Witcher starts with Get Inspiration Panel

Chapter 175 Black Dragon Source Blood

At this time, Richard was carefully transforming the disgusting fat abdominal cavity.

The process of transformation is quite difficult, requiring delicate knife skills and skilled witchcraft drawing skills. It cannot destroy the original strong defense of the abomination's abdomen, but at the same time, it must also achieve the purpose of allowing the abhorrence to control and release the resentful spirits independently.

Therefore, the entire transformation process is still very time-consuming and laborious.

I saw that with the huge body of hatred as the center, Richard had drawn several witchcraft formations with different functions around it. At this moment, they were emitting light of different colors, and they were quite beautiful when intertwined.

half an hour later

Richard wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead, feeling quite accomplished.

At present, most of the renovation progress has been completed and everything is going smoothly. Among them, the inspiration panel has played a powerful role in assisting.

Relying on the inspiration panel, Richard singled out some of the resentful spirit abomination transformation processes that he was not familiar with before, practiced them repeatedly in the dream space, and quickly improved.

Only then can it be operated so smoothly.

In addition, the shielding cloak also played an excellent role, almost perfectly concealing the energy fluctuations here.

Just now, a few little beasts with cute faces walked in here by mistake, which made Richard laugh and cry. The cover-up was too perfect, but it turned out to be bad.

Even the animals with keen senses did not notice the abnormality here.

When Richard recited the spell and moved the eight vengeful spirits in the black bottle with both ears to the abdomen of the abomination that had been transformed, the entire transformation process of the vengeful spirit abhorrence was basically completed.

At this moment, deep in the belly of hatred, there is a small space engraved with a complicated witch formation, which confines all the resentful spirits, even evil spirits, that are contained in it now and in the future.

The next step is actual combat testing.

See if Abomination can freely control the release and recall of the wraiths.


Not long after Dolores and his party entered the hidden cave, a spider knight who was exploring ahead came to report again.

"Your Highness Dorothy, we found traces of the black-scaled earth dragon beast not far ahead." The spider knight reported the report respectfully, and at the same time, he pointed ahead.

Dolores immediately looked happy and stepped forward to check.

She saw a huge footprint on the ground not far away, catching her eye.

The footprint is about half a meter wide, about one meter long, and 20 to 30 centimeters deep. Although this footprint is huge, what is more distinctive is that there are only three sharp toes on the entire foot.

This is a relatively obvious feature. For example, humans have five toes and no claws. It can be said that there is a huge difference.

At this time, the team leader of the Spider Knight squatted down, crushed a piece of hard soil with his fingers, smelled the smell carefully with his nose, and carefully observed the lines left by the huge soles, then turned to report to Dorothy :

"Your Highness Dolores, she must be a black-scaled dragon beast!"

"Furthermore, this footprint is relatively clear, and the smell left behind is relatively strong. According to my judgment, it is the footprint left about two hours ago."

Dolores nodded, she still believed in the judgment of this squad leader who was good at tracking, and said:

"Go! Send everyone up and expand the search area!"

"After discovering the target, report it immediately. The black-scaled dragon beast is not something you can deal with."

"Also, go and see if there are any human wizard apprentices nearby. I need some live bait."

Dolores paused and then said:

"The effect of using the flesh and blood of intelligent creatures to lure black-scaled earth dragon beasts will be much better than the flesh and blood of ordinary beasts."

"Yes, Your Highness Dolores!" The team leader waved his hand, and the spider knights behind him quickly divided into three teams.

Among them, two teams went forward to search for the specific location of the black-scaled earth dragon beast, while the other team sprinted away in the direction they came from.

It seemed that this group of people was going to hunt down human wizard apprentices.

After a while, the Spider Knight who was responsible for the search came to report again.

"Your Highness Dolores, we followed the footprints and searched all the way until we found a deep cave a few miles ahead. We can faintly hear the roar of a beast."

"Well done, my warriors." Dolores praised, but she didn't expect the spider knights to lock the position of the black-scaled earth dragon beast so quickly.

It was much shorter than she expected.

Following the guidance of several spider knights, Dolores came to an open space not far from the cave and carefully observed the environment.

I saw the skeletons of many large animals scattered around the entrance of the cave in an unusually messy manner. Judging from the sheer size of the remaining skeletons, these dead animals were probably quite powerful monsters.

