[After a long conversation, Gu Yuerong felt relieved and no longer worried. 】

[He sent a letter home, saying that he was traveling abroad, not to worry about him, and to improve his cultivation further. 】

[Chen Xianglan has been studying again for a year. With your guidance, she has built on the foundation of the past and made some breakthroughs. 】

[Although Painter Li has not set foot in practice, his painting skills have also improved greatly, which is incomparable. 】

[Although the Dharma is no longer taught, it is still flourishing. 】

"The development speed of spiritual beasts is indeed very slow..."

Seeing Gu Yuerong, several people broke through one after another.

Jiang He couldn't help but feel emotional.

Although he obviously has rich cultivation experience, his growth rate is still not as fast as Gu Yuerong's, and even his cultivation level has been equaled.

Fortunately, even if Jiang He can't match the talent, he can still choose to join.

He chose to invest more energy in the method of change first.

Accompanying the advancement of magical powers.

He could clearly feel that his affinity for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was gradually increasing, from the initial difficult attraction to the active closer...

in this gradual process of change.

Jiang He realized something.

"There are demons, beasts, and ghosts in the Taixuan world, but it seems that this world... only favors the human race?"

Jiang He felt slightly ridiculous.

Doesn’t it mean that the world is unkind and treats all things as stupid dogs?

Why is Taixuan Tiandi still biased?

Got the favor of the whole world...

No wonder the world of Taixuan used to be filled with thousands of races, but after experiencing so many disasters, it became dominated by the Taixuan human race.

However, Jiang He thought for a while and felt that maybe it wasn't that simple.

There is no love or hate without reason.

Even if there really is a so-called will of heaven, for Him, all things in the world were originally extensions of Him and should be treated equally.

If there is a change, there must be a reason.

"What caused the Taixuan human race to be favored by heaven and earth?"

Thinking about problems does not affect Jianghe's daily practice.

With the advancement of the method of transformation, he has completely gained the spiritual affinity of the human race. When transforming into a human form, his cultivation speed can reach the level of ordinary people without being reduced.

However, it is only aura affinity.

His essence is still that of a spiritual beast, and he has embarked on a path of cultivation with the law, heaven, elephant and earth as his natal magical power.

His natal magical power is the pinnacle of power he can display.

When Jiang He was practicing hard.

Gu Yuerong also received a reply from home. He couldn't wait to take out the letter, but he was stunned in place.

"Xiaobai is missing?"

Due to the power of the Buddhist sect, she did not dare to contact her family before, and it was only now that she learned about the disappearance of Bai Lang——

If we just go out and relax, a few months is a long time.

But it has been more than a year since Bailang left without saying goodbye, which is obviously abnormal.

Xiaobai grew up with Gu Yuerong, left home to study together, and traveled around the world together...

To her, Xiaobai is not a pet, but an extremely close friend.

Now there is no news, life or death is uncertain.

In just a split second, she made her decision.

"Sir, I have something to do at home and I can no longer travel with you."

"However, even if I leave, I will strictly follow your teacher's teachings, continue to practice to help others, become famous all over the world, and become a person who is not afraid of evil spirits."

Gu Yuerong received the letter and suddenly asked to go home.

Jiang He could roughly guess the reason.

He didn't stop him, but warned him.

"You can barely protect yourself if you break through to the third level."

"However, when acting, you must act within your capabilities. Do not explore the secrets of Buddhist temples at will. Rescue others, and try to do it in broad daylight."

"Remember not to act rashly, and don't let the moral high ground be occupied by Buddhist temples."

After studying with Jiang He for a year, Gu Yuerong and Chen Xianglan both know what the moral high ground is.

At this time, she kept her teacher's teachings in mind before leaving.

[Gu Yuerong was worried about his family, said goodbye and left. 】

[You and the other two continue to travel around the world. 】

[Luo Li year 3772, the seventh day of the peach lunar month. 】

[You and the two of them traveled to Yinjiang City in Saizhou. 】

[This city is built on the edge of the river. When you climb up and look into the distance, you can see the majestic river water, which is refreshing and refreshing. 】

[However, this turbulent scene got the name of Yinjiang River. 】

[In the past, you were famous for sending poems to the officials of Defushan City. You also traveled in Saizhou for a long time, and your reputation spread. 】

[When I first entered the city, I was greeted by a city official. I said that I was an old acquaintance of Fushan City Official in the imperial capital. I exchanged letters with him. I have admired your style for a long time, and now I finally get to meet you in person. 】

Fushan City Official was quite talented in poetry and had many friends both inside and outside the officialdom.

The Huiyuan painter who was praised in his poems has gained a boost in the speed of his fame, which has been greatly improved, and the scope is no longer limited to one city and one state.

Just like this Yinjiang city official, he was an old friend of Fushan city official who entered the court in the same term, and they exchanged letters with each other.

Seeing Jiang He's enthusiasm, he directly invited the three of them to the largest restaurant in the city and gave them a banquet.

