After Stephana dismissed the convoys and servants transporting the giant thorn-backed fighting pig, the angry-clawed giant bear, and the dark water crocodile, Richard slowly walked forward and looked at the three monsters in the huge iron cages.

Seeing Richard approaching, the angry dark water crocodile fiercely attacked the iron cage as thick as a bowl, "Bang!"


The next second, the dark water crocodile that had been roaring angrily just now had its eyes turned white and fell to the ground motionless!

This could not help but frighten the other two monsters.

Just now it was Richard's innate witchcraft "Spiritual Shock!"

In an instant, he killed a third-level wizard apprentice-level monster, the Dark Water Crocodile. Six months ago, Richard would have had to put in a lot of effort to kill the opponent.

But now, for Richard, who has been promoted to an official wizard, he can instantly kill the opponent with just one look.

Obviously, for the current Richard, these three monsters are only at the level of third-level wizard apprentices and no longer pose any threat.

[Acquire 3122 points of energy. 】

After Richard easily dealt with the three monsters, he went to the alchemy room on the second underground floor to make preparations.

After a while, Fingart purchased all the body parts of the phosphorus stone battle puppet.

After the various parts of the body were brought over, Richard placed these parts in a certain order.

From left to right are the head, torso, hands, crotch, legs, etc.

The trunk can be subdivided into two major parts, the chest and the back, while the legs are more complex and can be subdivided into thighs, knees, calves, ankles, feet, etc.

These phosphorite parts have been refined, their hardness and plasticity have been greatly improved, and all of them have used basic solidification techniques, a commonly used earth-based zero-level witchcraft.

Therefore, Richard now needs to draw the witch formation on the surface according to the phosphorus stone combat puppet drawings, and draw the energy channels inside the components. After both are completed, assemble them together, and then cast the activation spell.

Pulling up the inspiration panel, Richard took a look at the 8342 energy points he had just harvested.

[It was discovered that the host was making a phosphorus stone battle puppet. Did/do you consume energy to get inspiration for making a phosphorus stone battle puppet? 】

Without hesitation, Richard dragged the slider to the far right and selected "Yes!"

After a while, Richard's soul came to the dream space. This time he came to a spacious basement. The various components of the phosphorus stone puppet were also placed in the basement in an orderly manner. There was a vague figure in the center of the basement, and the figure was bending. Waist, something is carefully drawn on the chest of the phosphorus stone puppet.

When Richard returned to his body again, he called up the panel and saw [Skill] Phosphorite Combat Puppet Making (Proficiency 9%).

This made Richard let out a sigh of relief. He was lucky to be able to reach the proficiency level.

I thought that there was a high probability that it would be at the proficient level, but I didn't expect that I would be able to achieve proficiency. One of the reasons is because Richard had already learned a lot of basic knowledge of puppetry in the past few days.

Secondly, the production of the phosphorus stone battle puppet itself is not particularly difficult. After all, it is one of the mainstream puppets. If it is a later obsidian battle puppet, etc., the difficulty will be much greater, and the energy points consumed will naturally be much higher. many.

Because in the dream, he has mastered the witchcraft inscriptions on the surface of the puppet's body parts and the drawing of energy channels inside the parts. This made Richard quite comfortable in field operations.

In a short while, all the successfully drawn body parts were assembled together.

Richard clapped his hands, dusted them off, and looked at the tall phosphorus stone battle puppet with complex witch formations engraved on its body, feeling a small sense of accomplishment.

Now comes the final step.

As Richard recited the activation spell, the nearly two-meter-tall phosphorite battle puppet began to undergo incredible changes.

Richard could clearly feel that the energy core in the puppet's body, a high-level magic stone, was outputting energy. The gaps in the original components of the entire puppet's body began to disappear. After a few seconds, it was no longer possible to see that the puppet was actually assembled. made.

Instead, it is as if it were made from nature, as if it were a human-shaped boulder.

At this time, according to the description of the drawing, the maker can insert his mental tentacles into the primary control core of the phosphorus stone battle puppet. With a little contact, Richard discovered that with the slow input of mental power, he can do whatever he wants. Control the phosphorus stone battle puppet.

"Dong dong dong"

This is a big step forward!


This is a left swing punch plus a right swing punch!

Richard couldn't help but feel happy. This feeling of controlling a puppet was as if the phosphorus stone battle puppet was a clone of himself, but the consumption of mental power was not small.

After feeling it carefully again, Richard found that the feeling of the clone was completely different from what he imagined, or it was very different.

The mental power consumption of controlling the phosphorus stone battle puppet is linked to the complexity of the movements. Moreover, Richard can feel that if he controls multiple puppets at the same time, the mental power consumed will increase exponentially.

No wonder, wizards who specialize in puppetry have never heard of anyone choosing to control a large number of puppets to fight. The consumption of mental energy is too great, resulting in low cost performance.

