"By the way, what was the highest bid just now?" Hawkins asked casually.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally, their eyes focused on Alhan.

At this time, Alhan, who was slightly embarrassed, wiped the beads of sweat on his head and said: "Minister, since you are here, you will naturally start the auction again. I believe everyone can understand this."

As the vice-president and head of the Alchemy Department, Hawkins is Alham's immediate boss. On weekdays, Alham always treats Hawkins as minister, which expresses a sense of intimacy.

Most of the people present were friends of Dissol, and naturally they would not demolish Dissol’s friend Alham at this time. They all nodded and said:

"Yes, Mr. Hawkins, since you are here, the auction will naturally start again."

"Yes, we have just started the auction."


Richard couldn't help but feel amused. It seemed that wizards were not incapable of flattering, but that almost no one was worthy of flattering.

But Hawkins shook his head with a smile and said: "The rules of the auction cannot be broken. Alhan, tell me directly, how much did you pay just now?"

Seeing this, Alhan had no choice but to report his previous bid.

When Hawkins heard this, he was slightly startled, as if he didn't expect the price to be higher than he expected.

Just when Alhan wanted to say something else.

"I'll pay 150,000 magic stones, plus one, um. Since it's a secret-level blueprint, I'm sorry, everyone, this blueprint is one of the confidential blueprints of the Gray Dwarf Brotherhood. Please allow me not to disclose the specific content and name. "

Hawkins looked around and found that there were still two or three non-grey dwarf brotherhood members present, so he said slightly apologetically.

"Of course, Lord Hawkins, we understand this very well." These wizards bowed slightly nervously.

"Levi, here are the drawings. Take a look at it. I believe you will be surprised." Hawkins took out a parchment roll that looked newer from his arms and was tied with a thin black thread of unknown material.

"Sir Hawkins, you're welcome." Richard said humbly, and under the envious eyes of everyone, he took the parchment, quickly opened it and looked at it carefully.

What caught his eye was a line of gray dwarf text: "Dual Energy Core Channel Design Drawing." After just reading a few lines, Richard knew the purpose of this drawing.

hiss! Hawkins has really invested his money. This time he came to participate in the auction, and he really did not rely on the strength of his second-level great wizard to rob.

It seemed that it was most likely because his last transaction with Hawkins made him know that he was more interested in puppetry, so he specially chose this drawing.

Moreover, I have never seen this drawing in the contribution value exchange list. Judging from the newness of this parchment, it seems that it was written not long ago. Could it be said that this is a newly developed drawing?

It seems that the gray dwarves have a rich background in puppetry. As time goes by, not only do they not die out like some ancient wizard inheritances, but many new ideas and inventions spring up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

Richard pondered for a moment and then made a decision:

"I am very satisfied with the exchange items given by Lord Hawkins. Well, according to what Dissol said at the beginning, as the owner of the shares, I have the final right of interpretation. Here, I decided to choose Lord Hawkins as the equity of the Brewers Chamber of Commerce. Trading partners."

"At the same time, Levi would like to thank everyone for participating!" Richard stood up and bowed slightly to everyone.

"Congratulations to Master Hawkins, and congratulations to Master Levi."

"Congratulations, Lord Hawkins."


This result was actually expected by everyone. A second-level wizard was bidding against a group of first-level wizards. If he couldn't win, it would become a joke if word spread.

What's more, everyone present knows that Hawkins, Alhan, Dissol and Levi all belong to the Gray Dwarf Brotherhood.

After taking 30% of the new beer, Hawkins and Richard chatted privately for a few minutes.

Although everyone present was very curious, no one had the courage to eavesdrop on the private chat of the second-level wizard, and in fact, even if they wanted to eavesdrop, it was impossible.

The strength gap lies here.

After a while, Hawkins left in a hurry, and the entire salon began to come to an end.

However, when everyone slowly started to leave, Richard called out to Fana: "Ms. Fana, please stay."

Fana, who was originally quite disappointed that she failed to win the shares, was stunned when she heard Richard calling her, and immediately turned her head in confusion.

"Master Li Wei, are you calling me?"

Richard smiled and nodded.

"Ms. Fana, please come with me."

After asking Fingart to guard the door of the room and prohibiting others from entering, Richard took Fana to the study room of his villa.

In the study room, in addition to the common mahogany desk and matching mahogany armchairs, there are also several soft deerskin-like sofas, plus a small coffee table.

Richard stretched out his hand slightly and said, "Ms. Fana, please sit down."

"Master Li Wei, it seems that you have something to discuss with me." Fana seemed to have realized at this time that Richard must have something to discuss with her.

