Witcher starts with Get Inspiration Panel

Chapter 274 Storm and Arrival

For Baloric who provided such important information, Richard naturally did not treat him badly and gave him three bottles of Wind Elegance potion and three bottles of Fire Dance Star to deal with some minor dangers.

It's not that Richard is stingy, but that more advanced potions are either not suitable for people with non-wizard physiques, or require entry-level mental power to trigger, and there are no potions suitable for Baloric.

As long as nothing unexpected happens, Richard will naturally make up for Baloric's needs when he returns.

Although Richard had rescued Baloric before, this was a different matter.

A life-saving grace is a life-saving grace.

The other party followed me and provided such important information. It is unjustifiable not to reward him, and it is not conducive to mobilizing the other party's subjective initiative and enthusiasm.


Baloric took the alchemy potion given by Richard with a happy face. Although he heard that he had seen some wizards, it was impossible to buy these alchemy potions. He didn't expect that he would gain so much just by providing a piece of information to Richard.

For the next period of time, everything was calm!

Of course, the credit of Baloric, the experienced captain, is indispensable here. He commanded the Princess and avoided several dangerous places, such as sea areas with frequent maelstroms, raging seas, etc.

On this day, Baloric told Richard and Stephanie about an adventure experience.

Suddenly, the sailors on the watchtower high up the mast began to wave flags.

"Hey! There seems to be a big storm ahead, let me go and take a look!" Baloric, who was interrupted, bowed to Richard and Stephana and said.

"Let's go! Let's go take a look together." Richard was also quite interested in the interest mentioned by the lookout.

In the past two months, they have encountered many sea monsters, sea tribes, and even been pursued by the Poseidon Cult, but they have never encountered a major storm.

Therefore, when he heard that the Princess was about to encounter a storm, he came to the deck with Stephana.

On the distant horizon, a black cloud covering an extremely wide area, which could be said to be covering the sky and covering the sun, was spreading towards the Queen.

Perhaps it was because the Queen was heading towards the black clouds, so soon the sea became rough and rough.

After a while, raindrops the size of soybeans fell from the sky, hitting people's faces painfully.

"Quick!! Lower the sail!!"

"Retract the cable!"

"Secured artillery and ammunition!!"

With the roars of Captain Balorik, First Mate Otombo, Gunnery Commander and others, the entire crew started to move like ants!

The storm came so quickly, and the preparations were a bit hasty, but fortunately the sailors were all elites. After a short period of confusion, everything was basically ready, and then we had to fight this natural disaster head-on!

The storm is getting bigger and bigger!

The Queen is like a leaf. After a peak, there is a valley, and then there is another peak.

One hour!

Two hours!

Three hours later, many elite sailors could not resist the roller coaster-like bumps and began to vomit in the cabin. Suddenly, the narrow cabin was filled with the sour smell of vomit.

This also caused more crew members to start vomiting!

Oh~ right!

There was another important person, the respected wizard-Miss Stephanie, who couldn't withstand the bumps and was already starting to feel a little uncomfortable. If Richard hadn't supported her, she would have probably vomited.

If this were an ordinary person, he would probably vomit all the bile!

“Creak, creak, creak!!”

There was a tooth-crushing sound of wood scraping.

This is the sound of deformation of the hull structure caused by high winds and strong waves.

Once the hardness of the keel is not enough, there is no other possibility except that the ship is destroyed and people are killed in the natural disaster of such a super storm.

Fortunately, the Princess is a battleship!

At this moment, all the crew members are thankful for this, because the construction standards of merchant ships and warships are very different. If ordinary merchant ships still have the possibility of cutting corners, it is almost impossible for warships, which are the cornerstone of a country's military force, to do this. situation.

Therefore, the Queen was able to persevere under such natural disasters.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Richard couldn't help but sigh. Facing the power of nature, only wizards of level three or above can calmly resist it, not even the great wizards of level two.

If it were him, if the ship crashed and everyone died, since Richard was not good at water witchcraft, his chances of survival would probably be slim.

