[Acquire 89503 points of energy. 】

As the system prompt came, Richard was sure that the giant tentacled octopus was dead.

"Hey! Extraordinary creatures in the ocean can actually provide me with energy points. It's interesting."

Richard was quite surprised.

At this moment, the sailors on the deck shouted enthusiastically one by one!

Those young and joyful faces suddenly dispersed the original panic, fear and sadness on the giant ship.

Although many sailors were killed and injured in this unexpected battle with the sea monster, and a considerable number of passengers also lost their loved ones, this is the normal state of life.

In this dangerous world, for ordinary people, facing such a huge sea monster is like facing a god and demon, and 99% of them are unlikely to survive.

But today, with the intervention of extraordinary powers like Richard and Tino, a brilliant victory was won!

"Master Richard, if it weren't for your extraordinary strength, I wouldn't be able to protect the safety of the Lighthouse on my own!" Tino bowed deeply to Richard very humbly. road.

Captain Casper also smiled and took off the hat on his head, and gave a gentleman's salute to Richard, Tino and Stephanie: "Thank you to the three adults for saving the Lighthouse in this critical moment." The lives of one hundred and twenty-three crew members and nearly three hundred passengers.”

Richard waved his hand and said with a smile: "This is what I should do, I am also a member of the ship! By the way, what are you going to do with this giant tentacled octopus?"

"Master Richard, according to the rules, as the biggest contributor in this battle, you should be responsible for the distribution." Tino said respectfully.

"Sir Tino, I will leave it to you to handle the body of the sea monster. I think your rich experience should make full use of it. By the way, remember to allocate 20% of my share to everyone on the ship. "

"Sir Richard, your generosity will make people cheer for you!" Tino said with a smile, "Captain Caspe, please arrange some people immediately."

At this time, the two giant ships behind the Lighthouse also sent semaphores, and soon, the two small boats were lowered from the two giant ships behind.

I saw many doctors and pharmacists wearing white clothes on the small boat. They came to the Lighthouse to participate in the medical rescue.

And the few Evil Whip Nagas were still far away, seemingly surprised that humans could survive.

on deck.

According to Captain Caspe's arrangement, the sailors began to clean up the deck and check the damage of the ship.

At present, there is no serious damage to the hull of the Lighthouse, but in the naval battle just now, a total of 21 sailors died and 13 were seriously injured, while 43 passengers died and 15 were seriously injured.

The heavy casualties were the biggest problem in this battle.

Facing the huge and tough tentacles of the giant tentacled squid, ordinary people can be said to be dead if they touch it, and they will be seriously injured if they are rubbed. And if they are caught, it will be a really miserable death.

However, although the battle was fierce, the rewards were also extremely rich.

For this huge extraordinary sea creature, it can be said that its whole body is a treasure.

At this moment, under Tino's authorization, a large number of sailors were helping to cut the giant tentacles, led by Captain Caspe, the first mate and several other "Lighthouse" executives with knight-level strength.

After the thick, greasy, gray skin was cut open, the flesh exposed inside turned out to be snow-white. After peeling it off, it still exuded a refreshing fragrance.

"Sir, after eating this kind of meat slices, it has a very strong beneficial effect on ordinary people. It can eliminate common diseases and enhance physical fitness. Even for a knight-level strong body, this is also a very good nourishing item, which can speed up the breakthrough time. Precipitating more potential.”

"Of course, for us wizards, the effect is not that obvious, but it also has a small tonic effect on the body." Tino looked at this scene and explained to Richard and Stepina with a smile.

Soon, Captain Casper brought a large plate of snow-white giant squid meat that had been cut into small pieces, along with several small dipping dishes and silver forks.

"My lords, this is the freshly processed giant squid meat. This is honey sauce, blueberry sauce and mustard sauce. Please taste it as you like."

Richard directly forked a piece of sea monster meat and put it into his mouth without any sauce. After chewing for a while, his eyes lit up.

The smooth and tender meat was effortless to chew, and the entire mouth was filled with a delicious taste. It was dozens of times more delicious than the salmon and tuna he had eaten in his previous life!

