I saw a cat with shiny black fur, eating something in the flower bed of the garden. What it was eating was also very strange. It turned out to be flowers shaped like sunflowers.

A leopard eating flowers?

Richard looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

Suddenly, as if he noticed someone entering the flower garden, the black cat raised his head and looked at Richard.

In an instant, Richard stood frozen on the spot as if he had been struck by lightning!

I saw that the face of this black feline was actually the face of a beautiful woman among humans. The only difference may be the slightly protruding canine teeth, which made the beautiful woman's face look more bloodthirsty.

The other party glanced at Richard, as if he was very dissatisfied with this uninvited guest who interrupted his eating. He gave up the ruined flowers left in his mouth, took an elegant step, quickly adjusted his streamlined body, and immediately faced Richard.

Seeing that the other party was about to attack him, Richard secretly thought: "Not good!"

Immediately, Richard planned to summon the resentful spirit to hate.

But after reciting the short spell, what surprised Richard was that there was no reaction at all. There was no reverse pentagram summoning array on the ground, let alone the hateful shadow of the resentful spirit.

This special situation immediately made Richard look stunned!

"It seems that the situation this time is different from the previous two times. I have fallen into a similar dream before, but summoning the resentful spirit to hate is not affected."

"But this time, it seems."


The strange cat opposite, let's call it the Beauty Leopard, took advantage of Richard's daze and suddenly launched an attack. It was as fast as lightning and pounced on Richard.

Fortunately, Richard was very familiar with and proficient in melee combat. Even after he was promoted to an official wizard, he never gave up on this aspect.

The mimic metal in his hand immediately turned into an arm shield and a knight's sword. Holding one on the left and one on the right, Richard began to fight with the Beauty Leopard.


The Beauty Leopard gathered some strength and unleashed a claw attack, attacking Richard with three phantoms. Richard blocked with his arm shield, and there was a sharp metal friction sound, as if someone was holding a few stones on the glass. The sound of a hard scrape.

Suddenly, Richard couldn't help but frown.

Richard pushed hard with his left arm and knocked back the beautiful leopard several meters away.

In a few short contact battles between lightning and flint, Richard basically judged the opponent's basic combat strength. His agility was very high, but his strength was not high. If he was fighting in close combat, he would be evenly matched.

But in this unfamiliar environment, fighting with the opponent for too long is obviously not a wise choice.

Richard planned to end the battle quickly.

"Psychic shock!" After the initial test, Richard began to attack with all his strength.

In an instant, a transparent wave quickly hit the beautiful leopard.

The Beautiful Leopard didn't seem to expect that the opponent he had been fighting with in close combat would suddenly launch a witchcraft attack. In an instant, he received a mental shock and froze in place.

Richard stepped forward and aimed a horizontal slash at the neck of the beautiful leopard.



There was a line of blood on the beautiful leopard's neck in an instant, and his head immediately rolled to the ground. Big pools of blood were gurgling out from his neck, and soon a small drop of blood overflowed on the ground. depression.

It seems that even the beautiful leopard never expected that he would be killed so easily by his opponent.

[Acquire 12998 energy points. 】

The system prompts!

Huh! There are actually energy points? !

A flash of light flashed across Richard's eyes. This creature in a strange environment could actually provide him with energy points.

If this is the case, it seems that coming to this unfamiliar area is not entirely a bad thing!

As if he thought of something, Richard stepped forward to check the flowers that the Beautiful Leopard had just eaten, but strangely, it seemed that during the battle between Richard and the Beautiful Leopard, these flowers disappeared.

Even the remains of his companions were moved away.

Confirm, "Run!"

Because Richard saw thin scratches on the ground, which seemed to be caused by the friction of the dense roots of plants.

Richard thought for a moment and decided to follow this trace and take a look.

However, after he had followed the traces for a while, he seemed to hear rustling voices coming from the front. This immediately made Richard raise his eyebrows, intelligent creatures?

However, after thinking for a moment, Richard felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. He took out several flame crystal bombs and other powerful weapons from his arms with a serious face.