After they had had enough wine and food, the Yinjiang city officials were impressed by Jiang He's amazing knowledge and experience.

Jiang He stood on the edge of the railing, looking at the rolling river water, and said curiously.

"This river is rolling and there is no chill at all. Why is it named Yinjiang River?"

"That's a long story."

The Yinjiang city official sighed.

It is said that a long time ago, this river was not named after Yin.

But starting from a certain day, water ghosts began to wreak havoc in the river, killing many people who came here to draw water.

When the incident spread, the government immediately dispatched officers and soldiers to conduct a thorough investigation of the Yinjiang River, strangled all the harmful water ghosts, and concluded the case.

As a result, after a while, another water ghost wreaked havoc.

Since then, the government, Buddhist temples, Taoist temples, and even monks from sects near Saizhou have frequently strangled water ghosts, but they only treated the symptoms rather than the root cause. There will always be drowned people who turn into water ghosts.

The river is responsible for the daily water supply of many nearby cities, villages and towns, so it is impossible to keep people away from it all the time.

In the end, the government could only blame it on the different geomantic omen and terrain of the river. If someone died in vain here, it would be easy to be sneaky, so they sent officers and soldiers to patrol frequently and kill the water ghosts.

However, even if there are officers and soldiers patrolling, there will always be omissions.

Water ghosts still often appear in the Yinjiang River to harm people, and there are always ten or twenty unlucky ones every year.

Fortunately, apart from this point, there are few disasters near the Yinjiang River and the population is strong. A dozen or twenty unlucky people are not as many as the number of people who died of illness and death, so the impact is not great.

But over the years, the name of this river was passed down by word of mouth, and it became the Yinjiang River.

"I also know a thing or two about Feng Shui."

Jiang He looked at the river and said with a frown.

"There is nothing wrong with the power of the Yinjiang River. On the contrary, it has the appearance of benefiting all things... The strong population nearby also confirms this appearance."

"Where does the theory of evil spirits come from?"

"That's why it's evil!"

The Yinjiang city official slapped the wine glass on the table.

"When Master Dao Sect came here, he said, like Brother Gu, that the Feng Shui here is excellent... I have read many Feng Shui books over the years, trying to solve this problem, but I can't find the problem."

"Even the Yinjiang Water God can't tell you a thing. How could this happen?"

"I heard that the nearby Anjiang Buddhist Temple is very popular?"

The Yinjiang city official didn't understand why the topic suddenly jumped so quickly, but he nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Anjiang Temple also made a lot of efforts to solve this matter. Although the effect was not great, it also appeased many people."

"In addition, the Yinjiang Water God also received favors from Buddhism before being consecrated by the imperial court."

"Some families of Jiang residents who live near the river will pray for safety in the temple, and the incense is very strong..."

"Brother Gu, why are you asking?"

This has nothing to do with Yao Bald, Jiang He finished Jiang Shui on the spot.

He has opened up God's perspective, and after more than a year of traveling, he has basically understood a routine -

Incidents in areas around Buddhist temples are not necessarily related to demon monks.

However, if there are long-term incidents in the area around the Buddhist temple.

Then it's 100% that the demon bald is causing trouble!

the reason is simple.

The Daluo court is not a vegetarian. In this peaceful world, if there were any incidents, they would have been solved long ago. How could it remain?

Unless this thing is done by an insider in the team, and you solve it here and I will continue, there will be a long-term stalemate.

Like this thing.

The government couldn't even imagine that the Buddhist temple, which was completely opposite to the sneaky one, would be the instigator.

Even if there are people who are really imaginative, if they think of this, they will be imaginative and be buried at the bottom of the river.

At this time, faced with the doubts of the Yinjiang city officials.

Jiang He did not express his judgment, but sighed softly.

"I just want to go to the temple to put up incense sticks and pray for the people of Jiangxi."

"Brother Gu is interested."

The Yinjiang city official nodded and said, no doubt he was there.

In the Taixuan world, the Heavenly Buddha really existed.

Even though they have fallen in legend, many people believe that they, who live the same life as heaven and earth, have not really fallen, but have just fallen asleep.

Under such circumstances, it is normal to pray for others in Buddhist temples and Taoist temples.

Only Jiang He, the brave one, didn't care about this.

If Tianzun hadn't fallen, why didn't he come to him to argue with him after he had assumed his name so many times?

If the Buddha had not died, why would he sit back and watch the demons steal the Buddha and bring chaos to the world?

Immortals and Buddhas have passed away, and this is the real end of Dharma.

[You noticed something strange in Anjiang Temple, so you stayed in the city. 】

[You hang around the houses of noble people, not only making money through painting, but also chatting with everyone, looking for clues in your conversations. 】

[Chen Xianglan walked through the market, sat in a tavern and teahouse, and inquired about the situation. 】

[Only Painter Li has never been taught the teachings and does not know the secrets of Buddhism. He is intoxicated by the majesty of the river and lingers on the riverside sketching and painting the scenery of the river. 】

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