"It's really delicious!" Stephana was also quite surprised by the texture of the meat.

After Richard swallowed it, he could feel warmth in his stomach, and a subtle flow of heat spread to his limbs.

Sure enough, Tino was right. Not only was this sea monster meat delicious, it also had a slight improvement effect on formal wizards.

"Captain Caspe! There is a giant tentacle here that even the first mate cannot cut. Please take a look!" At this time, a young sailor ran over and said panting.

"Hey! Is there such a thing? I'll go take a look. Sirs, please use it slowly." Caspe said respectfully to Richard and the others.

Richard smiled and nodded.

"Captain Casper, go and do your business." Tino said.

After a while, Captain Casper actually came back with a troubled expression, and took the initiative to say: "Master Tino, I might need you to take a look at it together. There is a giant tentacle that I can't cut. It seems that this tentacle is different from other tentacles." The tentacles are completely different, and what can I say?”

"There seems to be a faint sheen like jade on the surface!"

"Hey! Is it as faint as jade?" Tino's eyes suddenly lit up.

Seeing Tino's expression, Richard and Stepina looked at each other, both showing interest.

So, Richard said: "Sir Tino, how about we go and take a look together."

"Of course, Sir Richard please!"

The three of them followed Captain Caspe to a gathering of sailors.

I saw a giant tentacle that was not much different in appearance from other giant tentacles. It was lying on the ground at the moment, and the first mate was using all his strength to slash it with the knight's sword in his hand.

"Bang bang!"

The sound was as dull as chopping thick cowhide soaked in water!

It stands to reason that with the strength of the first mate of a formal knight, the knight's sword in his hand is not ordinary at first glance. It is at least a weapon above the sophisticated level. It should be easy to cut through the tough skin of the giant touch.

What's more, after the death of the giant contact, its defense strength plummeted. Many ordinary sailors can cut open the skin of the contact with the combined efforts of several people.

Richard was slightly stunned. The wizard's sensitivity allowed him to feel that the giant tentacles in front of him were emitting some strange energy fluctuations.

The external manifestation of this energy fluctuation, just as Captain Casper said, seems to be emitting some kind of weak fluorescence.

This kind of fluorescence is very subtle and difficult for ordinary people to detect. Only formal knights who also belong to the same level of extraordinary power can barely detect it.

But this kind of fluorescence is too obvious for a formal wizard!

"Tsk tsk! Lord Richard, I think I know what this is!" Tino said to Richard with a smile on his face.

"Oh, Mr. Tino is familiar with the extraordinary creatures of the ocean. Can you introduce them to us?" Stepina on the side asked with a smile.

"Of course it's no problem, beautiful lady. But" Tino raised his chin to indicate to Casper.

Captain Caspe slapped his head and immediately called the sailors around him to do other things.

And he himself followed the three Richards with a shy face, obviously wanting to listen.

In response, Richard smiled and remained noncommittal.

Tino also seemed to have thought that Captain Casper was extremely brave in the battle just now, and that he cooperated with him tacitly. Seeing that Richard did not object, he naturally would not treat Casper as a villain and drive Casper away.

"Master Richard, Miss Stepina, this should be the so-called extraordinary organization. Only after the death of an extraordinary creature, will there be a certain probability of something being generated in the body of the extraordinary creature."

"After death of a giant ocean extraordinary creature like the giant squid, there is a certain probability that some extraordinary tissue will be generated in the body. It may be a certain body organ or a certain body part. Of course, it may also be condensed into a certain kind of extraordinary tissue. An energy core."

"But no matter which one, these things are very useful to the intelligent races living in the ocean. Generally speaking, the sea tribes use them to make witchcraft."

After hearing this, Richard basically understood.

This is equivalent to the raw material of a witchcraft, or the raw material of some kind of rare potion.

"The Giant Touch Squid has a certain probability of generating an extraordinary organization like the Giant Touch Whip. Well, if I remember correctly, that's what it's called." Tino paused and thought for a moment before saying.

"Your Excellency Tino, your knowledge is astounding." Captain Casper couldn't help but admire, he had just been listening intoxicated.

For this kind of high-end extraordinary information, he had never had the opportunity to touch it before.


