"Money. The problem has finally returned to the original point." Richard murmured to himself.

After Dissol's death, Richard's new beer business came to a complete standstill.

Naturally, there is no longer the continuous and sufficient "cash flow" in the original plan.

However, this matter can be put aside for the time being. Richard has a more important thing to do at the moment.

Richard took out a box with a strange green pattern from his arms. After opening it, a bright red crystal the size of a fingernail was clearly visible in the shape of a water drop.

Without the energy shielding of the box, the crystal is now emitting strong blood energy fluctuations and an alluring sweet smell of blood.

This was after the battle yesterday. Without telling Fana, Richard secretly drained the source blood from the body of the high-level spider girl Irena when he returned to his alchemy room, and successfully absorbed a first-level spider girl bloodline essence. ——The blood of Spider Woman.

Last time, Richard had planned to use the Spider Woman's blood on Stephana, but due to various reasons at the time, it was ultimately shelved.

But this time, after experiencing this battle, Richard felt that from every angle, Stephana was worthy of the Spider Woman blood.

The blood of the Spider Woman is nothing less than a super tonic for spider women of the same bloodline!

It turns out that the owner of Stephana's new body, Felidi, is a spider woman with outstanding talents. Now if she is infused with this drop of source blood,

It is conceivable that Stephana will inevitably reach the official wizard level in a short period of time.

"Fingart, inform Stephana and ask her to come to the alchemy room." Richard shouted to Fingart at the door.

"As you command, Master!"

After a while, Stephana came to Fana's laboratory with a puzzled look on her face.

"Master, are you calling me?"

"Well, take off your clothes!"

Without looking back, Richard was currently bending over, stirring some kind of potion in the corner of the alchemy room.


Richard's words immediately made Stephana blush, and she immediately began to take off her clothes.

However, she kept muttering in her heart: "Master, even if you wanted to, why did you choose a laboratory? And it's someone else's laboratory. It always feels weird."

"Could it be that the master likes to be at other people's homes?"

Fingart, who was originally responsible for guarding the door, vaguely heard the owner Richard's voice saying ".take off clothes" coming from the alchemy room, and couldn't help but look strange.

When Richard turned around, he saw Stephana blushing and continuing to take off her underwear after taking off her robe. He immediately slapped his head and said, "Stop! Sorry, I didn't make it clear. Stephana, you are wearing underwear. Just get in that wooden box.”

Stephana's movements suddenly froze, and then she realized that she might have been completely distracted. She looked in the direction pointed by Richard's finger.

A rectangular wooden box resembling a sleeping coffin was placed in the corner of the alchemy room. It had no lid, and you could clearly see a pool of turquoise liquid inside.

This should be some kind of potion that the owner Richard was bending over just now, right?

"Master, do I want to lie down in that sleeping coffin?"

Stephana timidly stretched out her white fingers and pointed at the sleeping coffin.

Judging from the slight frown on her face, she seemed a little scared of this unfamiliar turquoise liquid.

Richard nodded and explained: "This is a potion I prepared. It should be able to maximize the use of the spider woman's blood. However, you may feel a little pain during the whole process. To be precise, it will be more torturous, so you may have to endure it." Forbearance."

Outside the door of the alchemy room, Fingart heard the words ".It hurts a little." again, and his expression suddenly became even weirder.

Stephana nodded. Wearing only white silk underwear, she stepped up a pair of straight white long legs and walked slowly towards the sleeping coffin. When she approached, her nostrils twitched slightly and she smelled the smell of green potion.

Fortunately, the smell is not unpleasant, there must be magic leaf grass in it.

Smelling the fragrance of magic leaf grass, Stephana nodded secretly.

When she stepped into the sleeping coffin, a chill rushed from the soles of her feet to her heart and lungs.

However, Stephana did not resist, but followed Richard's instructions and slowly lay down in the sleeping coffin.

"Wow!" The turquoise water rippled, basically submerging most of Stephana's delicate body.

Richard looked at Stephana's exquisite body immersed in the liquid, and couldn't help being slightly startled. However, he quickly concentrated and put a fingernail-sized amount of Spider Woman's origin blood in his hand into the turquoise liquid.


When the turquoise liquid encountered the spider woman's blood, a violent reaction occurred instantly!

As waves of red ripples spread out, the color of the liquid in the entire sleeping coffin also changed from the original green to purple, like red wine aging.

