She did not continue to waste time with them. She pulled out her bracelet whip, quickly injected her spiritual power into it and combined it with the Flying Swallow Step. In the eyes of others, it was just a few swipes, and three people were whipped out and thrown directly to the ground. Probably because of excessive force, these people have not shown any signs of getting up.

Jun Qingqing even muttered to herself: Who sent these people? Who are they looking down on? They sent these people who are about the same level as Jun Siyu, they should be sending themselves to death, right?

In order to prevent the three people from waking up immediately, Miss Jun went up and whipped them a few more times. After confirming that none of them could wake up in a short time, she let go.

"Everyone, you have followed me for so long, so you don't need to hide anymore, just come out."

The remaining seven people hiding in the dark also knew that they couldn't hide any longer, so they all showed up, but after these people came out, they surrounded Jun Qingqing in the middle, just as they had agreed.

"Tell me, we have been following this from the auction house till now, you are not just following for fun, right?"

"Then we won't beat around the bush. Our master wants to invite the girl to visit."

"Hehe, you are here as a guest? You are not here together. If I am not mistaken, there are at least four groups of people.

I just didn't expect that the people who sent you here were so stupid. They only found you, who are all at the fifth, sixth, and seventh levels of warriors."

After looking around, he suddenly found out,"Oh, sorry, there is another warrior at the ninth level. I didn't notice it just now." He didn't continue to talk nonsense. He attacked this person first. The others also saw Jun Qingqing's purpose and rushed over together.

At this moment, Xiaobai in the space saw this scene, but he twitched his mouth helplessly and complained directly,"Sister, don't play with these people. Let more than a dozen beasts practice with you on the mountain in the space, and I didn't see any of them weaker than them."After fighting,

Miss Jun was still in the mood to answer Xiaobai's question,"There is only one group of people here who clearly stated that they want me to visit them. Do you think the others didn't have time to say it or what? Could it be that they are dumb? Finding a mute at such a critical moment? It shouldn't be."

Suddenly I felt that playing was meaningless, and I remembered my newest skill.

"You guys are kind of useful, so try my 'Phoenix Rising and Rain Falling'’"

The ice-attributed spiritual power cooperated with the technique, and ice particles fell all over the area of dozens of meters around him. The corresponding seven people also moved very slowly, just like the zombies in Plants vs. Zombies that were hit by deceleration shells.

Without much hesitation, he went to each person. He continued to knock people unconscious. After making sure that none of them would wake up, he didn't hesitate and directly checked the memories of several people.

No wonder only one person spoke and mentioned inviting himself.

Because there were only two groups of people who could speak Chinese, one was the third-rate family Sun family and the other was sent by the Jin family, and the Jin family had only two people.

Among the three people who were whipped over at the beginning, two were from the Jin family, three from the Sun family, and the ninth-level warrior came with the Sun family. However, although this person came together in the name of the Sun family, he was actually borrowed from the Luo family.

No wonder I didn't see any action from the Luo family, and they were the first to withdraw surveillance. It turned out that there was a vanguard, so it made sense that the Sun family had been sending more people to monitor for more than half a month.

The other two groups of people really didn't want to talk, but because they couldn't. One group was Koreans, and the other two were sent by the United States.

These people were all well hidden in the Ancient Martial Domain. If it weren't for the popularity of the liquid medicine, they wouldn't have easily sent people out, and they didn't expect such a result.

Take out the rope to tie up all these foreigners, and hand them over to Brother Jincheng and the others. They should be able to interrogate a lot of things.

As for the five people from the Sun family and the Jin family, I'm sorry. I didn't plan to let them go in the first place. After reading the orders they received, I became more determined. I hesitated a little on the question of whether to let them disappear or take them back for interrogation, and decisively chose the latter.

I don't have time to deal with them bit by bit, but it doesn't mean that others don't have time. It's so boring to die directly.

Seeing that there is no suitable place to put these people nearby, I simply took out a handful of drugs from the space, and now it is impossible for people who have been knocked unconscious to wake up.

On this basis, I took out a strip of cloth to cover all their eyes, and waved my hand, and all these people entered the space. After many twists and turns, they finally found a suitable place near the auction house. All these people were released from the space, piled together, and properly covered. But they were still not very reassured.

"Sister, do I need to go to the [Plane Mall] to buy you a 'Hidden Talisman' or 'Hidden Array Plate'? This way, even if someone passes by, they won't see them."

Jun Qingqing instantly became interested when she heard this:"Is there such a powerful thing?"

"For such a long time, my sister has never been exposed to drawing talismans and formations, so of course she doesn’t know the conveniences of them."

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