Hailsham is quite confident in his own strength. Although Prince Haz's strength is higher than his own, he graduated from the famous wizarding academy of the Business Alliance - Hydraxia Academy.

In addition, he also has an exclusive witchcraft from his family. He feels that even if he is defeated, the difference should not be big.

He even felt that he was somewhat sure of winning.

Of course, Hailsham didn't think about being the last one to appear and be the one to turn the tide and defeat Prince Haz, thereby capturing the beauty's heart.

But he, Daenerys and Elise are all acquaintances, and he is the only male present.

As a member of the aristocratic upbringing, Hailsham naturally could not let two delicate ladies try the power of Prince Haz's trident.

In addition, there is another advantage to him going first. If Prince Haz is really powerful, then he will persuade Daenerys to give up the fight for the ruins directly.

It would be great to be able to explore a small cultivation secret realm of the Ancient Tide School first and obtain some rare and even extinct raw materials, but if you have to fight a bloody battle with the Sliding Blade Naga Clan, then the price is not worth the gain.

So, with a smile on his face, he took the initiative and said to Daenerys:

"Daenerys, let me go first in the first game! Let me explore the way for you first."

Daenerys couldn't help but nodded slightly when she saw Haytham's volunteer.

Although she knew that Hailsham had some thoughts about her, his previous behavior did not bother her.

This time Haytham took the initiative to fight, further improving Daenerys's impression of him.

Daenerys secretly thought that if she could win, she would give Haytham a little more from the exploration of the secret realm as compensation.

As the current leader of the human side, she is definitely not suitable to be the first to take action.

She is relatively clear about Hailsen's strength, and it can be said that he is only one step behind her.

He was the best player in the first game.

If other wizards who are too weak are sent to the stage, they may not even be able to absorb a single witchcraft from Prince Haz. Not only will the human wizard lose face, but the loss will also be worthless.

Because there is no way to test the bottom of Prince Haz.

Daenerys planned to let Haytham feel the opponent's bottom first. She did not expect Haytham to directly defeat Prince Haz. Although this was only a very small probability event, if it happened, everyone would naturally be happy. .

If Hailshen loses, according to Hailshen's strength, it will not only consume Prince Haz's mental and physical strength, but also create favorable conditions for the second place behind him.

As for the second game, Daenerys plans to let her friend Elise fight.

Although Elise is weaker than Haytham.

But she was better at defending against witchcraft, and after consuming Prince Hatz a little more, she created the most favorable conditions for herself.

At this time, Hailsen strode forward and said:

"Prince Haz, I am Haytham Milton, a teacher at Hydraxia Academy. Let me have the first game with you."

"Hahaha, very good. Are you a teacher at Hydraxia Academy? Interesting." Prince Haz laughed.


Prince Hatz, who was more than two meters tall, was seen holding a trident, jumped off the giant seahorse, and arrived not far in front of Hailsham.

Immediately, the Sliding Blade Naga and the human wizards all retreated tens of meters away, leaving a circular field for the two to fight.

Although Hailsson was quite confident in being the first to appear, no one would take it lightly when faced with any high-level wizard who was stronger than himself.

At this moment, he was treating this battle very cautiously and solemnly.

The next second, Hailsham took out a crystal ball from his arms.

This crystal ball is not colorless. The transparent ball emits light blue light. If you perceive it carefully, you can find that it contains huge water energy fluctuations.

"(Hutt language) I summon the ancient water element to come." As Hailsham's low spell sounded.

I saw the light blue crystal ball shining brightly, and a light blue cyclone hovering from it and flying into the mid-air accompanied by little bits of water.

The light blue cyclone grew bigger and bigger, from the size of a fist to the size of a washbasin, and finally turned into a large cyclone several meters in diameter. At the same time, it condensed more and more water vapor.

After a while, the cyclone turned into a huge transparent body of water.

A round, transparent elemental creature appeared in front of everyone.

This strange-looking elemental creature, whose body is made of almost transparent water, is three meters high. On the top of the water creature, a human face is looming.