It's not a matter of wind and waves, but that after falling into the sea, there are too many unknown dangers in the sea.

one day!

Two days!

The severe storm lasted for three days.

It wasn't until the third day that the storm became a little smaller and gradually became calmer!

"Captain Baloric, have we deviated from the course?" Richard stood on the bow of the ship and looked at the sky, which was still gray with moderate rain.

"Sir Richard, according to the compass, our direction of travel has not deviated from the planned direction. Basileus Island should be right in front." Baloric took out a round copper plate with dense numbers from his arms. After taking a closer look at the compass, he replied.

Richard nodded, that would be the best.

"By the way, Baloric, you mentioned Basileus Island last time. You're not familiar with it, are you?" Stephana asked from the side.

"Yes, Sir Richard, last time my ship was destroyed and people were transported to Basileus Island. But luckily, the next day, I encountered a Tulip Principality ship that was taking shelter from the storm, so I survived by chance. And that’s when I remembered the location of Basileus Island.”

"At first, I didn't know the name of the island, but the sailor on the ship that rescued me told me."

"Oh, by the way, in my impression, Basileus Island is very large, and there seems to be indigenous tribes on the island. The sailors from the Tulip Principality also told me that if it weren't for the storm, they wouldn't have docked at Basileus Island. , because these natives are very barbaric.”

"In addition, I also saw that there are several trails on the island leading to the depths of the jungle, but I didn't dare to go deep into it at that time, so I really didn't understand the situation inside." Baloric thought for a while and summarized everything he knew. , Like pouring beans out of a bamboo tube, he said it all.

Richard nodded slightly. It seemed that it was not that difficult to find a ruins on such a vast island.

I originally thought that since Basileus Island is an island, it should be small in area and it would not be too troublesome to find it. However, I did not expect that there are many indigenous tribes existing, and the area must be quite large.

With just such a small number of people on the Princess, it would be difficult to find the ruins left by Rodrigo!

Contact those indigenous tribes?

Richard thought about it and felt that only by relying on the strength of the indigenous people could he successfully find the ruins.


The sailors on the observation deck waved flags and shouted!

Everyone on the boat immediately walked out of the cabin and looked forward.

Sure enough, a black line slowly appeared at the end of the line of sight in the distance.

In the captain's room, a brief meeting was immediately held.

Richard, Stephana, Baloric and First Officer Otombo quickly agreed that Captain Baloric would stay on the ship to ensure the safety of the Princess, while Otombo led an elite melee team of twenty people. Accompany Richard and Stephana ashore in advance.

If we really need manpower at that time and then come back for deployment, the first batch of people should not be too many.

In addition, the purpose of these melee team members is to search and do some chores. In battle, they obviously cannot help Richard.

Because this time, the battle is not the key, but the search for the ruins is.

Soon, the Queen anchored about fifty meters away from the coast. This was to avoid attacks from the indigenous tribes that suddenly appeared on the island. This distance was enough for everyone on the Queen to react.

I saw two small boats being put down. Richard and Stepina led a group of melee teams and quickly resisted Basileus Island.

As soon as he stepped onto the island, Richard discovered that the vegetation on Basileus Island was very lush, with various trees, shrubs and vines everywhere, giving it a tropical jungle scenery.

Braving the drizzle, a group of people walked on a muddy path in the dense forest.

This path should be caused by the frequent travel of local indigenous tribes. Otherwise, it would be covered by dense vegetation in less than ten days and a half.

First mate Otombo was at the front of the team, wielding a huge tomahawk to chop branches to clear the way!

Suddenly, Richard said: "Stop! It seems we have encountered some trouble!"

Richard was keenly aware that in the dense forest tens of meters ahead, there were more than ten pairs of eyes on the trees watching their group.

Everyone was stunned!

"Whoosh!", a thin arrow hit the chest leather armor of Orc Otombo! But it was unable to penetrate and fell to the ground.

"Enemy attack!!" Otombo shouted immediately.

"Kengkeng!" The melee team members immediately drew out their knight's swords and raised their shields to form a circular array to resist attacks from the trees not far away.

