Without a heroic spirit, I can only end it myself.

Chapter 239: Transformation of the Gray Tribe [Please vote]

With the supply of top-level spiritual stones, techniques and other resources, Jiang He showed amazing talent and practiced at an unimaginable speed.

In just a few days, he completed the first body tempering and truly set foot in the extraordinary realm.

This is much better than Li Luan releasing his sword energy with all his strength and barely cutting a piece of white paper through the air.

After testing, without any heroic spirit bonus, Jiang He's punch speed reached 100 meters per second, and he punched the steel plate...

Although it is not comparable to the heroic spirits, it is completely beyond the scope of humans.

You know, he has only been practicing for a few days.

In view of his amazing performance, the Spirit Master Association began to consider whether to slightly modify the attribute data of the heroic spirit.

For example, behind an F-level heroic spirit, add a G-level human.

Or simply abandon the ranks and use simpler and clearer values ​​to integrate the attributes of human practitioners and heroic spirits into the same database.

By the way, the strength values ​​of the gray tribe and other time alien races can also be integrated to facilitate the measurement of strength and the observation of gaps and growth.

You can set the combat power of ordinary adults with guns to five...

However, neither training nor resetting the database can be completed in one day.

A few days passed, and those spiritual masters who had experienced big dreams gradually digested their memories.

The outside audience also watched the slow-speed recording of the second round of selection.

The Spirit Master Association took this opportunity to announce the comprehensive results of the three rounds of competition, as well as the final candidate for the practitioner.

Including Jiang He, seven spiritual masters from Xia State passed the selection.

There are five in the Spring Kingdom and six in the Winter Kingdom.

Qiu Guo has the smallest number, only two.

In fact, if it weren't for the legendary spiritual master of the Qiu Kingdom to protect him, the other spiritual masters of the Three Kingdoms would also feel that it would be too ugly for the Qiu Kingdom to fail even one spiritual master...

Whether these two Qiu Kingdom spiritual masters can pass the selection is unknown.

Such a huge disparity in numbers naturally aroused great controversy, especially from the wealthy families of the Qiu Kingdom, who protested strongly.

However, the right to speak was in the hands of the legendary spiritual master, and the slight controversy did not cause any waves.

These selected spiritual masters have already received enlightenment from Bai Lang and embarked on the path of cultivation.

At the same time, Jiang He also returned to Tianqing City with the help of Baimei Immortal——

After becoming the only twenty-one practitioners in the world of Yuling, it is naturally impossible to go back to study in an ordinary middle school.

Not only Jiang He, but also twenty-one practitioners, including Li Ran, will receive the unified teachings of Yaoshi White Wolf and practice and study on islands outside the world.

Of course, the road to spiritual practice is very long.

For a strong person, a hundred years is just a blink of an eye.

The Spirit Master Association will not and cannot restrict the freedom of these practitioners - at most, it will prohibit them from going to dangerous areas like Time Realm before their strength reaches a certain level.

However, although the Spiritual Masters Association has no hard requirements.

In order to facilitate practice and seek advice, we use various practice facilities newly built on offshore islands.

Most practitioners choose to temporarily move to the island to live.

Jiang He was no exception. After saying goodbye to Principal Xu and his classmates, he packed his simple luggage and moved over.

Anyway, after becoming a practitioner, his control over the Book of Heroic Souls has improved, and he can directly activate talents in the sea of ​​consciousness and perform simulations.

On the surface, it looks like he took a nap.

Not to mention, as a spiritual master, Yaoshi Bailang is his own vest.

It is really self-management.

Theoretically speaking, in the initial stage of spiritual practice, teachers need to invest a lot of energy in teaching so that they understand what spiritual practice is.

However, Jiang He and the others had experienced a big dream and had already skipped this stage.

Directly from the first week of learning, to the second week of rebuilding.

Yao Shi Bai Lang gave some guidance and corrected some of the practitioners' mistakes, and then he was free.

Watching Jiang He and the others slowly draw Qi into their bodies, they seemed a little idle.

Faced with this situation, Bai Lang simply assigned some practice tasks to the practitioners, and then left the island and found the White-Eyed Immortal——

They had previously invited Bai Lang to go to the time realm to try to persuade the aliens, and Bai Lang agreed.

Now that Bai Lang's strength has reached its peak, all teaching tasks have been completed, and he has some free time, so he comes to attend the appointment.

The White-browed Immortal knew the situation and readily accepted it.

Brought the white wolf to the time ruins rift.

"The spiritual master is not here, so I can't cross the time gap alone. Fellow Daoist Gu can just go there by himself."

"If you have any questions about the time realm, you can ask Wanshi and the others for help after it passes."

The white-browed immortal said with a smile, without even mentioning White Wolf's spiritual master.

