Seeing the little girl's thoughtful expression, the old man Jun continued,"There is another reason why we don't want to let your third grandfather know about his situation for the time being. When he left the Jun family, in addition to the family head token, he also brought many things out of the secret place.

Just your ability to detoxify has made you so popular.

Now the Luo family also knows that there is a granddaughter/daughter of ours out there, and that you and the one they are looking for to detoxify are the same person.

What do you think will happen in the end? Not to mention, when they know that you are the biological granddaughter/daughter of the Jun family, what kind of response will they make.

If your relationship with the third grandfather's family is also known at that time, these are all situations that we can't guard against.


We can take the risk to test it out and go there as you did to lead by example, but it does not mean that we have to act rashly, knowing that the result will only be trouble, without any advantage, even if one side is on our side, then why bother doing it.

Finally, there is a more important reason. Don't forget the words on the stone tablet in the secret place. Just knowing that you are a blood relative of the Jun family may attract some solicitation, fawning, showing goodwill, and calculation. But knowing that those things were in your hands back then, the things mentioned above will probably only leave greed and covetousness."

After he finished speaking, he did not let the girl express her opinion immediately. Seeing that her confused eyes gradually became clear, he knew that the girl also wanted to understand the relationship between the various parties, and then he returned the family head token to her again.

"What does grandpa mean by this? Don't you want my brother to take the token back to the Jun family?"

"Silly child, you just said not to let others know that we found your third grandfather. Do you think you can take this back? Even if you don't tell others, it's not difficult for someone to find out where Mulan went during the New Year.

There is another reason.

The token has been in your house all these years.

It's yours.

It's safe to keep it with you, and the decision should be on your side.

In the future, you can dismiss the current acting head of the family and do it yourself, or you can recognize him.

The current acting head of the Jun family is your second uncle, Jun Mingqi.

He is not bad.

But whether he is good or not, I haven't been home for so many years, so I can't make any guarantees.

You have to observe it yourself in the future.

The final decision, even if it is to return the token to the acting head of the family, should be you. After so many years without the token, what's the point of being the head of the family or the title of the head of the family in the past few years? The token is in our own hands, and my concerns have been eliminated a lot."

Jun Mulan also teased her sister:"Little sister, you can directly succeed the head of the family with the token. Do you want to consider it?"

Just after these words fell, Jun Qingqing's head was shaking like a rattle. This attracted the laughter of several people around. Everyone deliberately lowered the volume, but from the shaking shoulders, it can be clearly known that they are trying their best to restrain their laughter.

Advanced Production Brigade·Cowshed

The atmosphere between the few people here was obviously much calmer.

After the two brothers arrived, they reported to their grandparents step by step about the recent situation at home, what happened on the mountain today, the news they got from several people, and the final plan for arranging people.

The old man opposite just listened to what they said very calmly.

After taking out the dinner prepared by Jun Qingqing, he was still disliked by his grandfather:"Look at other people's granddaughter, she is so good no matter how you look at her. She prepared everything for us old guys. Believe it or not, when the girl comes tomorrow, she will definitely worry about the safety issues here.

I don't know why you are becoming less and less smart when you usually show your smart side."

Bai Jinzhan, who was standing next to him, was visiting his grandparents for the first time in years, but he encountered such a scene. It was enough to make him marvel. How could his elder brother be despised like this by his own grandparents? It was absolutely eye-opening.

But his grandfather's sudden words brought his thoughts back:"And you, don't take advantage of your young age to bother Jun girl all the time. You are a grown man now, but you always want this and that just because of the age difference."

Well, neither of the brothers escaped their grandfather's teachings.

"Are we really grandfather and grandson?" Bai Jinzhan swallowed this sentence after turning it around in his throat twice.

Of course, he didn't know, because he didn't say this sentence, and avoided the loving education.

Until he left, he heard his grandfather admonishing:"The matter of sending people as you said should be implemented as soon as possible, so as to avoid Jun girl tossing around on both sides when something happens."

The two brothers felt that their status in the old man's heart can be fully summarized in four words: precarious.

After the four people got home, they also integrated the opinions of several elders.

That night, Jun Qingqing went to the space and refined a few more daggers. Tomorrow, Grandpa Bai will also send two daggers.

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