Wizard Count

Chapter 469

"Yes, there was a very good opportunity to get rid of Mariano in a week. I plan to invite you out tomorrow to discuss a solution, but the next day is not as good Hit the sun. Connor happened to be involved in this incident today. Just today, I will deliberately lead a team to visit the Almond neighborhood in the North End. Then at 11:30, where will I end today’s work? After disbanding the team, it’s too late at 11:30 in the evening to report to Edel!"

"Mariano was married a year ago by Fengzi, and she is a good father and husband, so Maria Nuo will definitely choose to go home to accompany his wife and child, and then find the right time to report to Edel tomorrow. His family lives in the Winster block of the North Ruen district. No matter how he walks home, he will pass Kant Avenue in the North District. And there is the blind spot of the Eye of the Storm's surveillance..." Margaret quickly narrated his plan to Connor.

Listening to Margaret’s plan verbatim, Connor shrugged slightly, and said meaningfully: “How do I feel, I seem to be tricked by Margaret you, Mariano is just a middle-level Apprentice wizard, how did he just find me in the crowd...?"

There was a sly light flashing in the beautiful eyes behind Margaret's veil. In a coquettish tone, he said: "Mariano and Connor are the same spiritual wizard. Maybe he always has some special abilities, or the unique feeling between your spiritual wizards?"

Looking at Margaret like this, Connor smiled bitterly and shook the head, then raised a finger and said very solemnly: "This is the first and last time!"

"No problem! Me I promise that there won't be another time..." Hearing Connor's promise, Margaret purple veiled behind the country's peerlessly gorgeous face, and a bright smile bloomed.

nodded, seeing that Margaret has nothing else to confess to himself, Connor turned and walked out of the coffee shop. He had wasted too much time here, and Valga was still waiting for him in the safe house.

Twenty minutes later, Connor, who was sitting on the taxi, came to the street where the safe house was. When Connor just walked off the carriage, he saw him from the neatly dressed and serious face. With a touch of worry, Varhua came out of the safe house and came towards the station, looking at her like this, it seemed that she was going to return to the Felix Building.

However, when she saw Connor walking down from the carriage, Valga was taken aback, and then a touch of excitement appeared on her beautiful little face, and then she rushed to Connor regardless. In the arms.

Stroking Valga's supple hair, feeling Valga's worry about him, Connor's stern face also softened, he put Valga in his arms, lowered his head and whispered in Valga's ear "Hey, haven’t I come back now."

"en!" Because the social atmosphere of the Kaman Empire is still very conservative, when Valga feels the strange glances of pedestrians on the side of the street At that moment, her face blushed suddenly, and then she broke free from Connor's embrace.

"Let's go back!" Seeing Valga's little girl's mood in his eyes, Connor slightly smiled holding Valga's white jade hand and returned to his and Valga's safe house.

After returning to the safe house, the physically sound Connor and Valga, driven by excitement and hormones, naturally did some shame in their unique Small World , The indescribable thing.

A few hours later, Valga languidly rested on Connor’s arm, and said in a low voice with regret: "I originally planned to ask Connor to take a look at the James Trading Company. It’s impossible to work together. After all, the enemy’s enemy is a friend, but I didn’t expect this thing to happen."

Hearing Valga's self-blaming voice, Connor gently patted Valga smoothly. On the back, he said meaningfully: "I found a lot of interesting things in this scene of the Felix Tower today!"

"How to say?" Hearing Connor's words, Valga came immediately. After getting interested, he followed Connor closer, and asked curiously:

"First of all, Valga, you said that if the James Trading Company got the news, the old Victor found out that they were going to do it. They, do you think they will leave quietly, or will they move with great fanfare like today?" Connor lightly saying sneered at the corner of his mouth:

Valga is very clever, it’s just a fan of the authorities, and it immediately reacted. Then the thoughtful thoughtful asked Connor: "Connor, you mean the people from the James Trading Company. After knowing the news, they ran away in advance. Those who moved to the trading company only It’s just a blindfold?"

"I think it should be like this. This should be a Golden Cicada shelling. I found that the person who moved to the James Trading Company today has a big bald head besides a few ordinary white-collar workers. Besides, are the rest of the people from Logan Moving Company? By the way, that big bald head is the high level wizard apprentice you mentioned?” Connor recalled the scene at the Felix Building a few hours ago Said:

"Well, that bald head is called Matuloff. He was the one who traded potions on behalf of the James Trading Company and Teacher Gulsey. I also found the James Trading Company from his clue. It is Wang Jue's secret base stationed in Ruen. His identity on the surface is the deputy general manager of the James Trading Company!" Valga nodded said without hesitation:

"Maturov··· ···Maturov·····Is he from Odin?” After pondering the name of Matulov, and then recalling the appearance of the big bald head, Connor asked Valga unexpectedly:

“I’m not quite clear about this, but the name Matulov used to mean animal trainer in Odin’s language, so Matul Love should come from Odin's background! "Valga thought about it for a while and said:

Slightly nodded Connor said he knew it, and immediately narrowed his eyes, thinking. Seeing Connor ignore him like this, Valga fiercely pinched Connor's furiously. Soft meat around the waist

"What are you doing? "Feeling the pain from the nerve endings, Connor quickly grabbed Valga and pinched his little hand.

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