It was as if he had determined that White Wolf could cross the rift in the time ruins and go to the time realm without the need for a spiritual master.

that's the truth.

For more than a month, the Xia Kingdom Spiritual Masters Association explored the time realm, tried many times to establish a stronghold, and had many interactions with the Gray Tribe.

During this process, Sirius War God was not absent even once.

I traveled back and forth with the Spirit Master Association and wandered around countless times. If I didn't have to share the merits with the heroic spirits of the Wu Dynasty, the merit earned alone would be comparable to that of the immortals and gods...

The repeated explorations also made many spiritual masters come to their senses and realize that something was wrong.

After so many shifts and breaks, there have been several batches of high-level spiritual masters going to the time realm, but the Sirius God of War is always there? !

Well, the answer is obvious.

There is a legendary spiritual master who has led the team until now and has not taken a break or been absent even once.

The Sirius God of War may be the heroic spirit he contracted with!

The legendary spirit master's contract with the legendary heroic spirit was extremely reasonable, and they consciously found the answer.

However, the other spiritual masters misunderstood.

How could the legendary spiritual master himself not know the truth?

Obviously, the Sirius God of War does not need a spiritual master to cross time slots and traverse two realms!

He found the Sirius War God in private and verified this conjecture from the other party's mouth, but when he asked for the reason, he could not get the result.

This can only be attributed to the special characteristics of the legendary heroic spirits.

As the immortal spirit of the Xia Kingdom, the White-browed Immortal naturally knew about this matter.

According to logical inference, Yao Shi White Wolf is also a legendary heroic spirit, and he is estimated to be able to freely enter and exit the two worlds.

The contractual connection with the spiritual master will not be broken due to this.

as expected.

When the Yao Shi White Wolf held up his protective spiritual energy, he could resist the tearing of the time gap.

There was no sign of collapse, and it easily disappeared into the depths of the time slot.

"Is it really the characteristic of the legendary heroic spirit..."

The white-browed immortal was amazed.

He is an immortal and heroic spirit, and his quality has reached the level of an epic, but he cannot leave the spiritual master behind and cross the time gap alone.

Is the gap between epic and legend so huge?

As he sighed, his figure disappeared in front of the time slot.

Opposite the time slot passage is the fourth time base established by the Xia Kingdom Spiritual Master Association.

The first three have been destroyed, but the fourth stronghold has persisted for more than a week. It has experienced several gray enemy attacks and is still standing.

Facilities in all aspects are also becoming more and more complete, and it feels like it is gradually gaining a foothold.

The entrance to the time slot is in the center of the stronghold. The sudden appearance of the white wolf naturally attracted the attention of the nearby spiritual masters——

However, they did not realize that Bai Lang crossed the time gap alone, and thought that he was in a state of possession with a heroic spirit as the main body, thereby hiding the true identity of the spiritual master.

Bai Lang didn't stop or explain too much.

I found the legendary spiritual master who was stationed at the stronghold, exchanged information, got a nearby map, and left the No. 4 stronghold with ease.

In fact, no map is needed at all.

Jiang He has been familiar with the environment of time since the Sirius Army God has been wandering around for so long, especially the distribution of the gray tribe and other places near Stronghold No. 4. He is even more familiar with it.

Even if the special environment of the time realm suppresses the perception of heroic spirits, even the consciousness of immortals and heroic spirits is limited to a certain range.

The range of Yao Shi White Wolf's upgraded Buddhist Consciousness Skill has also been greatly reduced, from a radius of a hundred miles to a radius of a kilometer.

For Jiang He, it is still enough.

He transformed into a white wolf and ran quickly through the mountains and forests.

Soon, something strange was noticed near Stronghold No. 4.

An armored beast burrowed deep underground. Judging from its size, it was only at the four-hand level, corresponding to S-level strength.

However, the gray light covered its body, completely condensing its aura and making it difficult to detect.

The light in his eyes gathered, looking in the direction of Stronghold No. 4, spying on the actions of the spiritual masters.


With the help of Buddhist knowledge, Jiang He could see every move of the armored beast.

His body sank, as if the mud was like water, and he quickly swam in the direction of the armored beast.

The armored beast seemed to sense something. He turned around and "saw" a white wolf through the mud and rocks, approaching it. He decisively gave up the reconnaissance and fled away from the stronghold.

It's a pity that Jiang He is half a chip faster.

After only running a few dozen miles, he caught up with the armored beast, started from bottom to top, and hit it in the belly!


The ground shook, and the earth and stone cracked.

A huge armored beast flew out upside down, and mud and rocks were scattered, but it did not fall. Instead, it stepped on the gray air and ran away in the distance.

The white wolf also jumped out of the mud and rocks, chasing after the armored beast, launching attacks one after another.