Among them, Stephana, who was lying in a sleeping coffin, felt the most clearly.

The originally cool liquid suddenly changed its taste!

Now it seemed that there were countless small snakes composed of water flowing from the surface of her skin into her body. A strong numbing and itching feeling spontaneously arose in the deepest part of her body.

It’s getting more and more intense!

If it was just pain, Stephana thought she could hold on for a long time.

But this tingling feeling touched her weak point.

It didn’t take long before Stephana couldn’t help it anymore, “Ah! Master, I can’t stand it!!”

Fingart, who was outside the door, could no longer maintain his composure. He took a few steps forward, shook his head slightly and said, "Alas! Although the master is... he is a young man after all."

At this time, Fingart heard footsteps coming from the corridor.

He raised his head and looked straight ahead, and saw the petite Ms. Fana walking this way.


Immediately, Fingart realized that he must not let Ms. Fana in now!

"Good day, Ms. Fana!" Fingart bowed slightly and said respectfully.

Ms. Fana is very powerful and has helped her master a lot this time. Moreover, she and her master are currently staying in other people's homes, so Fingart respects Fana very much.

"Is Master Li Wei in the alchemy room? Just in time, I have a potion that I would like him to help me make." Ms. Fana said with a slight smile on her delicate little face.

"This may not be convenient at the moment. The master said not to disturb me. Ms. Fana, please wait until the master's experiment is over. I will inform you immediately, okay?"

Fingart had to take a step at this time, blocked Fana's path, and explained.

Ms. Fana is of great help to her master, so she cannot let her master's glorious image be damaged in front of Ms. Fana.

But at present, he can't think of any good way, so he can only awkwardly stop the other party halfway.

"Hey, is Master Li Wei currently engaged in any important potion making process? He didn't even tell me a word! Yesterday, he told me that I could find him at any time."

When Fana heard this, although she was a little confused, she didn't find anything strange at all.

After all, there was no telling which day the master of alchemy would suddenly be inspired. This was normal, so she turned around and planned to leave.

Suddenly, a faint female voice came from the alchemy room, which immediately made Fana startled. She stopped her steps and listened carefully with her ears raised.

"Ah! The master can't stand it anymore."

Fana immediately turned around, looked at Fingart suspiciously, and asked, "Besides Master Levi, is there anyone else inside?"

"This...this" Fingart wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead.

After thinking about it, alas! Master, I can't hide it anymore. Fingart nodded, confirming Fana's guess.

"This. Master's follower, Stephanna, is also inside."

At this time, the sound coming from the door became more and more obvious, flowing into the ears of the two people intermittently.

This immediately made Fana's face turn red, and she couldn't help but turn around and run away. She walked to the corner of the porch, then stopped, turned to Fingart and said from a distance: "After your master is done, give the alchemy room to I'll clean it up a bit."

Then he walked away without looking back!

This made Fingart shake his big head and murmured to himself: "Master, I'm afraid your reputation will be ruined!"

In the alchemy room, Richard, who was always paying attention to the changes in Stephana's body, naturally had no time to pay attention to what was happening at the door.

Although, based on his current perception, he could clearly detect that someone was coming, and judging from the breath, it should be Fana, but Richard focused most of his attention on Stephana's physical changes.

Two hours later, the purple-red liquid slowly turned into slightly turbid water.

Richard nodded, this was pretty much what he expected.

The spider woman's source blood has been fully stimulated, and most of it should be absorbed by Stephana.

This is equivalent to once again improving the qualifications of Stephana's highly qualified body.

If Stephana's original body was a high-level qualification that was rarely seen in spider women for decades, now it is a top-level qualification that is rare to see in a century.

Stephana had stopped shouting at this time, but had slowly fallen into a deep sleep.

It should be a self-protective response of the body during the adaptation period.

Richard stepped forward and picked up Stephana's delicate body. Suddenly, a warm and hot feeling came from Stephana's delicate body.

Putting it on the free test bench aside, Richard used a zero-level witchcraft, scorching wind, to quickly dry Stephana's white clothes and cover her with a robe.

After finishing all this, Richard opened the door of the alchemy room and waved to Fingart:

"Did Fana come just now?"

Fingart replied respectfully: "Yes, Master, Ms. Fana came just now, but after hearing that you were experimenting, she left."

Richard nodded, rubbed his eyebrows with his right hand, and said slightly tiredly: "I forgot to tell you, if it's Fana, it doesn't matter if she comes in with her."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fingart was stunned in shock. His already big mouth could now fit a whole turkey.

