Si Liwu pulled his beloved granddaughter over, looked at her, and said repeatedly:"Good, good, good!!! Girl, you really look like your grandmother. After dinner, come to the study with grandpa and look at the photos and you will know."

Hearing this, everyone present took a breath. The old man's study is definitely a place that no one else in the family can step into casually.

In this way, for this granddaughter who was lost and found, it would not be surprising to say that the old man wants to make up for the love she had lost for more than ten years.

At the same time, everyone's face was full of gratified expressions. Especially the cousins, their expressions were completely free of the frustration and hostility after a cousin came to the family to share the favor. They were all happy.

Maybe Jun Qingqing didn't know that the idea of having a younger sister since childhood had gradually faded in the past few years, as if they had given up struggling.

But now a good sister has fallen from the sky, how can they not be happy, excited, happy, and spoil her as much as possible ?

"Grandpa, you haven't introduced me to my uncles, aunts, aunts, uncles-in-law, cousins and nephews yet."

"Look at me, I forgot about this matter." After that, he immediately changed his face and said directly to his sons and grandchildren:"Can't you take the initiative? Hurry up and introduce yourselves one by one."

And everyone's thought in their hearts is: If you say that, you have to give us a chance to interrupt. We also want our niece and cousin to get to know us quickly.

But this sentence can only be said silently in the heart. No one is stupid enough to try to challenge the authority of the old man.

Next, it seems that everyone has discussed it. It turned out that the introductions were carried out in the order of the family. The scene was unique.

Everyone introduced themselves one by one, and even the youngest nephew introduced himself in a baby voice. That little look was simply adorable. There were also many gifts and red envelopes in hand.

The eldest uncle's red envelope of 500 yuan, and the eldest aunt put a box of yellow croaker in a wooden box.

The second uncle also got a red envelope of 500 yuan, and the second aunt directly put a bag of diamonds in a small cloth bag, and the color was not to mention, it can only be said that it was completely different.

There were no duplicate colors.

What the aunt took out was the plum blossom jade pendant that her mother left for her.

The uncle-in-law continued to inherit the style of their group of grown men and sealed a red envelope of 500 yuan.

Several cousins of the same generation as Jun Qingqing all said that after they knew that their cousin was coming back, they went into all the shops on Guwuyu Street and went around.

They gave gifts together, but Jun Qingqing was confused after seeing the things.

From White Rabbit to chocolate, from malted milk to pure milk powder, from skirts and shirts to various fabrics, from pens and notebooks to watches and cameras. I doubt whether several people used all the money they had to buy these things.

Finally, there was the red envelope brought by the sister-in-law. Jun Qingqing was still surprised to receive this red envelope. He had to defend his sister-in-law. It was not that he did not give his own I didn't take my sister-in-law seriously and didn't prepare things properly. Instead, the things she prepared for me had already arrived at my house before I came to Beijing.

Everything was really prepared.

My brother also told me in the car that he had planned to let me participate in the competition and would pick me up at the end of the month.

This led to my sister-in-law thinking that I would not be able to come to Beijing for another half a month. In order to meet for the first time, she took out a decent gift and specially found someone who could make jewelry to make a complete set of gold jewelry from necklaces, bracelets to earrings and anklets for me.

Now that I have come suddenly, I don't want to fool around with something casual, so I just prepared a red envelope.

I have to talk about my brother in law in this matter. It was his fault that he made my sister-in-law so upset.

After calling the Si family before, I also went home. I called and told my grandpa about my visit to my grandpa's house at night. I almost cried anxiously when I didn't give my sister-in-law here.

I finally saw this sister-in-law and wanted to give her a good gift. What should I do?

The things haven't been packed yet, and there is nothing for her to take away if I go to get them first.

As she was talking, she complained about her brother and asked him how he could be someone else's brother. He didn't know until his sister arrived.

After listening to her brother's complaints, Jun Qingqing couldn't help laughing. At that time, I was already looking forward to seeing this fairy sister-in-law.

And the things that grandpa and mother took out made everyone sigh. What my mother took out was a jewelry box. Everyone recognized it. It was the dowry that my mother brought when she married into the Jun family:"My daughter, my mother wants to give you all the good things. This is all my dowry. Don't worry, your brother didn't get anything. He only gave one to your sister-in-law. The rest are all here.

Although these will definitely be your things in the future, the jade pendant was given to me by your father. I have been reluctant to take it off all these years. This is my most precious thing, of course I have to give it to my baby."

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