Unfortunately, Richard, who had already gone away, could no longer hear what these people were saying.

He and Stephana, at this time, had already rushed to the original material trading point at full speed, which should be regarded as the base camp of the Spider Knight.

Moreover, the two of them tried their best to avoid the night elves' patrols along the way to avoid fighting and thus achieve the purpose of hiding their traces.

After the two of them arrived at a hidden place near the trading point, Richard took out the only remaining stand-in doll from his arms, and after a low spell, he removed all four parts of his body. A tracking mark was transferred to this stand-in doll.

Afterwards, Richard carved the witchcraft formation for the transformation of resentful spirits on the ground. Relying on smooth movements and skillful skills, he completed the complex witchcraft formation in a short while.

Richard stood up and carefully checked the formation pattern. After confirming that it was correct, he took out a transparent crystal ball from his arms, whispered a spell in his mouth, and began to transfer the witchcraft formation of vengeful spirits into the blank crystal ball.

After a dazzling red light flashed, the rubbing was completed!

Immediately afterwards, Richard performed another strange witchcraft. As the crystal ball lit up with a burst of white light, it seemed that some strange energy was also integrated into the crystal ball.

After the spell was completed, Richard took the stand-in doll, the crystal ball with the resentful spirit transformation circle imprinted on it, and the [Mistmanto Orb] obtained from Donato, a total of three items, and handed them over Gave it to Stephana.

After Stephana took the three items with a surprised look on her face, Richard whispered something in her ear.

Immediately, Stephana nodded with her beautiful eyes.

After asking Richard a few questions, Stephana looked at Richard with admiration and complimented:

"Master, I just discovered now that although you are already very powerful, your wisdom is better than your strength."

"Stop complimenting me, Stephanna. Do you have any questions about this plan?"

"If not, then you should set off early and enter the night elf base camp."

"Yes! My master!" Stephana bowed slightly and made a lady's salute to Richard.

Just when Stephana was about to leave, she suddenly stopped. After thinking for a moment, she turned around and said, "Master, I think I should change my clothes. The effect will be better."

The next second, Stephana took off her clothes directly in front of Richard without any care, and slowly put on a black tulle, turning in front of Richard in the classic style of a high-end spider woman. lock up.

"Master, do you think this outfit is more like the daily attire of a high-end spider woman?" Stephana said softly.

This immediately made Richard feel overwhelmed. His eyes were stunned and he did not dare to look directly at the rough waves ahead.

"This one does look more like it!" Richard glanced at it from the corner of his eye and nodded quickly.

"Hurry up and set off~"

Richard quickly waved his hand to signal Stephana to leave quickly.

"Giggle!" Seeing the unnatural expression on Richard's face, Stephana laughed sweetly, and then walked towards the raw material supply point outside the dense forest - the current headquarters of the Spider Knights.

The overall structure of the supply point is a simple gathering place, surrounded by wooden fences, forming an irregular circle.

Of course, the fence here is more of a symbolic meaning, used to protect some animals and so on. The real defense relies more on the witch formations carved in advance in the material supply point.

But since being raided by the night elves, these defensive witch formations have been almost completely destroyed.

In the camp, there are seven or eight wooden houses lined up, most of which are built along the inside of the fence. They sell different daily supplies, such as food shops, shops supplying common surgical materials, etc.

Under the protection of these wooden houses, the tall wooden house located in the center of the camp was the residence of the person in charge of the original supply point.

Now, it has become the residence of Dolores and Portia, the leader of the Spider Knights.

And when Stephana Pingting's graceful figure appeared at the gate of the camp, several spider knights who were on guard were suddenly stunned and looked at each other in disbelief at the high-ranking spider woman who suddenly appeared in front of them.

Obviously, Her Highness Dolores led a group of people out not long ago, so what about this lord? ?

However, the face seems a bit familiar!

It seems to be Her Highness Shadra?

Stephana smiled sweetly, "Why, don't you even recognize me?"

These words instantly stirred up the spirit of several spider knights, imprinting them in their blood. The night elves' long-standing sense of superiority and inferiority made them immediately bend down and salute.

One of the spider knights said nervously: "Are you Your Highness Shadra?"

"I'm very sorry that I couldn't salute you immediately. We really didn't know that you were also sent into the Norman secret realm by the mistress."

Stephana waved her hand to show that she didn't mind this trivial matter, and then asked: "Where is Dolores?"

"Lord Erdolos just led four detachments of spider knights out. The highest commander in the camp now is Lord Portia." The spider knight replied respectfully.

"Well, take me to see Portia immediately." Stephana said deliberately impatiently.

"As you command, Your Highness Shadra! Please come with me."

The spider knight immediately turned around and led the way, while Stephana followed behind him with a nonchalant expression, observing the arrangement of the entire camp's defense forces.

I saw that in the entire camp, including patrols, guards, and secret sentries, there should be no less than fifty spider knights here.

In addition to what the spider knight just said, Dolores has already taken some people away.

From this point of view, the number of spider knights in the entire supply point should have exceeded 70.

No wonder, no one among the wizard apprentices from the three major academies in the secret territory of Norman has been able to break through the obstacles and send back the message.