But it cannot be said to be the head, because apart from a pair of large transparent hands made of constantly surging water, it is just a ball of water protruding from the top of the body, which should be regarded as the head.

But the transparent elemental creature does not have a lower body. The lower body is cylindrical and surging water.

If Richard were present, he would definitely blurt out how this creature is so similar to the Poison Spring Surge except for the difference in color.

In fact, in essence, the Poisonous Spring Surge is an advanced variant of the first-order water element and belongs to the same origin.

"First-order water element?!" Prince Haz asked Hailsen to calmly release this summoning witchcraft without caring.

At the same time, he also immediately identified the origin of the summoned object.

Prince Haz's calm expression actually made the faces of the human wizards who were watching freeze.

Obviously, Prince Haz is definitely not stupid. He can allow Hailsham to perform witchcraft calmly, so he must have absolute confidence in his own strength.

"It seems that you are ready, then I will start to attack!"

As soon as Prince Haz's low words sounded, he started to attack.

His strong body suddenly made a trident-throwing motion, and all the muscles in his body tensed up like a tight wire.

A circle of light blue water patterns began to condense at the front end of the trident.

Finally, a blue energy phantom similar to a trident is formed.


Prince Haz's muscles all over his body suddenly relaxed, and everyone around him seemed to hear the sound of a big muscle snapping.

The trident in his hand carried a shadow of energy, and suddenly it was like two superimposed blue lightnings, shooting directly at the first-order water element that Hailsham had just summoned.

It stands to reason that there is not much threat to this type of attack that also belongs to the water system.

And with the intelligence of a first-level water element, he seemed to have sensed a fatal threat at this moment.

In an instant, he shot out a water arrow as thick as a bowl, trying to block the trident.

At the same time, it immediately added a shield composed of transparent flowing water in front of itself.

Hailsham's reaction was by no means slow, but he misjudged Prince Haz's attack target.

He did not cast defensive witchcraft on the water element, but cast two first-level witchcrafts on himself: water shield and flowing water.

Suddenly, a water shield appeared in front of Hailsen, and a fast-flowing ring of water surrounded him.

The water arrow technique released by the water element collided with the thundering trident of Prince Haz, as if an egg encountered a stone flying at high speed.

Apart from being beaten to pieces and getting the trident dipped in water, it had no effect.

Even the most basic thing, which is to reduce the speed of the trident, is not done well.


As everyone watched in surprise, the double tridents hit the water shield cast by the water element.

However, the water shield, on which high hopes were placed, only blocked the trident for less than a second before it was pierced and penetrated.

The price the Trident paid was just that the energy shadow became a little lighter and the speed became a little slower.

But it is still as powerful as lightning and extremely deadly!


The double trident hit hard on the water element's body, which was made of pure water, and water splashed everywhere.

It seemed that the Trident also knew that it had found its rightful owner, and the energy poured into it by Prince Haz suddenly burst out.

As a result, the energy trident triggered a secondary explosion in the water element's body!


As the water splashed dozens of meters away, the strong energy release triggered a violent heat explosion, and water mist immediately rose from the scene.

A few seconds later, when the human wizards saw clearly what was happening at the scene, everyone's expressions were horrified.

For a moment, they looked at each other and whispered.

"This attack power is too terrifying!"

"Yes, Hailsson's strength is also the best among us. He can't even block a single blow."

"The strength of this Prince Haz is really too terrifying."

"If it were me who had to bear this blow, I'd probably die on the spot!"

Haytham from Hydraxia Academy was kneeling on one knee in pain and covering his head with his hands, as if he was suffering from some kind of witchcraft backlash.

Hailsham, who had a splitting headache, was filled with regret at this moment. He did not expect that the Prince of Haz could be so powerful.

"Hiss! If I had known better, I should have taken out that witchcraft weapon and used it."

"It's good now. I was defeated before I even had time to use it!!"

"Damn it!!"

The huge transparent water shield in front of him and the flowing water flowing around him showed that he had not been directly attacked just now.

The water element that Hailsen had just summoned had disappeared at this moment.

There was a thick trident stuck on the ground, and there seemed to be scattered, broken crystal cores around it.

