at all costs. It must be possible that he is really possible and stay here. In the terrifying array, become another undead soul who died in Connor's hands!

Successfully once again drove the dagger to hit three times in front of him, wanting to yin his two black warriors, Emerson’s eyes flashed with a touch of decisiveness, he directly took out yesterday from the space ring Sneak attack Connor used the dark purple flying needle, but he held the flying needle in the palm of his hand and argued with the courage of one's convictions while driving the invasion of the dagger Dikon black warrior. It doesn’t seem to be the meaning I want to use this flying needle to sneak attack Connor like yesterday, but it seems to want to... The shockwave formed by the self-destruct of the item demonized item can rush out of the array in one fell swoop?

At the corner of the Castilla array, Connor saw Emerson’s actions in his eyes. Instead of any panic about Emerson’s self-destruct item, a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. , But Connor's smile is full of compassion no matter how you look at it.


When the dark purple flying needle keeps crying, Emerson is about to complete the self-destruct of this demonized item, Emerson Suddenly a clear finger snapped in my ears. At the beginning, I was all focused on how to resist the endless black warrior attack and Emerson, who made the flying needle self-destruct. He didn’t care about the sudden snapping, but at After the snap of his fingers, Emerson found in horror that the dark purple flying needle held in his palm was completely out of his control!

Just when Emerson didn’t know what was going on, some not knowing what to do, he once again discovered the dark purple flying needle unexpectedly exploded with violent energy fluctuations, and discovered this situation Emerson made a decisive decision and wanted to throw the flying needle out, but at this time, it was too late. The flying needle did not wait for Emerson to throw it out, but it exploded. Emerson did not even have time to utter the doctor's whine. The whole person was blown into pieces by the dark purple flying needle self-destruct, and the flesh and blood flew across, and there was not even a whole bone left behind.

Stepping out of the black mist, feeling the disgusting smell of blood wafting in the array, Connor slowly shook the head and whispered to himself, "The flying needle is made by Reyes. Yes, I am studying Reyes alchemy. Since the flying needle is in my hand, what is the function of the flying needle I am naturally obvious at a glance, I only need to make some small changes... Emerson, this is your destiny!"

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