"Master, you still have to take care of yourself."

Looking at his master's tired look, Fingart reminded him vaguely.

"Well, thank you. By the way, Fingart, please continue here and take care of Stephana. When she wakes up, let her come to me."

"As you command, Master!"

Richard left the alchemy room and strode towards the corridor.

Looking at Richard's retreating figure, Fingart glanced at Stephana lying on the alchemy table through the crack of the door. He couldn't help but shake his head and sighed: "Humans' physical strength is indeed far superior to that of night elves, uh... and We fishmen are really awesome!"

"But what does the master mean by asking Stephana to continue looking for him after she wakes up? Could it be that..."

Fingart suddenly understood! ——

When Richard found Fana in the garden, he found that Fana was looking at a purple irises in trance.

"Fana, are you looking at the purple iris? I heard Fingart say that you came to see me?"

Richard's voice suddenly startled Fana, and when she turned her head to look at Richard, she couldn't help but feel a little unnatural.

"Yes, I just heard from Fingart that you were busy with experiments, so I didn't bother you."

"Oh, actually it's not a big deal. I just helped Stephana improve her qualifications. If I had known it was you, I would have asked you to come and observe her." Richard stretched his waist and said.

"Observe?" Fana immediately stared at Richard in shock, her little cherry mouth almost wide enough to fit an egg in!

I wonder, are all humans so open-minded? You can still observe this kind of thing!

However, Richard immediately noticed that Fana's expression seemed a little strange.

"What's wrong?" Richard asked suspiciously.

"Oh no. It's nothing. There's no need to observe. This involves the privacy of both of you." Fana forced a smile, lowered her head and did not dare to look directly at Richard, with a blush on her cheeks.

"We are friends fighting side by side. Some things don't have to be so clear-cut."

Richard thought Fana meant that if she came to observe, she would take advantage of him, such as some rare formulas, so he explained it generously.

This immediately caused Fana's head to hang lower, and the blush on her cheeks became thicker, like two red apples. Her slender fingers were twirling around, and even the soles of her feet were on the garden lawn at this moment. Picking at it nervously.

As Richard said, he also noticed something was wrong. He always felt that the atmosphere of the conversation between the two was a bit strange.

Moreover, Fana's feet kept moving.

Is this going to dig a hole?

At this time, a happy shout came from behind.

"Master! I've been promoted, I've actually been promoted!" Stephana was seen wearing a veil and a black slim-fitting wizard robe, running quickly towards Richard.

Fana immediately raised her head and looked at Richard and Stepina in confusion. She was thinking in her mind, could doing that kind of thing also increase one's strength?

The aura exuding from Stephana's body was several times stronger than before. Even a blind person could feel this.

Because of this, Fana was short-circuited for a moment.

A big question mark appeared in Fana's mind at this moment. Can her strength be greatly increased?

So should I observe or not observe next time? ?

Richard was also overjoyed. He didn't expect Stepina to be promoted so quickly.

Originally, according to Richard's estimation, even if Stephanna could absorb the spider woman's blood almost perfectly, she would have to wait at least half a month or a month before she would have a chance to successfully enter the official wizard level.

I didn’t expect that the promotion would come so quickly!

Seeing that Fana was also there, Stephana immediately stopped her attempt to rush into Richard's arms, lifted up the wizard's robe, and greeted Fana: "Hello, Ms. Fana."

For Fana, Stephana was very grateful. After all, without her help, she and Fingart would have died long ago.

"Hello." Fana raised her head and glanced at the radiant Stephana.

"Master, thank you for your concern and help to me! If it weren't for the potion you prepared for me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to fully absorb the effect of the source blood, and naturally I wouldn't be able to be promoted so quickly."

"Haha, you are my follower, this is what I should do. As for the potion? Someone just yelled for a long time, saying that he couldn't stand it anymore." Richard was in a good mood and couldn't help teasing Stephana.

This immediately made Stephana blush with embarrassment and bury her head in her chest.

Huh! Potion? Fana's beautiful eyes suddenly fluttered a few times, and it seemed that her entire thinking direction was completely wrong!

Damn Fingart, you actually led me astray.

Suddenly, Fingart, who was resting in his room, suddenly felt a chill on his neck.

"By the way, Stephanna, have you awakened your innate ability?" Richard suddenly thought of something and asked immediately.

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