This place is too close to the human stronghold. Once entangled, it is almost certain to die.

The Gray tribe hiding in the body of the armored beast had no idea of ​​fighting and drove the armored beast to flee.


After a moment, the armored beast slowed down and suddenly stopped, roaring at the chasing white wolf.

No, not a roar.

Is it... courtship? !

The Grays who were hiding in the body of the armored beast were stunned for a moment when they felt the thoughts coming from the armored beast.

The armored beast that coexisted with him, after being chased and beaten for so long, didn't become angry and angry, but instead developed a liking for the white wolf?

You are not even the same kind!

It seemed that he felt the emotions of the armored beast.

The white wolf's movements also slowed down a little, and his body shape changed, turning into a human with white hair and white eyebrows, and stretched out his palm towards the armored beast.

The latter hesitated for a moment, lowered his head, and gently rubbed his palm.


Something weird!

Seeing that the armored beast seems to have been tamed.

The Gray Tribe's heart trembled, and while conveying dangerous emotions to the armored beast, he released his gray energy, hoping to transform and repel this enemy.


He is in the body of the armored beast and can only release gray energy through the pores scattered throughout the body of the armored beast.

At this time, the armored beast felt his movements and closed its pores on its own, transmitting emotions to him instead.

[Warmth], [Calm], [Friendly], [Beautiful]...

From the moment the armored beast was born, the Gray Tribe entered its body and completed symbiosis.

Even obtaining nutrients, eliminating body waste, and exchanging energy information are all done through the umbilical cord.

The relationship between the two is not so much that they are two independent living entities.

Rather, it is the [body] and [brain] of a life.

At this time, the armored beast, as the "body", felt comfortable, and its first reaction was to convey this beauty to the gray tribe as the "brain".

The spiritual power originating from the heroic spirits is transmitted to the Gray Tribe along the umbilical cord using the armored beast as a medium.

He was horrified and wanted to stop all this, but was suppressed by instinct and found it difficult to resist.


Don't come in.

So comfortable...

The perceptions of the Gray Tribe and the Armored Beast are completely linked together.

At this time, he looked at the man with white hair and white eyebrows through the eyes of the armored beast. The more he looked at him, the more handsome he became. Even the curve of the corners of his mouth was so perfect.

Emotions such as disgust and hatred originating from deep within are gradually diluted.

Instead there is appreciation, joy, admiration.

No wonder it stopped...

It is impossible for such a beautiful person to hurt us, there is no need to run away...

"Is it almost done?"

Ega caressed the armored beast, and the [Giving] skill was fully activated.

Almost all the spiritual power was injected into the body of the armored beast, fully exerting the special effect of "fearless giving" to soothe its emotions and strive to improve its goodwill.

If satisfactory results are not achieved, once the skill ends, the armored beast's mood will fluctuate again.

He didn't even have the ability to resist.

However, since he is using the body of a heroic spirit, he does not have to worry about death.

At this time, the spiritual power is exhausted and the transmission is interrupted.

The armored beast did not become irritable again. For a moment, he nuzzled Gong Jianghe's hand with his nose, as if expecting his touch.

"It's really done..."

Amazing skills, Buddha characteristics.

The two bonuses actually suppressed the armored beast's hatred for humans, changing its name from red to green!

Jiang He controlled his excitement and spoke.

"Can you understand what I'm saying?"

"Nod if you can."

The armored beast nodded——

Jianghe's Buddha consciousness has not yet been closed. Through its body, the gray tribe who saw that its appearance was no different from a human being actually nodded in the same way.

'The increase in favorability only affects his favorability towards me...'

‘Its hostility to humanity as a whole should not change much. ’

'The influence of reason can make him think about problems for me from my perspective and make reasonable explanations for my behavior...'

'However, if I make a request that may endanger its life, such as asking it to go to a human stronghold with me, it may greatly reduce its favorability and cause the house to collapse on the spot...'

‘Can’t take risks. ’

Jiang He has already tested the effect of the skill by using the demon Buddha.

At this time, he did not take risks, but followed the good impression and spoke with a smile.

"Then can you speak?"

"I want to get to know you."

He wants to know me!

The armored beast shook its head, vibrating its vocal cords, and made a somewhat jerky sound.


Jiang He was slightly startled when he heard these two syllables.

The heroic spirits from the Taixuan world, after stepping out of time, can naturally understand the language and characters of the Yuling world due to the contractual relationship.

However, when actually speaking, due to past habits, the syllables of speaking in Yuling World are slightly different.

It is called "Tai Xuan accent".

This once became a trend in the world of Yuling, and many people imitated it.

At this time, the voice made by this gray tribe...

It's obviously the language of Yuling World, but it has a strong Taixuan accent?

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