After understanding the whole story, even Grandpa Bai and Grandma Bai were equally shocked. Who could have thought that such a coincidence would happen.

But Jun Qingqing, who had calmed down, still said:"Grandma, Dad, what exactly happened in this matter, am I sure it is that child from that year? It is better to investigate. Even if you didn't know before, I am still your granddaughter and daughter.

Clarifying this matter is also to avoid any real mistakes that will cause the deceased little girl to be misunderstood by everyone."

After saying this, she turned to look at Grandpa Bai and Grandma Bai:"Maybe I have to trouble Brother Jincheng to help investigate this matter this time. It would be best if we can find that grandmother."

Several people in the studio agreed with this proposal.

"Jun girl, tomorrow during the day, you should call that kid from Jincheng and ask him to come over soon if possible."

Thinking again of what the Si brothers said before, that they felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity when they saw me, it seemed to make sense at this moment. If it is really confirmed that they are cousins, then it is certain that they are relatives when they meet.

Until I left the cowshed, I was still secretly thankful that I had practiced the"Soul Sutra" and checked Li Fangting's memory. And my cheap father has now become a crying father.

Ever since he saw my little jade gourd and the sandalwood box, he has been wiping his tears. But I can understand his feelings. After all, he might have found his lost daughter.

After returning home, I couldn't calm down for a long time. Last time when I recognized my relatives, I had given up the idea of finding blood relatives in a short time. At this moment, I was ready to do it. In addition, before leaving, I picked up three hairs from my crying father.

At that time, Jun Qingqing was wiping her father's tears, and she happened to see the hair that fell on her shoulders, and she picked it up very naturally. Just when she was about to throw it away, she thought of the most direct way to confirm whether she was a biological descendant of the Jun family.

In this era, there is no parent-child relationship in the country. The appraisal said, but I have it. Most of the things that the hospital needs are there in the space.

Quickly enter the space and pull out a strand of your hair. Three hours is not long or short. During the time waiting for the results, I went back to the outside of the space. This is to make full use of the difference in the flow rate of time. Otherwise, these hours of expectation and anxiety should be very tormenting.

That is, wash your face and brush your teeth outside, then walk around in the yard for a while, go back to the house again, flash into the space, go straight to the place where the machine is, and see the conclusion above: the cumulative parental index (CPI value) is 47271127.1234, and the parental probability (RCP) is: 99.9999%. It seems that I feel a sense of dust settling.

According to what my father said, that was the child that Sun Ma exchanged that year, but at the same time, she went home and stole the keepsake of the Si family and put it in my quilt when I was still a baby, and even wrote my date of birth on the note. What exactly is going on? It seems that I still have to wait and see. Brother Jincheng, can you help me find it?

"Xiaobai, sister really found them. Found them. Now it is no longer the same as before, where I only recognized my parents, grandparents, and grandparents. Now they are relatives, relatives. I have been looking for someone for two lifetimes, and suddenly I found him."

"Sister, many things are destined by heaven, and true kinship cannot be avoided.

Think back to when you recognized your relatives in the cowshed.

In fact, you had only known the old man for a few days at that time.

Would you have been so impulsive before? ? ? Going to Jing City to detoxify Si Shaofeng, you could have ignored his internal injuries, but didn’t you decide to give him a medicinal bath in the end? This seems like something you would never do, but didn’t you still follow your inner feelings at that moment?"

Thinking carefully about Xiaobai's words, I once explained the act of recognizing my relatives as a yearning for family affection, because the grandfather at that time made me feel more intimate than the old men around me before I traveled through time. Now I know that my inner yearning is indeed for family affection, and it is also the pull of blood.

That night, Jun Qingqing did not practice in the space. Thinking that she would call Bai Jincheng the next day to ask him to help investigate the matter, she was always looking forward to time running out.

The next day, she rushed to the post office to make a call, but because she went too early, it was not yet opening time, so she had to wait at the door until it opened. After the call was connected, a familiar voice came from the receiver:"Hello, hello, Bai Jincheng, who is this?"

"Brother Jincheng, it's me, Jun Qingqing. I have something to trouble you with. If you have time recently, I might ask you to come here again. It's not convenient to talk about it over the phone."

"What happened???"

"No, no, no, no, no one is in trouble, it's just something that happened many years ago, the details still depend on when you can come over and talk to me in person."

After hearing that nothing happened, the other party seemed to be relieved and said,"Okay, I'll go over in the next two days. We'll talk about it then."

"Okay, thank you, Brother Jincheng, see you then."

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