"Who knows whether the intelligent creatures encountered in this environment can communicate or cannot?!"

"Once communication fails, conflict will inevitably break out. If so, it will be much more dangerous than the beautiful leopard we encountered before."

Richard tiptoed forward cautiously, his eyes trying hard to search for the source of the sound just now.

For a moment, Richard was stunned. He saw several sunflower-like flowers shrouded in mist dozens of meters away. At this moment, the large round petals were gathering together, discussing something. The roots of their flowers were The roots that Richard had guessed before.

At this moment, it is like the tentacles of an octopus, supporting the body and squirming constantly.

Richard didn't dare to move forward and stood quietly, intending to listen to what they were talking about?

But maybe it was because their conversation was too quiet, or because it was a language that Richard had never heard before. After listening attentively for a moment, Richard seemed to be able to understand a few syllables. But it seems not.

It's always hard to hear what the other person is saying. It's an uncomfortable feeling, as if someone is gently tickling your ears with a feather.

So, Richard thought for a while and slowly took a few steps forward.

Now he finally heard clearly the language used by the other party to communicate, but Richard was certain that this was a language he had never heard before.

However, this language seems to cause some strange vibrations in mental power just like wizard language, so Richard can actually understand part of the meaning of the other party's words.

"That leopard just now was so scary."

"Originally, outside the fence"

"That. Beat."

Suddenly, there was a cracking sound under Richard's feet. Richard looked down and saw that he had unknowingly stepped on a small snail carrying a shell and trampled it to death.

But the next second, when he looked up again, what he saw was that all these talking sunflowers turned their heads to look at him in a daze.

There is a strange mouth in the center of the stamens of these sunflowers.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, suddenly, these little mouths suddenly screamed and shouted.


"The monster is coming! Run!"


These little things ran forward without looking back.

Richard immediately gave chase. It was rare to encounter a creature that could talk and seemed to be very weak. If he could capture them, he would naturally be able to learn a lot about this strange environment.

At the same time, Richard also carefully observed his surroundings. Some cunning monsters would use baits. Richard was currently not sure whether these little things would be baits for some powerful monsters.

The little thing ran in front, and Richard chased behind.

Unexpectedly, these little guys who only used their roots to run were not slow. After a while, Richard followed them to a lake.

The lake was huge and seemed to be endless. That was because the fog near the lake was thicker. Richard could not clearly see how big the lake was. Within a few dozen meters of sight, there was only gray, rippling water.

Richard saw the little things gathering together at the edge of the lake in front of them, shivering.

They seemed to rather choose to face themselves than go into the water, as if there was something more terrifying than Richard in the lake.

Richard put away the mimic metal sword in his hand, transformed it into a wrist guard and wrapped it around his hand. He tried his best to show a kind expression, opened his hands, and slowly moved forward.

At the same time, he also said in the oldest wizard language - Hutt: "Don't be afraid, I have no ill intentions. I"

Hutt is also a language that can produce some kind of mental shock. Ancient wizards have visited or invaded many planes and worlds. When communicating with alien creatures, Hutt may be one of the best choices.

Sure enough, these flowers seemed to understand Richard's words.

After chatting for a while, a bold flower seemed to want to communicate with Richard.

Just as the mutated sunflower picked up its roots and walked towards Richard.

Suddenly, there was a ripple on the lake surface, "Wow!" A black shadow four to five meters long jumped out of the lake, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed all the flowers in one gulp!

"Seeking death!!" This immediately made Richard furious!

Richard took a closer look and saw that the opponent seemed to be a hybrid aquatic creature that looked like a salamander and a catfish. It had four small claws, catfish whiskers on its head and lower jaw, and was covered in smooth, scale-free skin. It seemed that there was a layer of skin on the surface. Thin mucous membrane.

After this guy swallowed the flower, he showed an extremely satisfied expression and lay on the lake shore without leaving in a hurry. It seemed that what he had eaten was some kind of supreme delicacy!

"Damn thing, you actually ruined my good deeds!" Richard scolded angrily.