The monster skeleton that Dolores could quickly identify was the iron-jawed lizard. Its wide iron jaw was in the middle of the skeleton, which was a very obvious feature.

However, these powerful monsters were now used as daily nourishment by the black-scaled earth dragon beast in the cave.

After checking the surrounding environment, Dolores had a rough plan in mind.


Immediately, she frowned again and said, "Why, haven't you caught the bait I wanted?"

"Your Highness Dolores, I will send more people right away." The captain of the Demon Spider Knight on the side replied nervously.

"No need, since you haven't found your person, then you can go ahead." Dolores smiled evilly.

In an instant, the captain of the Demonic Spider Knight fell into an ice cave, trembling all over.

"Your Highness." Just as he was stammering and about to beg for mercy, the noise of several humans came from behind the team.

This is undoubtedly the most beautiful sound in the ears of Captain Demon Spider Knight.

"Oh~ It seems you are in good luck today!" Dolores glanced at him angrily and said.

The captain of the Demon Spider Knight quickly wiped the fine beads of sweat on his head, and at the same time, he looked back curiously.

I saw five spider knights wearing fine knight armor, escorting three bound human wizard apprentices, walking towards them.

The three human apprentices, two men and one woman, were all young, and their expressions at this moment were extremely frightening.

"Hey! Not bad, I actually caught three live baits."

"Bring my package over here." Dolores gestured to the Spider Knight standing aside.

After a while, Dolores took the black package handed over respectfully by a spider knight and took out three bottles of light green potion.

"This is a potion of weakness. Strip them naked and spread the potion evenly on these three people."

"As you command, Your Highness Dolores!"

Several spider knights quickly stepped forward and tore off the three people's robes in an instant.



"Damn night elves, kill them if you want, why do you want to humiliate us!"

The three human wizard apprentices who were captured alive thought they would be tortured, but they didn't expect...

"Noisy! The bait must have the awareness of the bait!"

"Cut out their tongues and break their tendons and hamstrings!"

Dolores waved her hand expressionlessly.


Following several shrill screams, the three naked human wizard apprentices were held by the spider knights like dead dogs and dragged to the center of the open space ahead.

Then, several spider knights followed Dolos's orders and applied the debilitating potion evenly on the three human apprentices.

I saw three human apprentices with frightened eyes and trembling bodies. They seemed to be trying to resist but their limbs had their tendons severed and were completely unable to move at this time.

Like a lamb waiting for the slaughter, waiting for the butcher's knife to come!

At this time, a Demon Spider Knight sprinted up from behind and said, "Your Highness Dolores, Lady Portia has something important to report."

"Her Royal Highness Shadra came to the camp. At the same time, she also brought news that within half a day, human wizard apprentices would attack the camp."

"What? Shadra?"

Dolores' first reaction when she heard the news was just like Portia's, she was confused.

I have never heard of the mistress talking about it. Will she continue to send high-level spider women into the Norman secret realm?

Moreover, there has been no news from Shadra since she invaded the surface with her mistress half a year ago. It is said that she was killed by a human wizard, and some said she was seriously injured.

Even if the mistress wants to send a high-level spider girl in again, it is possible to send someone else, but the possibility of sending Shadra can be said to be extremely low.

It feels like something is wrong with Shadra's appearance this time!

However, Dolores shook her head slightly.

Now is not the time to think about this problem. All preparations for hunting the black-scaled earth dragon beast are now ready.

The top priority now is to successfully complete the task of collecting the blood essence of the black-scaled earth dragon beast entrusted by the mistress.

After that, I went back to the camp to see what happened to Shadra who suddenly appeared this time.

So, after making up her mind, Dolores began to recite a long spell.

All around the clearing, a huge witch formation shining with light red light appeared faintly.

Soon after, the pale red light of this huge witch formation gradually began to shrink as Dolos's spell ended, until it completely disappeared.

From the appearance, this ground is the same as other places, and there is no clue that a giant witch formation has been deployed here.

After everything was ready, Dorothy's face calmed down and she ordered: "Everyone get ready!"

"Ready! Your Highness Dolores."

I saw Dolores waving her delicate hand, and a black whirlwind blew towards the three poor people who had been smeared with the weak potion. Then, this whirlwind was mixed with the unique smell of the weak potion and floated into the cave not far ahead. .

