Wizard Count

Chapter 471

Obviously Mariano is not just like Margaret himself said, it's just that the chess piece that Edel placed next to her is responsible for monitoring her. Margaret must kill Mariano by himself. There is a reason that she doesn't know, and this reason is obvious that Margaret doesn't want to tell herself, at least she doesn't want to tell herself now.

Although I don’t know why Margaret didn’t tell him this reason, Connor himself didn’t mind guessing. Edel, the current bishop of Ruen Storm Church, seems to be the Secret Society inserted in Ruen Storm Church. Ghost, Margaret, since she told herself Mariano was the pawn that Edel placed next to her, at this point she It shouldn't be a lie to herself, so what is the only thing Edel and herself have in common? no doubt! There is only one-Secret Society!

If nothing else, the reason why Margaret wants to help her kill Mariano is probably related to the Secret Society. Maybe Margaret wants to use this method to test the relationship between Connor and Secret Society. Relationship? Connor in the heart guessed silently, trying to figure out Margaret's psychology.

The reason why he agreed to help Margaret kill Mariano is largely because, judging from the many shameful tricks that the old Victor has done to him, he and the Secret Society or Reyes are There is no possibility of transfer anymore, it can only be life and death, and Margaret is Connor's few reliable helpers who can help with the old Victor! So Connor also didn't mind, using Mariano's death to hand Margaret a copy of his own name certificate!

In addition to using Mariano's death as a proof of fame, Connor promised to help Margaret kill Mariano this time. In fact, there is no lack of Margaret's death to use Mariano's death to return Margaret's favor.

The last time Villa Sensi met with old Victor, the thing Valga lent Connor was nothing ordinary. It was the eye of the storm used by Storm Church to monitor energy fluctuations in various regions. The eye of the storm could not only In addition to monitoring energy fluctuations, this thing can also be temporarily improved, using its wizard's strength. For example, as a high level wizard apprentice Connor, if you use the eye of the storm, Connor's strength can be temporarily increased to the official wizard 3. minutes, this is why Connor is so rampant in facing the old Victor in the old Victor's territory, and the confidence to test each other with the old Victor lies. If the old Victor really chooses to do it, Connor fully believes that, although there are only 3 minutes, but within these 3 minutes He must be able to kill all the old Victor and everyone in the villa that day! Don't leave one!

Of course, to forcibly enhance the role of a wizard and a realm, not only has high requirements on the wizard itself that uses this role, but there may not be one person in a hundred wizards that meets the requirements, and even more. After the wizard has used this function, the user will pay a price that is extremely painful and absolutely unwilling to pay.

To be honest, when Connor asked Valga to lend him the eye of the storm in the letter to Leonie for help, Connor was only holding a glimmer of hope that a dead horse was a living horse doctor. I didn’t really think that Margaret would lend him such a valuable Eye of the Storm, but Margaret really borrowed it, and he personally went nearby, ready to take Connor’s retreat at any time, even though Connor was in no danger at all, it was useless. Eye of the Storm returned the Eye of the Storm to Zhao back to Margaret, but this favor is undoubtedly, Connor has already owed Margaret, what debt is the most difficult to pay in this world? Not a debt, but a debt of favor!

Although he revealed the existence of Paredes to Margaret last time, he has already paid part of his favor, but compared to the eye of the storm, Connor owes Margaret this is obviously not enough, but this I helped Margaret make Mariano for the second time, and this connor debt is the bits and pieces that I can barely pay back!

At a quarter past 11 in the evening, Connor, who was hiding in the two pine forests on the side of Kanter Avenue, closed his eyes and suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the dark Kanter Avenue.

"da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da dad There was a clear sound of horseshoes in the distance. It seemed that someone was galloping here. A sneer appeared at the corner of Connor's mouth. His spirit strength had already discovered that in this dark night, a Knight wearing a blue robe, Riding a bloodline expensive Posis horse, sprinting fast on Kant Street, this blue robe is no one else, it is the Ruen Storm Church Arbitrator squad Small whom Connor just met a few hours ago Captain Mariano!

However, Arbitrator squad Captain Mariano at this time is not as arrogant as when Connor met him during the day. At this time, his entire face is covered with exhaustion and sleepiness. It seems that he has experienced a lot of The heavy work can make an intermediate wizard apprentice look like this. It seems that after Connor left, Margaret took them for inspection work, which made them very tossed.

Mariano is riding very fast. At his current speed, he will pass Connor’s position at most, confirming that the smile on Connor’s face in the pine forest gradually It smelled of mockery.

As time passed, the sound of horseshoes in Connor’s ears got closer and closer, and the mocking taste in his smile on his face became stronger and stronger. Finally Mariano rode The silhouette of the horse broke into Connor's line of sight.


Without any hesitation, Connor, with a mocking smile, snapped a crisp finger, a snap on such an empty, lonely street. The sound was so loud, Mariano on horseback heard this snapping finger, his face was taken aback, and seemed very curious, why did this snapping finger appear, and who did it, but it is a pity that Before he could finish thinking about the problem of matching Greater Macau, countless steel balls gleaming with clear blue luster suddenly shot out from the land on both sides of the street. These steel balls were very fast, just half of Mariano's body in the blink of an eye. Was beaten into a hornet's nest.

But Connor, who was only planning to clean up the scene in the pine forest, was very surprised that Mariano's life force was very tenacious. Although half of her body was beaten, the C inside her stomach was also shed. When he came out, one hand and one leg were interrupted and fell to the ground, but he still did not breathe after suffering such a serious injury, and even quickly triggered his belt. An ice blue defensive Formation blocked the remaining direction. He struck the Cham blue steel ball.

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