From this scene, it is easy to see that Hailsham's summoned object, the first-order water element, failed to withstand the trident throw thrown by Prince Haz just now.

The instant death of the summoned object caused Hailsham to be suddenly counterattacked by witchcraft, thus creating the current scene.

It's not that Hailsham is really so useless that he can't even withstand a blow from Prince Haz.

It's that there's something wrong with Hailsham's entire combat thinking.

Facing Prince Haz's trident throw, Hailsham cast two first-level defensive witchcraft spells on himself in order to protect himself, but ignored the summons on the side.

If he had just used Water Shield and Flowing Water on his summoned water element, he would have been able to block Prince Haz's attack.

You said, what if Prince Haz just threw it directly at Hailsham?


Let the water element stand in front of you.

Then it would be nice to apply defensive witchcraft on the water element.

Now they are defending separately, which directly leads to the water element being killed by Prince Haz with one blow!

I also suffered a mental backlash!

Daenerys outside the venue took a deep breath at this moment!

"Hairson was defeated too quickly!"

"But this is not Hailsham's problem. Although his response method is not perfect, it is at least quite satisfactory. If we change the enemy, as long as he cannot kill the water element with one blow, Hailsham has the ability to fight with the opponent. There will be a return."

"This exposes more of the opponent's strength and consumes the opponent's physical and mental strength."

But Prince Haz's combat experience is too rich.

Perhaps because of years of fighting, his combat intuition far exceeds that of Hailsham, a scholar-type wizard who spends half of his time on teaching and research.

He instantly grasped that glimmer of opportunity and achieved a crushing effect.

"We surrender this game!!" Daenerys immediately realized something and shouted loudly.

She was worried that if Prince Haz took advantage of the backlash of Hailshen's mental power to do this to him again, she was afraid that she might directly lose this classmate of Hydrasia.

Although Daenerys has no love for Haytham, as a classmate, she must take care of him if he stands up for her.

"I've always heard that Hydraxia Academy is very famous among human wizarding academies, but now it seems... hahaha!" Prince Haz waved his hand and took back the trident.

He magnanimously did not continue to attack, but in words, he mocked mercilessly.

"Haha, Prince Haz won so easily!" A Sliding Blade Naga laughed.


"I've heard about Hydraxia Academy, but I didn't expect the teachers to be so powerful?!" a Sliding Blade Naga Witch said with a smile.

"Specialized in the water element? So a little water is normal!"

"Giggle, what you said is so interesting!"

"Hmph! Specializing in the water system? No matter how specialized humans are, they can't compare to our sea clan." A male wizard with a smooth blade said disdainfully.


The human wizards all looked ugly in response to the other party's mocking words.

Daenerys' face was even more frosty at this moment.

However, her skills were inferior to those of others, and she didn't know how to refute.

After all, in the wizarding world, who has a bigger fist is more important.

After being beaten badly, if you still look for verbal advantages, it is an act of seeking death.

For example, just now, Prince Haz was obviously merciful. Although he was taunting him with words, if he had struck continuously just now, Hailsham might have been on the verge of death.

Instead of taking the potion and resting for a period of time like now, you can basically recover.

Daenerys turned her head and glanced at Elise, her classmate next to her. Her face was bloodless, and her fingers were clenching the short staff with white knuckles.

Daenerys knew that Elise was scared at the moment.

As a classmate who came to visit her, the other party had done enough.

"Elise, let me play the second game!"

"Daenerys, I..." Elise mumbled twice, with an expression on her face that was hesitant, embarrassed, but also a bit brave.

When the other person seemed to make up his mind and wanted to say something more, Daenerys shook her head and interrupted what the other person was about to say.

"I accept your wishes, don't worry, Elise! I may not necessarily win, but I am still confident in protecting myself."

After that, Daenerys slowly stepped forward and said to the burly figure holding a trident in the center of the field:

"Prince Haz, you won the first game."

"Then let me do the second game."

"Although I represent the Kingdom of Heron, I am also a member of Hydrasia Academy. I hope this battle can change some of your views about Hydrasia."

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