In the next few days, nothing special happened.

Bai Jincheng still ran back and forth between the department and home every day. He looked very tired. Bai Jin still did not have further communication with Bai Jincheng. He seemed to be angry and waiting for his son to give the result he wanted. Ouyang Wanjun was worried about the safety of his youngest son, and at the same time tried to ease the relationship between the father and son.

This atmosphere continued until the arrival of Feng Xinliu and Feng Xinfu, the brother and sister from the second branch of the Feng family.

The Bai family was not unfamiliar with these two. After all, the news that Feng Xinfu from the second branch of the Feng family liked Bai Jincheng was known to people from several major ancient martial arts families. In particular, Feng Xinfu would find opportunities to come to the Bai family every now and then to show her presence.

And this time, the Bai family did not deliberately cover up the disappearance of the young master of the Bai family. These two people from the Feng family came uninvited under the banner of relationship.

Ouyang Wanjun adheres to the principle of not turning away guests, while Bai Jin and Bai Jincheng give enough opportunities for people who come to the door recently, regardless of whether they have connections with people inside the Bai family, to communicate smoothly if they really plant people in the Bai family.

At the moment when the Feng family brothers and sisters entered the door, Bai Jincheng had already called in two of his confidants, who were also trained by himself like other families. This time, he sent Wuying and Wuxi to secretly observe whether there are people in the Bai family who appear in places where they should not be, or make any abnormal behaviors.

Feng Xinliu seemed to be simply accompanying his sister to the Bai family this time. Feng Xinfu also exchanged a few simple pleasantries with Ouyang Wanjun. At other times, he was still pestering Bai Jincheng to talk about some meaningless topics. Feng Xinliu did not say a word except for greeting the elders and Bai Jincheng in the house when he entered the door. He just kept looking around intentionally or unintentionally.

When Feng Xinfu ran out of topics to talk about, Feng Xinliu suddenly asked,"Why didn't you see A Zhan come out?"

Bai Jincheng answered casually,"He went out of the domain to play with his relatives for a few days."

The Feng brothers and sisters also felt that there was no better topic to continue talking.

As for the embarrassment at the moment, they did not want to stay any longer.

In the end, Feng Xinliu explained the purpose of their visit:"Some people in the domain said that A Zhan was kidnapped and has not returned yet.

We also came to show concern.

I didn't expect that he went to play with his relatives outside the domain.

I almost believed the rumors outside.

On the other hand, if the Bai family needs any help, our Feng family will definitely give us the best help we can.


It seems that the brothers and sisters came here just to show concern for A Zhan and to express their attitude. There was no inappropriate behavior throughout the whole process, and no one from the Bai family had any contact. As for the statement that the two of them came to the Bai family simply to care about A Zhan, after knowing that it was the Feng family who poisoned A Zhan, no one in the Bai family believed this statement.

While they were still puzzled by their behavior, the servants over there sent a message saying that when Miss Feng was leaving the gate, she suddenly found that one of the earrings she wore when she came was missing. She was looking for it all the way from the gate to here.

Hearing this, the father and son of the Bai family looked at each other, as if they understood the message conveyed in each other's eyes.

"There's hope!!!"

The search didn't last long before word came that the earring had been found. Then came the news that the two had left the Bai family.

That night, one of the two confidants sent by Bai Jincheng quietly came to Bai's father's study, and the three of them entered the secret room together.

Wuying said:"Miss Feng said that before she looked for the earring, there was a moment when she did something behind Feng Xinliu. When she walked side by side with her brother again, the episode of the missing earring occurred. In the end, the location where the earring was found was a certain distance from the door. After they arrived at the Bai family and found the location of the earring, only Aunt Wu beside the lady stayed there for a short while."

Bai Jin looked at Bai Jincheng in confusion:"Aunt Wu is an old lady beside your mother, how could she betray the Bai family? What's more, when her son was in trouble, it was Wanjun who went to help solve it. I always thought that Aunt Wu came to the Bai family because she was grateful for your mother's help."

"Dad, actually when I came out of your study that day, I saw a fleeting figure at the corner of the stairs, and that figure was Aunt Wu."

At this time, Wuying continued:"After Wuxi and I exchanged information with each other, I came to report to you and the head of the family that Wuxi followed the Feng brothers and sisters to see if they would take any action after returning."

Bai Jincheng pondered for a while and said:"Okay, let's do this for now. You let Wuqi and Wuji go outside the domain and find Aunt Wu's son to see if you can get any information from him. It's best to set up a game and let him join it himself. Otherwise, if we go looking for it rashly, we will definitely alert the enemy."

After Wuying came out of the secret room, Bai Jin was still sighing:"If it is really Aunt Wu, then the Bai family can only say that they have misused people to a certain extent. For more than ten years, no one has noticed it at all"

"That can't be said. We can only say that the other party was overly cautious and may not have done much, so no one noticed."

"Okay, I will deal with the others who have unusual behavior at once this time. The Bai family has too many idle people. I always think that they don’t cost much salary anyway, so just keep them as long as they do their job well."

"Dad, too much mercy will only give the other party more opportunities to take advantage of you. This time, what happened to A Zhan is also a warning. Fortunately, now we know that A Zhan is fine, and everything is still in time."

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