Just as Bai Jincheng was about to help get the person away, Jun Qingqing stepped forward and pulled his arm, then turned to look at her in confusion:"What's wrong, Qingqing? Is there anything else?"

"Indeed, there are some. When you go out, settle these people and ask a few people to come back. I will go find some things."

It seems that there must be a secret room in this yard.

"OK, we'll be right back."

According to Yamamoto Jiro's memory, the first place they went to was the study. In the highest secret compartment was a general register of the transactions they had made in China in the past few years.

There was also direct evidence of transactions between the Hefeng family and several families that were closely related to the country's top leaders. For example, buying poisons, providing China with confidential information, and helping the Sakura people gradually infiltrate all parts of the country, even including the territory.

During the economic downturn, various materials were continuously transported from the Ancient Martial Domain to the outside.

In short, there are countless such things, all of which are agreements.

What Jun Qingqing didn't expect the most was an agreement about this ancient martial arts competition. It contained all the operations that he had just learned when reading his memory. There are detailed explanations in written form.

The above is enough to prove that these families are involved with enemy spies and have betrayed the country.

The Feng family must not only accept the punishment of the country, but I am afraid that the Special Operations Department will also impose corresponding penalties on their entire family on behalf of the Ancient Martial Domain. This is something I only learned more about after returning here.

In the Ancient Martial Domain, if someone is suspected of disrupting the security of the domain, that person will be directly sanctioned, and the status of his family will be directly downgraded.

If a family is suspected of disrupting the balance of the domain or of any behavior that threatens the Ancient Martial Domain, the family will be removed from the Ancient Martial Domain, and all major members of the suspected family will be sanctioned. Other personnel will serve or be reformed in accordance with the relevant laws of the country.

All of the above actions are by The Special Operations Department has full authority to handle it.

Looking at these in my hands, thinking about the actions of these people presented in the data, I am afraid that if I really check one by one, I will find more.

At the same time, I hate them so much. As expected, when people have power and status, there will be some people who can't resist temptation and do things that are not in line with their original intentions. I put these into the space and hand them all over to Brother Jincheng later.

Turning around to look for those I know, I walked towards the firewood room in the yard.

He skillfully turned an inconspicuous piece of wood in the corner to the right three times, and then pressed a place on the wall next to it that looked very smooth.

I saw that there was a piece of wood at the very corner. On the ground, the wood on it did not shake at all, as if it existed as a whole with the secret door at the moved position, and it moved downwards together, with the same effect as pushing the door inwards when it was opened.

The first thing in sight was the staircase extending downwards. Knowing that there was no danger inside, this was where they stored the antique paintings and calligraphy as well as gold and silver jewelry obtained from within and outside the domain. There should be some other things.

At this moment, Bai Jincheng also brought people to the door of the woodshed, and asked everyone else to wait outside. He went in alone, and when he saw the open door of the secret room, he did not rush to follow directly, but asked downstairs on the stairs:"Qingqing, are you down there?"

"Yes, Brother Jincheng, did you come here by yourself? ?"

"As for the others, two went to search their residence, and two were waiting at the door of the woodshed."

"Then you come down first."

When he saw the things in the secret room, he was also shocked. The calligraphy and paintings, gold and silver were secondary. This underground secret room was too large, as big as several rooms.

There was a single place on the side that was conspicuous, and it turned out that all the weapons were hot weapons. There were also a lot of guns and ammunition.

"Brother Jincheng, you take all these dangerous things away. If you cannot ensure the integrity of those antique calligraphy and paintings in the next few years, I hope you can let me take them away for safekeeping.

When these things are glorious again, I will donate them all to the country, but then they must be in my personal name. After all, you can't say that they were stolen when you raided the stronghold before."

I understand the reason:"Okay, Qingqing, you've worked hard this time."

As soon as I finished speaking, I felt a stack of things being placed in my hand.

"All of them have dealings with the Sakura Country. Let's see, the Feng family should deal with them as soon as possible, otherwise this ancient martial arts competition may not be able to proceed smoothly."

As he turned over the pages of information, Bai Jincheng's face darkened visibly.

"These people really can't wait to see the good times."

"Don't be angry, these people finally fell into our hands. Let's go, the things here will definitely not fit in the car, you can use the storage ring to load as much as possible, and ask people to carry the rest out and put them in the yard, and then drive a large truck to move them later. I asked you to bring people here just to move these."

"No, I'll leave the two people at the door and look after the rest. The brothers who went on the mission together are all reliable. They also know that I got a storage ring by chance.

Since the Chinese New Year, I have been on two missions, and I moved things directly into the storage ring."

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