After a while, as if attracted by the unique fragrance of the debilitating potion, a low roar came from the cave, and the noise became louder and louder.

"Dong dong dong!" The footsteps of a huge creature came.

A few seconds later, a giant creature with a body length of more than 20 meters, surrounded by black scales, and with a row of triangular bone spurs growing from the top of the head along the spine to the tail, walked out of the cave.

If Richard were present, he would definitely find that this creature called the Black-Scale Terradramon looks a bit like a ceratopsian from the previous Jurassic era.

But its appearance is also significantly different from that of the ceratopsian, that is, its black scales are particularly eye-catching.

The black-scaled dragon beast obviously saw the live bait exuding fragrance in the center of the clearing. In addition to the unique fragrance of the weak potion, there was also the smell of its favorite intelligent creature.

This made him unable to restrain his appetite, and in an instant, he rushed out quickly with an astonishing momentum!

At this time, the three apprentices lying on the ground unable to move knew that their previous belief that the night elves were going to torture them to extract information was completely wrong.

These damn, despicable, shameless night elves actually used them as bait!

Not in every tragedy, a hero will step forward!

As the black-scaled earth dragon beast's bloody mouth opened and closed, a human apprentice was torn into large pieces of flesh and blood by the sharp teeth, and was swallowed directly, devouring it.

The remaining two wizard apprentices trembled as they looked at this bloody scene!

After a while, the three ill-fated human apprentices were devoured by the black-scaled dragon beast.

At this time, the black-scaled earth dragon beast, which was enjoying the meal, also noticed something was wrong, because it felt that its head was a little dizzy.

Even with a low IQ, he realized at this moment that there seemed to be something wrong with the delicious food he had just eaten.

But before it had time to think about it, it further noticed that its limbs were extremely heavy, and all its strength seemed to begin to drain away rapidly.

Suddenly, Dolores was heard holding a black mirror and shouting:

"Great goddess Lolth, please grant me the power of nightmares."

The originally dark mirror in her hand suddenly emitted a burst of rich green light, and the next second, a green light beam as thick as the mouth of a bowl shone directly on the black-scaled earth dragon beast.

In an instant, the huge body of the black-scaled earth dragon beast froze in place as if frozen!

"Quick! Activate the Origin Blood Draining Witch Array!"

Eight demon spider knights were seen rushing towards the black-scaled earth dragon beast, and pierced the black-scaled earth dragon beast's neck, the insides of its limbs, and both sides of its chest with a specially made dragon-breaking blade.

As the Mitsubishi cone-shaped dragon-breaking blade was pulled out, in an instant, red blood spurted out from the wound like spring water!

After a large amount of blood gushes out, strangely, it does not drip to the ground, but floats about ten centimeters above the ground.

The giant witch formation originally arranged around it began to slowly activate with the injection of a huge amount of blood!

What is surprising is that the black-scaled earth dragon beast, which was so severely injured, seems to be unaware at this moment, still standing frozen on the spot, motionless!




As the countdown ends!

The next second, the black-scaled earth dragon beast seemed to have just come to life and let out a roar. Unfortunately, it was hit by a weakening potion and had eight wounds all over its body to bleed. The current black-scaled earth dragon beast's strength has long been reduced. .

He was soon swarmed by the spider knights and strangled with thick chains.

And as the bloody light of the giant witch formation grew stronger and stronger, the roar of the black-scaled earth dragon beast gradually turned into a mournful cry.

After a while, the black-scaled earth dragon beast's four extremely thick thighs were no longer able to support its own weight, and it collapsed to the ground.

The blood trapped in the center of the giant magic circle has now turned into a huge blood ball with a diameter of at least two meters.

At the same time, there is still a small amount of blood, which is continuing to flow out from the wound of the black-scaled dragon beast and merge into the huge blood cell!

Dolores began to recite a complicated incantation. Following the ups and downs of the incantation, the huge blood ball in the center of the giant circle began to beat like a living heart.

With each beat, the color of the blood cells becomes brighter and thicker, and at the same time, some unnecessary impurities and water are expelled.

Gradually, blood cells the size of a water tank condensed into the size of a human head

Take a step further and become the size of a fist

Finally, after three times of refining, it solidified into a drop-shaped crystal the size of a fingernail, red and black.

"Black dragon origin blood!"

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