The two did not wait long outside the door before the door was opened again.

It was still the same middle-aged man who politely raised his hand and made a"please" gesture to welcome them into the courtyard.

As he walked, he explained:"You two, I'm sorry for waiting for so long. Mr. Hua is already in the main hall, please follow me."

The scenery along the way can be described as pavilions and towers, one step at a time.

When they arrived at the main hall, they saw an old man who was already energetic sitting in the main seat. He was wearing a neat Zhongshan suit, and his completely white hair was very neatly groomed. These did not make him look old at all, but instead made him look energetic.

Next to him was a cup of tea that was still steaming.

At this moment, not only Jun Qingqing and the others were looking at the old man opposite, but the other party was also looking at the newcomer inquiringly.

It was the middle-aged man who had just opened the door who stepped forward, bowed slightly and spoke first:"Mr. Hua, the person holding the wooden sign is this girl."

Jun Qingqing only felt a sharp���The light seemed to see through him. But after years of experience before the time travel, he was already familiar with this kind of gaze. Instead of flinching, he accepted the other party's scrutiny openly. For a few minutes, none of the four people in the main hall spoke. It was not until an old man laughed that the slightly awkward atmosphere was broken.

A word of praise came from the direction of Elder Hua:"Girl, good job, which family are you from?" He clearly felt the other party's kindness and did not hesitate at all:"Jun family, Jun Qingqing"

"Oh? Is it the granddaughter of the third son of the Jun family?"

Does Elder Hua also know his third grandfather? And knows what happened back then? But he still seriously corrected:"My biological grandfather is Jun Jingjie, and the one you are talking about should be my third grandfather."

No one was too entangled in this issue, and the two who were still standing were asked to sit on both sides by the old man.

"Taozi, give you two cups of our newly arrived fine tea."

After a simple salute, the man called Taozi left the main hall and walked away quickly.

"This is my housekeeper. He is in charge of all matters, big or small. His name is Xu Tao. If you don't mind, just call him Uncle Xu.

This guy is just like that. I have told him many times that there is no need to be so rigid in doing things, but he just won't listen."

When he looked at Bai Jincheng, he nodded with satisfaction again:"Boy from the Bai family, I didn't expect that your strength is now at the fifth level of martial artist? The future is promising, the future is promising"

"Thank you Mr. Hua, I still need to work harder"

"On the contrary, I can't see the strength of the girl from the Jun family at all."

"Maybe it has something to do with the method I practice."

"It doesn't matter what it is. I am very pleased to see that the younger generation in the Ancient Martial Domain have made great achievements."

While speaking, Xu Tao had already served the guests tea.

"Taozi, there is nothing for you to do here, go and do something else first."

After a"Yes!", he left quickly just like before.

"Try this cup of tea first."

But Jun Qingqing didn't raise her hand for a long time, still sitting there calmly. Bai Jincheng, who knew her a little bit, understood instantly that there was something wrong with the tea, and imitated the girl opposite and didn't touch the cup of tea either.

"Mr. Hua, is this a test?"

"Oh? Jun's girl, what do you mean?"

"Let's just assume that you are testing me. When the tea was brought in, the smell of the things added to it had already drifted over along with the tea fragrance.

Knowing that it is not just tea, Mr. Hua, do you think I would still touch this cup of tea?"

"Hahahaha······You are indeed a capable little girl. No wonder my disciple praised you highly after he came back."

Miss Jun, who had been confused for a long time, was also confused now:"Your disciple???"

"Yes, I took the Qingyun Ding out for auction this time with a try-and-see attitude. Just now, Taozi came back with a wooden sign and told me that there was a man and a woman outside, and the one who took out the sign was a little girl. At that time, I thought, am I too desperate to seek medical treatment. It was not until you two came in that I felt a little relieved.

My apprentice was seriously injured, and it was not clear how he was injured, but it can be judged that he was injured by a strong man with ancient martial arts internal strength. It is unknown to what extent. I can only do it simply, using medicinal materials to warm his body and at least hang on to his life.

On the other hand, I also tried my best to look for it to see if there are any capable people who can take action.

But this is not something that can be found just by looking.

In the end, I took out the Qingyun Ding because it was left by my master's master. At that time, he said that if you meet a destined person who is good at refining medicine, you will know the wonderful use of this tripod. Don't force it. So that the scene at the auction yesterday appeared.

Whether you can help my apprentice take care of it, Jun's girl, I will definitely let you take this tripod away."

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