It can be understood that the mental energy consumption of controlling five intermediate puppets is far more than that of controlling two high-level puppets, but in terms of combat effectiveness, two high-level puppets are much greater than five intermediate puppets.

It turns out the problem is here.


There is another way to use this phosphorus stone battle puppet that consumes very little mental power. That is, the wizard can choose to use the mental power tentacles to issue a simple command and then withdraw it, allowing the primary control core in the puppet's body to automatically implement it.

This surprised Richard quite a bit. It looked a bit like the robot from his previous life.

Of course, this simple command is far less sophisticated than the previous method of continuous control of mental tentacles.

For example, when Richard gives the command "Attack!", the phosphorus stone battle puppet will take the initiative to attack with both fists, even if there is no one in front of him, and even if the enemy has already fled.

Moreover, when Richard gave the order "get the water cup", the phosphorus stone battle puppet didn't know what to do at all.

But if Richard goes one step further and specifies which cup or object it is, the puppet will step forward to get it, but it can easily happen that the cup is broken by the phosphorite battle puppet on the spot.

Therefore, the second method of controlling the puppet can only deal with repeated coolie scenes, such as digging coal mines, until the energy in the puppet is exhausted.

If you want to use it to deal with flexible enemies, no wizard would be stupid enough to choose the second combat method.

From a certain perspective, this also promotes the development of advanced combat puppets in disguise.


Early the next morning, Richard arrived at his exclusive alchemy room at the headquarters of the Gray Dwarf Brotherhood.

The exclusive alchemy room in his headquarters is also located on the second underground floor, which is the same alchemy hall where he competed with Gorkan.

In the alchemy hall on the second underground floor, in addition to more than twenty exclusive alchemy rooms, there are also dozens of public alchemy rooms that can be rented at any time.

Exclusive alchemy rooms are generally only owned by alchemist masters. At the same time, the Gray Dwarf Brotherhood will equip relevant professional utensils and equipment according to the different branch directions of the alchemist masters.

For example, an alchemist master of the explosives branch like Richard needs very different utensils from an alchemist master of the pharmacy branch.

At the same time, equipment will be slightly added or deleted based on the personal habits and requirements of each alchemist master. Therefore, even those alchemist masters who are also in the pharmacy branch have considerable differences in their exclusive alchemy rooms.

However, Richard is one of the outliers. His alchemy room has both pharmacy-specific equipment and explosives-specific equipment. Who makes him a dual-branch alchemist master?

In a short while, Richard completed all the work for the day. He looked at the time and saw that it was almost time to go up.

Being on time is a good habit and will leave a better first impression.

The office of Hawkins, the vice-president of the Gray Dwarf Brotherhood, is on the third floor of the headquarters, which is also the top floor of the headquarters.

Each floor of the headquarters is almost ten meters high, so even on the third floor, there is a very good view. Although the Underdark is always gray and visibility is not high, both gray dwarves and night elves have dark vision.

Therefore, the visibility they looked around was similar to the visibility humans see on the surface of the earth on a clear day. From the third floor, they could basically see most of Tuge City clearly.

Arranging the office at a high place will give you the feeling of overlooking all living beings. It seems that at this point, the high-level concepts of gray dwarves and humans are almost the same.

As Richard entered the corridor on the third floor, an old man with the look of a gray dwarf nobleman with a meticulously braided beard stepped forward and asked Richard, "Is this Master Levi?"

"Yes." Richard nodded.

The other person's aura was different from his, as if he was a master at the official wizard level.

"Vice President Hawkins has already told me that Master Levi will be here today. Please follow me. Vice President Hawkins' office is in the third room from the bottom at the end of the corridor." The gray dwarf noble old man said respectfully .

Richard did not expect that such a person would only be doing reception work on the third floor.

"Dong dong dong"

"Please come in!" A deep and deep voice came from the room. It must be Vice President Hawkins.

Richard walked into the room with the old gray dwarf nobleman. He saw that the room was full of greenery, and many rare and even unknown plants were blooming. If it weren't for the fact that Richard had known that this was the office of a gray dwarf, He would also think that he was in the elf's room.

In addition to green vines, there are also many oil paintings of various sizes hanging on the walls around the room.

There are gray dwarf warriors fighting monsters, and gray dwarf wizards performing gorgeous and powerful witchcraft. There are many contents, but all of them reflect the greatness of gray dwarves.

An old gray dwarf with a majestic appearance and an extremely deep breath, wearing a gorgeous black wizard robe woven with gold threads and intricate patterns, is sitting behind a huge mahogany desk.

Richard immediately recognized that the person in front of him was Vice President Hawkins, and the opponent's strength must have reached the level of a second-level great wizard. He had a powerful aura, and a pair of brown eyes that seemed to be able to see through the fog.

"Hahaha, is this the young and promising Master Li Wei?" Hawkins walked forward from behind the desk in an unusually polite manner.

This caused a flash of surprise in the eyes of the gray dwarf noble old man. It seemed that Vice President Hawkins attached great importance to the new human alchemy master in front of him.

