After understanding what Mr. Hua meant, Jun Qingqing made a clear statement:"Don't worry, I would do it even if you didn't say it."

After the three of them went to visit the pharmacy here, Miss Jun realized that she had been narrow-minded.

The area of this pharmacy is no less than 100 square meters, and it is full of neatly arranged wall-mounted drawers.

From the names of the medicines outside, we can know that the medicinal materials are also stored according to their medicinal properties.

What's even more magical is that there is another room at the back of this room.

But what is here are all poisonous flowers and poisonous plants.

Not only that, upon closer inspection, there are actually a few that are not in her own space.

It would be a lie to say that she is not tempted.

"How about it, girl, are you interested? Take whatever you want. All the herbs here are grown directly by myself, only the older ginseng and ganoderma lucidum are bought from others. This time Youhe was seriously injured, and after he came back, I used up my only remaining 30-year-old wild ginseng to save his life."

Uh······There is no need to say it so directly. Although I am very tempted, all the medicinal materials around have been prepared. Even if I take those that I don’t have back, I can only use them a few times before they are gone. But Mr. Hua said that the wild ginseng here has been used up? And he also grows medicinal materials, which means that there are seeds as well?

The little switch in my head was activated again at once. Why not use a 50-year-old wild ginseng to exchange some medicinal materials and poison seeds with Mr. Hua.

This way, not only can I plant directly in the space, but I can also save more seeds when needed. There is another reason. The 50-year-old ginseng in my space has already occupied a small area and can be taken out.

Thinking of this, I asked:"Mr. Hua, I have an unwelcome request. Can I use a 50-year-old ginseng to exchange for your medicinal materials and the seeds of poisonous grasses and flowers?"

""Jun family girl, what are you talking about? I told you to take it directly, so take it directly. There is no question of whether to exchange it or not!!!"

Looking at the arrogant look of Mr. Hua, it really completely overturned the serious impression he left when he first met.

After visiting the pharmacy, Jun Qingqing and Bai Jincheng did not stay for lunch. They also proposed to leave at the right time.

""Mr. Hua, it's getting late, so we won't bother you any more. On the seventh day, I will come again to check on Grandpa Li's condition. Also, thank you for the Qingyun Ding and the books." He looked at the girl in front of him with admiration. She was organized, her way of doing things was impeccable, and her words made people feel comfortable. It was hard not to like her.

When the three of them, Mr. Hua, Jun Qingqing, and Bai Jincheng, walked to the gate, they saw Xu Tao waiting here. At his feet were the Qingyun Ding, the box of books, and two large bags of things.

"Mr. Hua, what are these two bags?"

"These are all the seeds I can find here. One bag is medicinal herbs, and the other bag is full of poisonous grasses and flowers. It can be seen that when you saw these in the pharmacy just now, you were really happy with them. Especially when you mentioned that I grow my own medicinal herbs and have seeds, your eyes lit up. So before leaving the pharmacy, I had already ordered Taozi to help prepare these.

Fortunately, there are many people in charge of the medicinal herbs, so I just told them to gather all the seeds that can be found in the warehouse as quickly as possible. Don't worry, they are all packed separately. The names are also marked on the outside of the separate packages."

Knowing that the things have been taken, and as Mr. Hua said, I really want these. Without hesitation:"Then I would like to thank Mr. Hua, and I will definitely bring the ginseng when I come back next time."

Knowing that he couldn't overcome the girl's insistence, he just followed her advice.

With the help of Xu Tao, all these things were put into the trunk of the car.

The two did not go back directly, but first found a restaurant and had a simple lunch.

During this time, Jun Qingqing also put all the things in the trunk into the space.

At the same time, he gave detailed instructions:"Xiaobai, you should carefully distinguish those two large bags of seeds.

Some of these things don't seem to be in our space.

More than half of these are medicinal materials that can only be used for refining medicine in the Ancient Martial Domain.

When I collected so many medicinal materials and seeds before I crossed over, there were still some that I didn't collect that were caught.

But it doesn't matter, at least now we have them all, right?"

"Don't worry, sister, I will take care of all these. Also, do all of them need to be saved for seed?"

"As long as we don't have it, we should keep as much as possible, because we always think that we will use it in large quantities in the future."

The conversation between the man and the tiger ended, and the dishes ordered by Bai Jincheng and Jun Qingqing were served on the table.

"Qingqing, I just realized today that you are multi-talented."

"Then Brother Jincheng, you have to watch carefully, there are still many things you don’t know."

The two of them finished their lunch while chatting, and after lunch, they did not continue shopping, but drove the girl back to Si's house.

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