According to the novel, StarCraft lacks the skills to cook delicious food.

So far, [Jun Shen Live Room] has been opened for the first time since crossing the 1970s.

While Jun Qingqing was still sorting out the preliminary materials, the number of viewers in the live room was: 7

【Huh? What is this? Are you curious about the so-called food live broadcast as I am?】

【Same as above, click here】

【Looking at the host's operation, is he preparing to cook for himself? I only know that there are many delicacies in the ancient earth from the mouths of the older generation.】

【It is said that the ancient earth delicacies are now sold in the interstellar space for tens of thousands of interstellar coins per plate. The main reason is that no one knows how to make them.】

【It seems like the host hasn't spoken a word. 】

At this moment, Jun Qingqing has already done the preliminary preparations and slowly started the next step of making food. While doing it, he kept explaining.

"Hello everyone, I am your anchor Junshen. What I made today is: Red Bean Coconut Milk Cake. The method is the inheritance of the ancient earth in your mouth. Thank you everyone"

【Regardless of whether it's true or not, just this gimmick, is this something I can see without spending any money? 】

(Star Mints gives you one heart)

(Star Mints gives you two hearts) until

(Star Mints gives you eleven hearts)

【The host will make the red bean and coconut milk cake soon. In view of Bentang's support, could you please give me a portion through the feedback channel?】

【Fuck, you are such a scheming person. 】

(I am a good person, I will give you one interstellar star)

(I am a good person, I will give you two interstellar stars) until

(I am a good person, I will give you seven interstellar stars)

【Did the anchor see my sincerity as a good person? 】

Jun Qingqing did not stop what she was doing, but it did not stop her from asking questions.

"Can I get feedback? I mean the finished products can be sent directly to you, right?"

【Yes, and host, did you turn on olfactory sharing?】

"What? There is also sharing?

I thought there was"item feedback"","The"holographic mode" is very fresh. Now there is"smell sharing", so is there also taste sharing?

Jun Qingqing asked casually when she thought of something.

"Is there a shared sense of taste?"

【It’s the first time that the anchor has used the live broadcast system】

【Yes, yes, so when the anchor eats it himself, he can turn on taste sharing.】


The number of viewers in the live broadcast room at this time: 26

"Red bean coconut milk cake, first prepare the ingredients, namely: red beans, coconut milk, fresh milk, corn starch, sugar 3"

"Soak the red beans in boiling water for half an hour, then put them into the pot and cook until they are cooked but the skin is not broken, then remove them and drain them for later use. This step has just been completed."

"Put all the remaining ingredients into the pot and cook over low heat. Stir constantly to prevent the pot from sticking. Cook until thick."

"Add the cooked and drained red beans and stir gently until the red beans are evenly distributed."

【Is it my illusion? It smells so sweet.】

【No, you're not delusional.】

【It smells so good, I am so excited that tears are already flowing from the corners of my mouth unconsciously】

"Pour into any mold or container of your choice and let it cool. Use a knife to remove the mold along the edge and turn it upside down. You can cut it into pieces or eat it directly with a spoon.

【Awww………Streamer, try it!】

【When I smelled the cakes, I suddenly began to doubt myself. How did I survive in the nutrient solution for the past twenty years?】

【The anchor, come and try it! 】

(Star Mints will give you an interstellar spaceship.)

(I am a good person and will give you an interstellar airship.)

(Good little cat will give you an interstellar spaceship.)

The red bean and coconut milk cake has cooled down. I also left some for Xiaobai.

"Then I will start to taste the red bean coconut milk cake."

After opening the taste sharing, Jun Qingqing happily ate her cake

【Aww………What kind of divine delicacy is this?】

【Oh my god, I need to go to the Star Mall to place an order for materials.】

【Fuck, I saw you upstairs, I went there too】

【The anchor is the most beautiful and kind-hearted person, please give back to your fans as soon as possible】

"Oh, I almost forgot to eat it. I reserved ten portions. But three of them are for designated fans."

"Thank you for trusting me when I first started."

"The backstage will randomly select another seven fans from the remaining online fans."

"Thank you for watching. There will be snacks backstage. See you next time."

【Wait for the next anchor to come online】

【Online reminder has been set】

【The same reminder as above +1]

After the broadcast, quickly take out Xiaobai's share to feed

"Oh my god, it's so delicious."

"If it tastes good, eat it all. I will make something different for you next time."

"Oh, by the way, my sister is only outside the space for more than ten minutes a day. Do you want to stay in the space for a few more days, pick two suitable exercises from the library, and try to practice them?"

"Although my sister's ancient martial arts were very powerful before, the collection in the library is the cultivation of spiritual power. This is what other planes call supernatural powers."

"Only when my spiritual power is cultivated well, can I continue to learn to refine weapons, medicine, formations, and talismans."

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