And she also vaguely guessed that Richard should want the Fenrir potion in her hand. This was easy to guess, after all, the other party was the potion master.


The shares of the new beer have been auctioned, and the Qingling potion has been improved. If the other party only has magic stones, she will not choose to sell the Fenrir potion in her hand!

As a potion that can improve the mental concentration of a formal wizard, it is extremely rare and is usually bartered.

Originally, if the new beer was not expected to be very popular this time, Fana would not have planned to bring it out.

Although Richard also saw Fana's smile slowly fading, he didn't think about anything else and said with a smile:

"Ms. Fana, I want to buy the Fenrir potion in your hand. As for the price."

But before Richard could finish speaking, Fana interrupted him and said:

"Master Li Wei, although I admire your knowledge of pharmacy very much, please forgive me, but I cannot agree to this deal." After saying these words, Fana sighed deeply in her heart.

Although his straightforwardness may make Master Li Wei in front of him unhappy, it at least avoids the possibility of the other party continuing to ask for things.

Fana's resolute attitude immediately made Richard quite confused. After thinking about it, he decided to ask the question:

"Ms. Efana, didn't you really want the shares in New Beer just now? Why, don't you want it now?"

"What! Master Li Wei, what did you just say? Shares? Do you still have shares to sell?" Richard's words immediately made Fana's mind wander, her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Otherwise?" Richard said angrily.

Women are so fickle.

"No, no, I think you misunderstood, of course I am willing, I thought," Fana blushed and waved her hands quickly.

But halfway through speaking, he immediately stopped and was too embarrassed to continue speaking.

Richard waved his hand and said, "10% of the shares plus 50,000 magic stones, okay?"

"Ah! Only 10%?" Immediately, Fana's delicate face, which was originally smiling like a flower, suddenly fell down again.

"Yes, only 10%, why, don't you want to?" Richard looked at Fana's eyebrows slightly frowning, looking hesitant, and felt quite funny in his heart.

"Okay! Deal." Fana thought for a while and made up her mind.

After all, something is better than nothing. If I don't seize this opportunity this time, I will probably have no chance in the future.

I saw Fana taking out an ancient parchment roll from her arms. The style of the parchment roll seemed to be quite old. It was slightly yellowed and the corners were rounded. It should have been worn out due to repeated reading.

Although the parchment scrolls that record important pharmaceutical formulas are generally treated with special witchcraft and potions, they will gradually lose their effectiveness if they are used for too long.

"Here, this is the formula for Fenrir potion." Fana handed over the parchment.

Richard took it and opened it in front of Fana and started reading.

I saw that the text inside was written in Hebrew, not Akkadian. This was just as Richard expected. This parchment has a very long history.

After a few rough glances, Richard knew that there should be nothing wrong with the formula.


Richard pondered for a while and asked: "Ms. Fana, although the Mengling Flower and Ginseng in this formula are relatively rare, I have heard of them, but this is the first time I have heard of Shadow Grass and Flame Flower. .”

Fana smiled sweetly: "Master Li Wei, as for shadow grass, it usually grows in dry and dark environments. It is not uncommon in dark areas."

"However, fire flowers only grow in volcanic craters and near magma. Since a large number of volcanoes in the Dark Region have entered a dormant period in the past hundred years, fire flowers are almost extinct in the wild."

This immediately made Richard frown, but Fana seemed to see Richard's worry and continued:

"Currently, the only place I've heard of Fire Flowers existing is the Scorched Earth Secret Realm."

"However, the number of wizards who have the ability to enter the Scorched Earth Secret Realm is not high. The number of wizards who encounter Fire Flowers and are willing to auction them off is even smaller. Therefore, if you want to collect them all, it depends on Master Li Wei's luck."


After the salon, Richard returned to his previous life of almost two o'clock and one line. He went to the Gray Dwarf Brotherhood headquarters in the morning, completed his daily routine production tasks, and then returned to the alchemy room on the second underground floor of his villa.

Of course, sometimes when he needs to check information, Richard will stay at the headquarters of the Gray Dwarf Brotherhood for a while.

Richard also had a clear understanding of the situation of the flame flowers. It was basically consistent with what Fana said. There were very few flame flowers that were willing to be sold, and they were often sold at sky-high prices.

From this point of view, it is basically impossible to obtain cheap fire flowers unless...

Go to the Scorched Earth Secret Realm to collect it yourself!

However, Richard planned to put aside the matter of the Fire Flower first.

First, the collection of other raw materials also takes time. Secondly, his main focus in the past two days has been on the drawing given by Hawkins.

The principles contained in the dual energy channel drawings greatly touched Richard.

Over the past few days, Richard had consulted a lot of information, and an idea vaguely formed in his mind.

