Wizard Count

Chapter 481

After sitting in the carriage for about half an hour, Connor and Martina came to a 2-Layer villa on the outskirts of Ruen. The surrounding environment of the villa is very good. It’s green, but it’s a little surprising that in such a good location with a radius of five kilometers, only this villa exists. Apart from this, there are no other buildings.

The exterior design style of the villa is typical The Kaman style is gorgeous but mixed with a simple and solemn taste, but as soon as you enter it, you will find that this is a rough room with no interior decoration, but a layer of cement on the ground. The exterior is gorgeous and gorgeous. The roughness of the interior brings a strong visual impact to people.

"This villa has a total of seven rooms. Connor, you can find a room at will. We will all stay here until the start of the action." After introducing Connor casually, Martina turned and walked towards In the rightmost room on the first floor, it looks like she has already chosen a room.

Hearing Martina's introduction, Connor moved in his heart and released the spirit strength. Suddenly, the situation of the remaining six rooms in the villa came to Connor's mind. After thinking about it, Connor recovered his spirit strength, stepped on the second floor of the villa, and chose the first room on the second floor.

Sitting on the concrete floor of the room, Connor glanced helplessly at the pits and the red brick walls. In fact, there are no good choices for the seven rooms in this villa, except Apart from some subtle differences in the apartment types, there are no other differences in essence at all. They are all ugly rough houses. Connor chose this room because Connor wanted to keep a distance from Martina as much as possible.

Since the last meeting in the cafe on Rand Street, Connor can always feel some dangerous aura from Martina in the dark, and today’s meeting, Connor from Martina The dangerous aura that I felt was actually thicker by three points, which attracted Connor's high attention. After all, as a spiritual wizard, Connor is very keen in inspiration. This also makes Connor's intuition very accurate and rarely makes mistakes.

Although Connor’s room looks the same as a normal rough room, he will stay in this place for the next few days, so it is carefully considered that Connor is still very careful to check. Coming to the room, this inspection really made Connor see something abnormal, and there was a sense of confusion in his heart. Connor broke off a small piece from the exposed red brick on the wall.

Looking at the small red brick in his hand, Connor’s eyes were even more suspicious. The surface of this red brick looked no different from the red bricks used to build houses. If you check the spirit strength, you won’t find any abnormalities, but if you actually feel it with your hands, you will obviously feel the difference. First, this red brick is at least five times heavier than ordinary red bricks under the same volume, and the second is In terms of hardness, this red brick can reach the hardness of steel plate.

Intuition and the alchemy knowledge Connor learned told Connor that this kind of red brick is not simple. This is mostly because some alchemy materials were added to the production of this kind of red brick, or it was used. Special refining method.

For a moment, Connor took out a silver beaker from the space ring, and with a finger move, he squeezed the small red brick that he broke off the wall into a small powder and poured it into the silver. In the beaker, just when Connor wanted to move on to the next step, Connor heard Martina's footsteps gradually coming up the stairs, Connor eyebrows slightly frowned, and quickly put the beaker back into his space ring, Villa Two Connor is the only one upstairs. Obviously Martina can only come upstairs to find her now.

Connor guessed nothing wrong, as expected, after a few seconds, Margaret gently knocked on Connor's door.

"What's the matter?" Connor indifferently said, sitting on the ground in the room, he didn't seem to stand up and open the door for Martina.

However, Connor was completely unprepared. However, he didn't open the door for Martina. Martina didn't seem to need him to open the door. When Martina moved the wooden door of the room with her finger in the hallway, she forcibly opened it. Her cold and clear face appeared in front of Connor.

Seeing that Martina dared to ignore him, Connor's face sank without any hesitation. It was just a mental shock that struck him. In the face of Connor's mental shock, Martina who had fought against Connor many times Without the slightest panic, the light blue ring on her left little finger quickly revealed a clear blue mask, which blocked Connor's mental shock for Martina.

"I regret bringing Connor you here..." With a light touch of her finger, Martina retracted the blue mask that appeared in front of her, looking at it with complicated eyes. Connor said quietly:

The corner of her mouth stretched out. Connor knew that although Martina's gaze was looking towards herself, she was not just looking at herself, she was still looking at the wall of the room behind her! The small red brick he just broke off was from the wall behind him.

"Jane is like this, Martina, I might as well give you a suggestion. Instead of letting me discover it, it is better for you to tell me personally, as long as you look more magnificent, what do you think?" faint smile Looking at Martina, Connor lied to Martina:

"As long as Connor your alchemy can do it, then change it with you!" After a deep look at Connor, Martina did not win Connor. Ji, unexpectedly turned around and walked down the stairs, and returned to his room.

Martina's reaction really surprised Connor, but it also made Connor deeply interested in what the red brick does.

Take out three steel balls from the space ring, Connor places them in the corner of the room, then silently pinches out the technique and hits them on the three steel balls, feeling it in the next second A faintly discernible triumphant smile appeared on Connor's face, whose breath was blocked in the room.

The silver beaker containing the red brick powder was taken out of the space ring again. With these three steel balls to shield energy fluctuations this time, Connor had no worries, and it immediately appeared in the palm of his hand. A black qi flame burned the silver beaker.

Under the burning of the black qi flame, the red brick powder in the silver beaker did not change much at first. It still looked like a powder, but after thirty seconds, the red brick powder gradually began to become angry. Turned, some faint pungent smell floated into Connor's nose.

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