Of course he didn't know that there was indeed someone outside the door just now, but he came out a step late.

In the corner on the other side, Jun Qingqing looked at the person who was knocked unconscious by her, and without wasting too much time, she directly used the first level of"Soul Secret" to check his memory.

To say that there is indeed no important information, this person has only been here for less than a month. The reason why Miss Jun met him so coincidentally is because the four people inside did not trust him for the time being.

When the four people in the room discussed important matters, they would intentionally or unintentionally send this person out, so that he would try not to come back that night. If there was really no place to go, the later the better.

It must be said that no matter how small the shrimp is, there is meat, and no matter how new the newcomer is, he can also reveal information. For the special operations department who are about to take action, the only information obtained from this person is enough to deal with it.

The base is indeed owned by the Sakura Country, and it has been here for a long time. There are only five people stationed here, of course, these five people include the one in his hand.

Their strength seemed to be greatly emboldened by the presence of the fourth-level great martial artist. The strongest of the other three was only at the fourth level, and the weakest was even weaker than the fifth-level martial artist who was knocked unconscious by him. This was a little unreasonable in the Ancient Martial Domain.

Since we couldn't get more information, we naturally had to take this person directly to Brother Jincheng, and then talk about other things.

Back to the car, Bai Jincheng saw the person coming and got off quickly, asking with his eyes: Didn't you go to get information? Why did you bring someone back? ? ?

"Ahem, I met him at the door. The new guy who has been in the base for less than a month, take him back to the department directly. In addition, tomorrow's operation should not be a problem. In addition to the fourth-level great martial artist who injured Grandpa Li, there are three others. Their strength is simply horrible.

Call a few brothers from the department, take them by surprise, and be quick. It is not a problem to catch them all in one fell swoop."

After tying the man's hands and feet, blindfolding him, and stuffing something in his mouth, he was stuffed into the back seat of the car. After securing the man again, the two got in the car one after another, and shared all the information they learned with Bai Jincheng while driving to Si's house.

The two said goodbye at the door of Si's house, one turned around and went back to the house, and the other quickly drove out of the domain and headed towards the direction of the Special Operations Department.

According to the preliminary plan made by the two while driving, they would take action the next night. The precautions in the action and some additional issues were all coordinated and deployed one by one during the day of the next day before the action.

The time for the action that night was chosen at half past ten after everyone had gone to bed.

Including Jun Qingqing, A total of eight people came, mainly because they were a little afraid of the great martial artist who was in charge.

When the action started, everyone drove three cars and parked them not far from the target location. Two people were left at the entrance of the alley and another person was left at the gate of the yard to keep an eye on the situation at all times, and also to act as a lookout.

The other five people were not in a hurry to go in. Jun Qingqing first used her mental power to investigate the actual situation inside. There was still one person on guard while the other three were resting.

Using gestures to inform the four teammates of their approximate location and the location of the great martial artist they were going to deal with, Bai Jincheng also reasonably allocated the remaining people according to the plan.

The first to move was Jun Qingqing. Because her strength is currently the highest among the few people, and the one she is dealing with is obviously the great martial artist.

Let She acted three minutes earlier than the others to avoid the others from being discovered when they entered the yard without concealing their aura, which could lead to uncontrollable situations. The goal was to take down the strongest target first, and the rest would be easy to deal with.

This great martial artist was awakened by the sound of the door lock when Jun Qingqing had already entered the house. As if sensing the danger, he immediately used all his internal energy and struck the sound with one palm.

Before the palm was struck, Miss Jun was already standing in the house. Without saying a word, he used the same palm with the spiritual power of the seventh level of foundation building and an even more powerful gust of wind to push back the oncoming internal energy.

When the palm fell, one of them shook his body lightly twice while standing in place, and the other was a little confused. Not only was he forced to retreat seven or eight steps, but he also directly collided with To the wall. Without this wall, who knows how much further they would retreat!!!

He was a little confused, but he could guess the reason. He was a fourth-level Great Martial Master. Who in the Ancient Martial Domain would easily challenge him? If anyone did, it would be like Grandpa Li last time. They would be beaten to death.

He quickly sorted out his emotions. He must have thought that although the little girl opposite him was very capable, it must have been an illusion just now. She didn't feel the momentum of the ancient martial arts internal energy at all. It must be a coincidence.

The two of them exchanged several moves with one of them being more relaxed and the other going all out before they stopped. It was impossible to stop. The Great Martial Master was now lying on the ground with a bruised face. In the end, Miss Jun made an even more powerful hand knife, and the man was completely knocked unconscious.

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