After watching his grandfather sigh helplessly, he continued,"This is another matter. It's your second grandfather. He is a man of temperament, and he is not very interested in family, family head, and industry.

Jun Mingwei's biological father died because of saving him, and he became an orphan because of being implicated. With his personality, how could he not care.

Similarly, our Jun family can't do this kind of thing, otherwise the simple Guwu Domain will drown the Jun family with spit.

And he has never revealed any handle. There is no reason to deal with it, so it has been shelved like this."

Jun Qingqing was even more confused:"Why did the position of the acting head of the Guwu Jun family finally fall to the second grandfather?"

"This is another thing I mentioned. Your grandfather originally had three brothers at home. Your second grandfather and third grandfather were children of my second uncle, which is why they have always been called collateral branches.

Originally, the position of the head of the Guwu family was held by your third grandfather. He was a man who had a clear distinction between love and hate, and was clean and neat in his dealings, which was very different from your second grandfather's personality. When the secret place was opened, it was him who led the Jun family into the secret place.

Since Mulan told you about what happened that year, you should also know that someone took something out of the secret place that time. That's right, that person was your third grandfather and his group.

After everyone went in, the further they walked, the more they found something wrong. Except for them, they walked smoothly all the way, as if they were guided and blessed, while the others were inexplicably like ghosts hitting a wall, always going around in circles.

Just like walking along the way, your third grandfather finally found some books in a thatched house. Each person confirmed the content of a few books, and everyone was shocked after reading them.

Later, we found some metals and other things. Since we didn't know what they were used for, we just collected them together.

When everyone went in, everyone brought a slightly larger shoulder bag and a large snakeskin bag. Gradually, there were no new discoveries, and each shoulder bag and snakeskin bag was full. We simply turned around and went back to the entrance.

When I got home, your third grandfather specially found me and let me see what he got on this trip. It was also the first time I knew that refining weapons, refining pills, improving physical fitness and raising realms were all real.

What's more, at the end of the book on refining weapons, the description turned out to be a space item. I also read it carefully for a long time before I understood the real use of this thing.

And the pile of unknown metals, after comparing with the book on refining weapons, several of them were barely recognizable. These are some of the main materials that need to be added in the process of refining weapons mentioned in it.

They came out of the secret place quietly, and thought that the matter could be settled without being noticed. But at some point, one of the people who went into the secret place with your third grandfather told the other party that the Jun family had taken something out of the secret place after his family was arrested and the lives of the old and young were held in the hands of others. But what exactly was it? He just said that there seemed to be books related to pharmaceuticals.

When he asked the other party to let his family go, he knew that they had all been separated from him forever when they were arrested.

It is not clear what his mentality was, but after he took the risk of telling your third grandfather about this matter, he committed suicide.

This incident also sounded a warning bell in our hearts. Later, there were uninvited guests visiting our house from time to time.

In the end, we could not resist your third grandfather's insistence, and we staged a drama of brothers turning against each other. He left suddenly one day with his son and daughter-in-law.

At the same time, he took away not only the Jun family's head token, but also some of the books found this time and some of their own money.

The Jun family token is very useful, and only in this way can people outside really believe that he really broke up with this side. We also considered replacing the real token with a fake one, but in the end, after many considerations, we still denied this approach.

I still remember what he said to me at that time:"Brother, I will take the token away and will definitely handle it properly. I know the importance of the token even better. You wait for the day when I bring these back.

In case I am in danger in the end, I will not let others have the opportunity to get these."

From that day on, your second grandfather was forced to be the acting head of the Guwu Jun family.

It was not until your second uncle took over later that your second grandfather was relieved of his burden.

And until now, the Jun family has only the acting head of the family.

It was also at this time that the Bai family was rumored to have a special pill for Guwu practitioners, and many people naturally thought that this was very likely obtained from the Jun family.

After all, the relationship between the two families is obvious to all.

Once at a party, the two elders joked that it was because the Bai family and the Jun family had no girls, otherwise they could still become in-laws.

In a large sense, the Bai family has given the Jun family a part of their attraction. But

Old Bai has never complained to me about anything, and he even comforted me that those foreigners who covet everything in China will do something next time if they don’t do it this time. The Bai family will also have such a thing sooner or later."

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