"This is a blow dart! It seems that it is really aboriginal." Richard glanced at the slender feathered arrow that fell to the ground. It was entirely made of sharpened wood, and there was no iron arrowhead.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

A strange scream came from the tree, followed by a dense rain of arrows. Except for an unlucky melee player who was shot in the palm, the other blow arrows were blocked by shields or thick leather armor.


I saw more than ten lean indigenous people with feathers on their heads and painted faces hanging from the dense vines on the trees.

These people, armed with blow darts and short spears, surrounded Richard and his party.

That’s right!

More than a dozen people surrounded more than twenty people.

Richard could feel that the cries of the natives before seemed to be some kind of signal. Now, there seemed to be movement not far away. It must be reinforcements from these natives!

At this time, an extraordinarily tall indigenous man came out. He had three red lines painted on his face, one more than the average indigenous hunter. This should mean that he had a higher status.

"Outsiders, this is not the place you should set foot!"

As soon as the other party finished speaking, Richard and Stepina looked at each other, quite surprised!

Huh! It is actually a common language. It seems that Basileus Island is not as isolated from the world as imagined.

But what’s going on with the other party’s hostile attitude? Was it invaded by outsiders, seriously harmed, or deceived?

"Master Richard, just kill these guys!"

"How dare you attack us!!" First Officer Otombo said angrily.

If Lord Richard hadn't given the order, according to his temperament, he would have gone up and killed these natives.

Richard shook his head slightly and said to the tall native:

"We have a reason to come here. If possible, I would like to meet and chat with your clan leader."

This was not a sudden thought of Richard, but Richard had this idea when he was on the boat.

Because according to Baloric, Basileus Island is vast, and the best way to find ruins is to rely on the indigenous people. They are familiar with the local area, familiar with all kinds of strange places, and have sufficient manpower.

"Outsiders, this is the last warning, leave here immediately, otherwise, you will become our prisoners!" The tall native did not show off to Richard at all, and without a second thought, he directly rejected Richard's suggestion to meet the other clan leader.

"Maybe you will change your mind after seeing this!" Richard smiled slightly and waved his hand!

I saw a huge hand of dark elements appearing out of thin air, grabbing the frightened tall native, throwing him in mid-air, catching him again, and throwing him again to catch him.

After a few times, put the other person firmly on the ground.


The tall native looked pale and vomited at the side.

"Hahaha!" Orc first mate Otombo and a group of melee team members laughed.

They encountered a storm at sea before and suffered a lot of turbulence. This time they also let the rude native in front of them feel it.

After the other natives saw Richard's strange scene just now, they all looked surprised and did not dare to take action at all. Instead, they started whispering.

What Richard just used was the zero-level witchcraft Shadow Grip. It was not powerful enough to fight strong enemies, but it was perfect for teasing the native in front of him!

After a long time, the native with the three stripes on his face finally stopped vomiting, stood up, and gave Richard a chest caressing salute: "Dear wizard, please forgive me for my offense. I didn't know where you were. He is a great wizard, and you and those hateful gold diggers will definitely not be on the same page."

"Please wait here for a moment, I will report to the Apache shaman of our tribe immediately."

"Oh! Gold diggers? Is there a gold mine here?" Richard raised his eyebrows and said.

"Yes, we have several gold mines here. They are all rich mines, so many gold diggers come here every year. These people do all kinds of evil and kill our people, including women and children." Speaking of this, Three Stripes He recalled with an angry look on his face.

No wonder!

Richard suddenly realized that the other party's previous treatment of strangers was a bit too fierce. He started by blowing darts. It turned out that this was the antecedent.

"Are your shamans also wizards?" Stepina on the side asked curiously.

"Well, this should be considered, but it may be a little different from the wizards outside. I don't know the details, but the shaman has specifically ordered that when encountering wizards like you two, you must be extra cautious Respect! At the same time, report to him immediately."

Stephana nodded. It seemed that the Apache shaman had an unusual status in the indigenous tribe.

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