Without a heroic spirit, I can only end it myself.

Chapter 160 Three sleeps in succession

Wu Shishi and others soon arrived at Jianghe's heroic base with food and wine.

The former comrades-in-arms gathered together again, and there was no need to describe the emotions involved. There was a banquet, and you would never come back until you were drunk.

Reminiscing about the past wars at the banquet, these heroic generals were even more elated, each one more capable than the other.

Especially when talking about the time when Jiang He led 20,000 undefeated troops to attack Tianlang Mountain thousands of miles away and pay homage to the hero's soul at the top of the mountain, each of these generals became more excited than the other.

Wu Shishi was even more impassioned.

"Back then, I followed the emperor's uncle and killed dozens of times up and down Tianlang Mountain. The blood flowed like a river. The demon soldiers alone killed millions!"

"Although we only had 20,000 soldiers at the time, even the demon emperor was frightened by the strong murderous aura. He watched helplessly as we piled the demon heads into a new mountain peak, without even daring to take a breath!"

"It wasn't until we led our troops back that the Demon Emperor finally gained some courage and ran out to collect the corpses from those demons..."

"It's really ridiculous!"


How should I put it? What Wu Shishi said is true.

Even Jiang He was a little confused, wondering if he had absorbed the wrong memory of the simulation.

"Eldest nephew, how do I remember that when I led my army to raid Tianlang Mountain, you had not yet joined the Undefeated Army?"

"Uncle Emperor, this is because you don't know something."

Wu Shishi was very calm, raised his wine and smiled.

"Do you know [memory distortion]?"

"When our heroic spirits step out of the legend, we will forget some memories. This is a normal thing."

"Living in this world, you have to forget some precious things to make it easier."

"As for the authenticity, there is no doubt about it."

"The history of Taixuan is recorded in this way, and the [Picture of Soul Sacrifice with the Emperor's Uncle] I drew myself has been passed down through the ages, and has even become a treasure of time, appearing in the world of Yuling."

"Can this be false?"

"Your memory must be distorted."


Seeing Wu Shishi telling lies with his eyes open, Jiang He couldn't help but laugh.

Good guy, learn the art of painting, become the fourteenth Emperor Wu, and write history... Is it just for him to brag about?

No matter how distorted history is, it is impossible to conjure a memory for him that does not exist.

After not seeing each other for two weeks, Wu Shishi became ashamed!

No, when Wu Shishi led the soldiers and chatted with the painter in white, everyone also boasted about various achievements and battles.

At that time, I was still thinking about verifying their statement after going to Taixuan World.

Look who is fooling around and bragging about their experiences.

Now it seems……

Good guy, it’s not that someone is trying to fool someone else into someone else.

These veterans are more capable than the others!

However, Ega did not pierce their boasting.

Although these soldiers were bragging, they actually followed Ega on the battlefield and looked forward to death. These achievements and achievements cannot be erased.

Moreover, Jiang He and Wu Shishi got together twice.

Last time, he spoke for a lifetime, looking carefree and extremely heroic.

Jiang He could see that there was a lot of regret and regret in his smile, and when he talked about the past, he felt a bit forced to smile.

Today it is completely different.

Whether he was raising a toast or bragging about the past, he was filled with joy and excitement from the bottom of his heart, without any negative emotions.

He had no regrets and was thoroughly enjoying his new life in the world of Yuling.

The soldiers of the Wu Dynasty also changed in the same way.

that's enough.

Jiang He raised his glass and smiled.

"Maybe the memory is distorted. Come on, drink!"

After three drinks, most of the wine was poured on the table.

Wu Shishi looked at Jiang He, but there was not much drunkenness in his eyes, and he smiled.

"Uncle Emperor, you have just come to this world, and as usual, you have been cut off from the spiritual master. You should not have much savings."

"I have been guarding Shixu all these years and have saved a lot of merit and trading coins. You can use them to restore your strength..."

"If it's not enough, Wu Shisan and Wu Xuanying also have them. If that doesn't work, go to Wu Shishi and Wu Shiyi..."

Good guy, here to give you money again.

When Taixuan World has become the most powerful in the world and has countless admirers, it seems that there is no need to worry about the issue of growth resources.

Just relying on crowdfunding and soft rice is enough to cultivate to the peak of the three awakenings!

However, no matter what age it is, we are still eating traditional soft rice...

Jiang He smiled and shook his head.


"Uncle, you're welcome. Our family helps each other."

Wu Shishi opened his mouth to persuade.