Just now, those strange little flowers had begun to have the will to communicate with themselves, but they were destroyed by this strange fish.

This immediately made Richard's blood surge and he was furious!


Two grenade-like flame crystal bombs instantly drew two straight lines, heading straight for the monster fish. The monster still had an expression of enjoyment on its face at this moment, as if it didn't know that a disaster was coming.


As if he felt two hard things hitting him, the strange fish lowered his head and glanced down.


The next second, a violent explosion sounded!

A sea of ​​blazing fire immediately drowned the strange fish! !


The strange fish immediately started roaring and struggling, rolling on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames on its body.

Although the monster fish has a mucus protective body, the power of the flame crystal when it bursts out at once is quite astonishing.

I saw large burn marks on the strange fish, especially the two short hind limbs that were just in the center of the explosion. They had been blown up now and looked like a bloody mess.

As if finding the flames difficult to extinguish, the strange fish struggled to turn around with its forelimbs, intending to escape into the lake.

But Richard had already expected this. The mimic metal in his hand had already transformed into a two-handed sword and rushed over from one side.


A flash of sword light flashed, and the strange fish followed in the footsteps of the beautiful leopard and was beheaded by Richard's swift strike.

As the huge fish head fell to the ground and rolled into the water, a large pool of stinking blood flowed out from the thick neck, like a thin stream, and merged into the black-gray lake.

[Acquire 31877 points of energy. 】

As the system prompt sounded, Richard couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. There were energy points again. Does this mean that all creatures in this place can provide him with energy points?

If this is really the case, this is a treasure for me.


I just didn't know how dangerous this strange place was, so I only explored this small area around it.

While Richard was thinking, the originally calm lake surface changed dramatically.

Several ripples were generated on the lake surface dozens of meters away from Richard, and they swam quickly towards Richard's current direction, creating long ripples.

Obviously, there was some kind of creature in the water that was attracted by the movement just now or the flesh and blood of the strange fish.

Immediately, Richard's alarm bells rang loudly in his heart, and he quickly retreated.

After retreating at least dozens of meters, he stood still from a distance and quietly observed.


Large groups of fine bubbles continue to surge out of the lake.


Three huge ugly toads were seen jumping out of the water, each over three meters in size. They seemed very happy to see the corpse of the monster lying in a pool of blood.

"Quack!!" After two neighs, the fight started.

Just when Richard was still hesitating whether he should try and kill these three monsters.

Suddenly, a wave of sleepiness hit Richard's heart. This sleepiness was so strong that Richard felt completely unable to resist it.

Before his consciousness completely disappeared, Richard saw that his hands gradually became transparent.

The next second, the world was spinning, and he felt that his entire field of vision went dark, his upper and lower eyelids drooped together, and he could no longer open them.

Suddenly Richard fell into darkness.

I don't know how long it took, but when Richard opened his eyes again, he saw the familiar ceiling of his bedroom.

The next second, Richard stood up alertly and looked around.

There was no dust on the coffee table and it was as bright as new. There were no spider webs in the corners of the room. Richard put on his slippers and walked quickly to the bookshelf. He flipped through a few books and found that they were all familiar gray dwarf characters. You can even see a small line of comments written by yourself on it.

Richard immediately became silent.

"It seems like everything last night was just a dream?"

But immediately, Richard denied the idea.

Because he brought up the inspiration panel and saw that the total energy value reached 140552.

Obviously, what he encountered last night did not seem to be an ordinary dream.

Richard crossed his arms in his bedroom, walked slowly and thought about it.

This dream, let’s call it a dream, was different from the previous two.

In the first two times, there were monsters or malicious intentions, which had been spying on me. I realized this when I entered the dream. After I killed the evil thoughts, I also broke the dream created by the enemy.

But this time, it seems to be a completely unknown world?

When I entered, I didn't notice any malice at all, and no monsters or evil thoughts actively attacked me. Instead, I explored all the way and took the initiative to kill the beautiful leopard and the strange fish.

It's a pity that I couldn't communicate with those little flowers that look like sunflowers.

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