On the sea several nautical miles away from the lighthouse.

Three Evil Whip Nagas, whose appearance was almost the same as the Sliding Blade Nagas, were riding on sea snakes. They were shocked to see that the giant squid had been wiped out by human merchant ships, and the three of them looked at each other for a while.

"There's something weird about this merchant ship! The extraordinary strength of a normal ship escort is absolutely incapable of killing a giant squid alone!" A Naga holding a thick whip said with a solemn expression.

The other two people nodded and agreed: "That's right!"

Originally, the three of them wanted to watch a joke. At the same time, if everything went as expected, they could also get some goods from human merchant ships and make a small fortune.

Although the Evil Whip Clan has an agreement with humans and cannot take the initiative to attack merchant ships traveling to and from humans, this time they did not directly attack. They just drove out a wandering giant squid that invaded their territory.

If humans come to negotiate, they have already thought about how to respond.

The giant squid attacked a nearby human merchant ship. Obviously, they didn't want this to happen, but the merchant ship was unlucky.

In addition, they have another idea, which is to use the combat power of human merchant ships to injure the giant squid.

The injured giant squid will definitely attack the merchant ship with all its strength after being enraged, and the desperate blow before the merchant ship sinks will definitely make the giant squid feel uncomfortable.

In case the giant squid is seriously injured, taking this opportunity, the three of them may be able to successfully take down the giant squid.

"Nathaniel, since humans have killed the giant touch squid, do you think we should go and see if there is really an extraordinary muscle tissue-the giant touch whip, which can make a strange weapon?" It's an animal-level weapon!" said another male Naga holding a harpoon.

Nathaniel should be the male whip naga in the center, the one holding the giant whip.

"I think we can try to negotiate. After all, for human beings, even if they obtain the Giant Touch Whip, it doesn't mean much to them. They may not even know how to tell the difference."

"Nathaniel, do you think humans will treat the Giant Touch Whip as trash and throw it directly off the ship?" A beautiful female Whip Naga holding a shell said with a smile.

The evil whip naga named Nathaniel pondered for a moment and then said: "It's hard to say, but just now we deliberately allowed the giant squid to attack them. It may not be appropriate to negotiate now."

"Leave this matter to me, just say that we are not strong enough, and thank the strongest among humans for taking action." The beautiful female Naga said with confidence.


Suddenly, Richard's expression changed and he looked up to the side of the deck.

I saw the three Evil Whip Nagas controlling the huge sea snakes and swimming towards the Lighthouse quickly.

This immediately made Tino look solemn and said: "It's the Evil Whip Naga. These guys just let the sea monster come over on purpose. What are they doing here now? I'm afraid they are coming with bad intentions!"

Casper shouted: "It's nothing more than fighting!"

"Boys, get ready for battle!"

Richard quite admired Casper's decisive character who dared to attack powerful enemies.

It is wise to choose to fight when you know that the enemy is very strong, but you may die in battle if you don't resist.

While the sailors on the ship were waiting, the Evil Whip Naga stopped on the sea several hundred meters away from the "Lighthouse".

They seemed to let a small dolphin swim over quickly with a colorful conch in its mouth.

Soon, the dolphin swam to the side of the "Lighthouse".

The dolphin's perception is very keen, and it immediately noticed that among all the people on the boat, Richard's aura was the most powerful, and immediately swung the conch head and quickly threw it at Richard.

Stepina on the side quickly took the colorful conch in mid-air and looked at it up and down.

"Master, this seems to be a witchcraft?" Stephana looked at it for a long time without understanding its use, and asked doubtfully.

"(Hitt language) Cough. The strongest among humans." A charming female voice sounded.

Suddenly, Conch spoke, which suddenly shocked Stephana.

It turns out that the colorful conch is a communication device.

"Strong among humans, I wonder if the sea monster just now caused any trouble to you? This sea monster is called the giant squid. It was also because of our lack of strength that we could not defeat the opponent in the initial battle. We only can drive it away.”

The charming female voice continued.

Richard was speechless for a while, and Stepina rolled her eyes.

The guy who tells lies with open eyes!

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