The dual energy core channel design is to build a transmission system that is more complicated than the ordinary energy channel. Two high-quality magic stones can be put in at the same time as the puppet's energy source.

Simply put, the essence of the dual energy core channel design is to integrate the energy of two magic stones into a stronger energy source through some complicated energy transmission.

This made Richard seem to have vaguely grasped a path that might ignite the black dragon's origin blood in his hand, a path that avoids the core of the third-level flame creature.

After all, the core of a third-level flame creature is almost impossible for Richard to obtain at present.

But if the concept and innovative idea of ​​dual energy core channel design can be used in the second-order flame essence, is it possible to use multiple flame essences to achieve the power of the third-order flame biological core?

Two fire essences?

Obviously not enough!

At this time, Richard was making his first attempt in the alchemy room.

Of course, the material is not flame essence. As a second-level material, flame essence is extremely expensive. Richard only has one on hand, so it is impossible to use it for extravagant experiments.

What Richard is currently conducting is conducting energy gathering experiments on first-order flame crystals.

Most of the 150,000 magic stones that Hawkins bought from the Brewers Guild and traded to Richard last time were used by him to buy flame crystals. A small part was used to continue to buy monsters and accumulate energy points after killing them.

In the spacious alchemy room, Richard was bending down and drawing a huge energy channel on the ground. The complicated lines drawn with energy-conducting ink would make a third-level wizard apprentice feel dizzy in an instant.

The principle of this witch array is almost the same as the concept of dual energy core channel design, which is to gather the energy from each point through the energy channel in the center of the witch array.

In order to achieve the purpose of stronger energy power.

[It was discovered that the host was practicing an unknown witchcraft formation. Did/do you consume energy to gain inspiration for practicing the unknown witchcraft formation? 】

Without hesitation, Richard dragged the slider to the far right and selected "Yes!"

He spent all the energy points gained from killing monsters in the past few days, and there was nothing left.

After a sudden spin, Richard's soul came to the dream space. This time he was in an empty alchemy hall. There was a vague figure in the center of the hall, drawing an unknown witch formation.


I saw a strong explosion in the alchemy hall in the dream.

Obviously the experiment failed!

"This is the 132nd time I failed, but the results are getting better every time!" Richard thought to himself.

Since it is a dream space, the explosion will not have any impact on Richard. Instead, it will make Richard more experienced each time and continue to improve with the blessing of massive inspiration!

【drop! The unknown witch formation attempt was successful, please name the host? 】

"First-order crystal stone aggregation witch formation!"

After a while, the world was spinning, and Richard's soul returned to his body.

Although all the energy points were spent again, the witchcraft array he wanted was successfully created.

The upward curve of the corners of Richard's mouth revealed his inner joy.

First-level crystal aggregation witchcraft formation. The main effect of this witchcraft formation is that energy can be gathered through multiple next-level crystals to achieve the effect of the upper-level crystals.

According to Richard's calculations, as long as the first-order crystals aggregate all six points in the witchcraft array and place six flame crystals, after the witchcraft array is successfully operated, the energy response in the core area will be basically very close to that of the second-order crystals. The energy fluctuations of the Fire Essence.

Of course, it's not that Richard doesn't want to continue to add witchcraft points, but if more points are added, the energy intensity flowing through them will be too high, which will cause energy turbulence.

Even with the blessing of massive inspiration, Richard could not solve this problem for the time being.

This may be related to Richard's lack of relevant knowledge. At present, Richard still needs to continue to accumulate relevant knowledge.

Of course, if you use millions of energy points to push it forcefully, it should probably be possible.

But obviously, this is not cost-effective.

The most important thing is that Richard doesn't have so many energy points on hand.

However, it has at least been proven that Richard's idea is feasible.

In other words, as Richard continues to improve this first-order crystal aggregation witchcraft formation, he can gather the energy of dozens or even nearly a hundred first-order flame crystals together, thereby achieving the third-order flame heart. Effect.

By then, he will surely be able to successfully ignite the mixed black dragon blood in Richard's hand!

"The flame flower has a lot of flame crystals. It seems that I have to go to the Scorched Earth Secret Realm" Richard thought to himself.

The number of flame crystals I need is too large. If I buy them all through magic stones, the number of magic stones required is almost astronomical. If I want to save the dividends of the new beer to buy them, I am afraid it will take hundreds of years!

In addition, the flame flower, one of the main raw materials of Fenrir's potion, is almost only found in small quantities in the Scorched Earth Secret Realm, and is currently not available in the market.

So no matter which angle you look at it, it is necessary for you to take a trip to the Scorched Earth Secret Realm.

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