You know, when the deputy director of the Alchemy Department comes in, Vice President Hawkins won't even move his butt.

"Yes, Vice President Hawkins, it's our first time meeting you. I'm deeply honored!" Richard bowed slightly and performed a wizard's salute.

Hawkins came over and sat on a soft leather sofa, just face to face with Richard, and said: "Please sit down, Master Levi, you are welcome."

Facing the second-level great wizard, Richard did not dare to take it lightly and sat upright, but in his heart he was not panicked at all.

Because before coming, he had already determined the purpose of the other party's meeting with him.

Hawkins' eyes were like the stars in the sky, deep and wise, and he seemed to be able to see into people's hearts. Just by briefly looking at Richard, Richard felt like he was being seen through.

"Levi, you must be less than twenty years old. You are already a master of dual alchemy in both pharmacy and explosives. It is really rare."

"I wonder who your mentor is? I really admire him. If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely visit him."

Regarding his origin, Richard had already thought about how to answer.

Just listen to him calmly say: "Vice President Hawkins, this may be difficult. I am actually from the surface. Because I was injured while fighting the night elves, I unfortunately came to the gray dwarf area."

"I come from a wizarding academy for humans on the surface, called Gurus Academy. Have you heard of it?"

This immediately stunned Hawkins, and the next second, a happy smile broke out on his originally serious face.

"Haha, Levi, I like your honesty."

"I have watched your method of making golden horned frog eggs. Several of the steps adopt techniques commonly used by humans on the surface. It seems that my guess is indeed correct."

Huh! Richard did not expect that the competition between himself and Gorkan that day would be recorded using photography.

Fortunately, he had no intention of concealing his origins.

Because there is a saying that the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

Gray dwarves and night elves are old enemies, and the three major undead wizard colleges among surface humans are currently at war with the night elves.

Since he comes from one of the three major schools of undead wizards, he naturally becomes an ally of the gray dwarves.

Richard had thought up a response plan early on, and it seemed that Hawkins' first impression of him was very good.

Hawkins seemed to be caught in some kind of memory, a hazy color flashed in his eyes, and he murmured: "The surface of the earth."

However, Hawkins soon adjusted his mood and said: "Levi, the alchemy combination bomb you developed has received very good feedback from many gray dwarf wizards after using it on site."

"So, I invite you here this time because I want to discuss with you whether your alchemy combination bomb formula can be sold to the organization. As for the price, it can be contribution points, magic crystals or some rare materials. Of course, other requirements are yours. You can also mention it.”

This was almost exactly what Richard had expected. Sure enough, he came here for the alchemy combination bomb.

Although Richard had already made up his mind, he still pretended to be embarrassed and hesitant.

Hawkins was obviously also an old fox. He was not anxious at all and waited calmly for Richard's reply.

After a long time, Richard held back two words: "Vice President Hawkins, to be honest, I am honored that my alchemy combination bomb is so popular with everyone."

"But I actually have no intention of selling. However, if the organization really needs it, I can take the liberty to ask, if you choose contribution value, how much contribution value will the organization be willing to pay to acquire it?"

Hawkins could also understand Richard's mood at this time. After all, it was him who had rarely invented the formula, but now it was about to be sold to the organization, so naturally he was unwilling to do so.

A small matter that could have brought long-term benefits to oneself has turned into a one-time deal.

In fact, if Richard's alchemical combination bomb was not so practical and was spotted by a big shot in the gray dwarf empire, the gray dwarf brotherhood would not be willing to be such a villain.

This kind of semi-forced nature, forcing members of the organization to sell their own research and development formulas, is really not good to hear.

Therefore, the reward that the superiors are willing to give this time is also extra generous.

"Haha, if you choose to contribute points, Levi, the organization also has many exclusive formulas sold by alchemist masters for reference, and you will definitely not suffer a loss."

"Your alchemy combination bomb formula, several explosive branch alchemy masters have tested the actual product and evaluated it to have a contribution value between 5000-6000 points. However, I can make the decision and increase it to 8000 contribution points."

Richard nodded. This price was definitely above the average. The premium given by Hawkins was at least 30% higher.

Richard is not a greedy person, and he does not want to offend the Gray Dwarf Brotherhood by going to death to obtain benefits because of such a thing.

After all, his purpose in entering the Gray Dwarf Brotherhood was to gain protection, not to be jealous or plot against one another.

"Vice President Hawkins, this price is indeed very sincere, but if you really have to ask me to make a request, I would like to choose to exchange it for an advanced control core."

Richard slowly revealed his true purpose.

The advanced control core can only be redeemed by Adamantine-level members of the Gray Dwarf Brotherhood. The redemption price is 10,000 contribution points.

At the same time, the advanced control core is also necessary to control high-level and above puppets, such as giant war golems, etc. It is considered to be the highest-level alchemy product in the study of puppetry in the gray dwarf empire.

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