"What's more, the world of Yuling is also facing disaster now. You need to recover your strength as soon as possible to lead us veterans back to the battlefield to resist the enemies of Time Ruins."

"You are the main force, we are all auxiliaries!"

These words sounded familiar, and the painter in white seemed to have heard similar ones.

No wonder Wu Shishi was able to master the wonderful painting method so quickly. It turned out that from the very beginning, he had a helping heart...

Jiang He used wine as ink and casually constructed a miniature version of Granule, and explained.

"I still remember the information about the flesh sprouts in the Demon Dynasty, and gave it to the Spirit Master Association in exchange for one hundred thousand meritorious deeds."

"If you improve your strength, it should be enough."


More than enough.

For an epic heroic spirit from the late dynasty to complete three awakenings and reach the peak, the amount of merit required is only about two to three thousand at most.

One hundred thousand meritorious deeds, more than the fourteen years of savings!

Wu Shishi was impressed.

"As expected of an imperial uncle, he is so watertight that even the terrifying flesh sprouts that eroded the land of the Nineteen States can be reproduced..."


"Uncle Emperor, do you need a way to quickly improve your strength?"

"If you absorb spirit stones normally, it will take a long time to awaken, especially if you are a legendary heroic spirit. If you want to reach the limit and grow step by step, it will take you several months..."

"Nowadays, Shixu enemies are frequently dispatched, and you have enough meritorious service."

"Why not hire some heroic spirits and use their spiritual martial arts special effects to quickly convert resources into strength!"

Wu Shishi smiled.

"Among the descendants of our Wu family, there is a descendant who has the ability to burn spiritual stones and help others quickly improve their strength. He is an excellent assistant."

"Although he is not the Martial Emperor of that generation, he still admires your heroic appearance. You can come and have a chat with him."

Jiang He's heart moved slightly.

The old martial arts masters in the past were all berserkers without any support.

When he re-engraved history, the Wu Dynasty entered the prosperous age ahead of schedule, and many heroic spirits changed accordingly. The old Wu family actually had this kind of special assistant to help others grow...

It’s time to make a career!

All good things come to an end.

When the banquet was over, the soldiers of the Wu Dynasty wanted to continue to follow General Tianlang and rebuild the glory of the undefeated army.

However, Jiang He drove them all back.

the reason is simple--

He only has C-strength now, what is there to follow?

Hurry up and level up first, and wait until you have completed three awakenings and awakened the Lingwu [Sirius Army], then you can consider recasting the glory of the Invincible Army. It is not too late.

Wu Shishi's words were also remembered by Jiang He.

He quickly contacted the descendant of the Wu family named Wu Jin, and began to rapidly improve his strength through a spiritual weapon called [Burning Gold Basin].

In terms of overall speed, it is not as good as the Demon Refiner.

As long as the demon refiner has a steady stream of demonic energy and breakthrough materials, he can complete three awakenings and reach the peak in one day.

Asking is the Ji Ling Dafa.

But it was much faster than the painter in white.

Of course, the rate at which resources are consumed also skyrockets.

Fortunately, Jiang He had plenty of money, and the basic resource of increasing strength, spirit stones, was not a special strategic material.

Jiang He is exchanged with trading coins.

If you run out of trading coins, you can make money quickly, whether you paint two paintings and sell them, or go out and play one or two Heroic Spirits Deathmatch.

Under the condition of rapidly burning spiritual stones, the strength of Sirius War God began to increase rapidly!

Time flies.

The Demon Refiner has low strength and the fastest upgrade speed.

He killed demon spirits in various ruins, quickly completed three awakenings, and reached the peak of the three awakenings.

After reaching the peak of the three consciousnesses, he did not stop, but continued to walk in the ruins, collecting media and time treasures, and sold them into corresponding spiritual stones to provide for the other two heroic spirits.

Although the painter in white has a small amount of krypton gold and his upgrade speed is not as fast as the Sirius War God, he has also completed his second awakening.

The three sleeps were quickly completed and gradually approached the peak.

Sirius God of War fought hard to catch up.

When he completed the second awakening and was charging towards the third awakening, he received a message from the White-Eyebrowed Immortal.

"Master Wan, I have completed my research and found a way to restrict the meat slices - I only need to arrange a series of formations to stabilize the space and specifically suppress the effectiveness of the meat slices, so that they can no longer be broken open as easily as before. The ruins space..."

"I now have time to take you to meet the Book Fairy."

"Are you coming?"

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