Richard, who was hiding in a nearby hiding place, was currently playing with the short, curved bone staff that originally belonged to Donato. This bone staff, only half a meter long, was officially called the "Meandering Bone Staff".

Just now, Richard had used purifying water to completely wipe out all the breath on the winding bone staff, so now there is no need to worry about being tracked or anything.

[Meandering Bone Staff] is a top-level witchcraft prop. When the holder releases the zero-level witchcraft of summoning ghouls, the ordinary ghouls summoned will mutate into clawed ghouls. At the same time, the number of ghouls summoned increases by one.

After seeing the contents of the explanation of the witch formation, Richard suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Donetto could summon three mutated clawed ghouls and fight against his own hatred. It turned out that it was with this weapon. Winding bone staff.

Originally, he thought that Donetto, like him, had improved his control over the zero-level witchcraft of summoning ghouls to the master or extreme level.

It seems that I still overestimated him.

After playing with the sinuous bone staff, a top-level witchcraft tool, for a while, Richard took out a pair of low-level witchcraft tools that looked like iron shackles - war shackles. He observed them carefully and marveled at them.

"What an ingenious idea! I can actually think of using the power of the witch formation to restrain the enemy from moving."

This was the first time that Richard obtained a low-level witchcraft, and it was also a rare auxiliary witchcraft.

The Mutated Summoning Rod obtained before was a damaged low-level witchcraft, so strictly speaking, it did not reach the power that a low-level witchcraft should have.

However, when he thought of the word "auxiliary", Richard picked up a low-level magic weapon in the shape of a cloak from the side.

The light black gauze-shaped cloak was the cloak with hidden functions that Donetto and the wizard apprentices used in the beginning.

After reading the explanation of the magic circle on the concealing cloak, Richard realized that it was definitely a bit of luck for Stephana to find the other party.

It stands to reason that unless there is a huge difference in strength, it is almost impossible to spot the person covered by the concealing cloak ten meters away.

Among these three items, the last one that Richard valued the most was the concealing cloak.

Because the effect of this low-level magic weapon is really great. It can not only hide the body shape and aura of the user and all teammates within five meters.

Moreover, Richard had just made an actual measurement and found that the shielding cloak could cover a considerable part of the energy fluctuations caused by witchcraft.

For Richard, this special effect of the concealing cloak can be applied in the next plan.

Now, with the low-level witchcraft of the concealing cloak, it can be said that the success rate of Richard's plan will be greatly improved.

Because this time, Richard transformed the souls of Donetto and the wizard apprentices who besieged him into resentful spirits, so Richard did not call out the sleeping crystal this time.

From time to time, Richard would observe the secret sentry of the Spider Knight near the camp.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for these secret whistles to shrink back.

It seems that Stephana has already begun to implement his plan.

In this case, I have to take action on my own side.

Richard immediately waved the mutant summoning staff in his hand, and saw a huge green inverse pentagram witch formation emerge from the sole of his feet. An abomination with a height of more than 2.8 meters and an extremely fat body was immediately summoned. come out.

Hatred looked around with a pair of squinting little eyes, but he couldn't find any enemies around.

Those confused little eyes seemed to say, Hey! Then why did the master summon me?

Looking down, he saw Richard handing it a test tube with a bubbling purple liquid.

Richard smiled and said: "Drink it, and when you wake up again, you will become stronger."

Out of trust in Richard, Hatred picked up the test tube, sniffed it, and poured it into his mouth. After clicking his mouth, he felt a little dizzy. Suddenly, the world was spinning, and he fell down.

After a while, Abomination lying on the ground was snoring loudly!

Richard controlled the mimetic wristband and transformed it into a shining silver scalpel. Based on the memory in his mind, he carefully reviewed the transformation process of the Wraith Abomination.

The next second, the sharp scalpel cut open Hatred's fat belly——

Near the golden-scaled lizard cave.

Gildas's werewolf clone, now all green and purple, stumbled and escaped from the golden-scaled lizard in an unusually embarrassed manner.

And he also understood that for some unknown reason, Robert should have been swallowed by the golden-scaled lizard before, causing the [Mistmanto Orb] to be in the belly of the golden-scaled lizard.

Therefore, when the three of them held the orb and followed them all the way, not only did they return without success, but one of them was killed.

This made Gildas very angry!

Damn beast!

It's not that he can't fight the golden-scaled lizard, but the mission he currently shoulders prevents him from using his trump card to have a big battle with the golden-scaled lizard.

Because once Gildas uses his trump card, his strength will soar to the level of a formal wizard, and then he will be restricted by the rules of the Norman Secret Realm. He will soon be teleported out of the Norman Secret Realm, which will then lead to the confession of the Grand Wizard Graf. The rescue mission failed.

Therefore, Gildas can only endure it for now.

Suddenly, his mind was shaken, and a haze enveloped his heart.

Immediately, Gildas looked up to the northeast of the Norman secret realm.

He felt that the tracking mark on his child, Donetto, was triggered.

this means

One of his most valued heirs was killed.

This means that a wizard with great potential in the future of the Colonna family was directly strangled in the cradle.

This made Gildas' already angry heart feel like a volcano about to erupt, almost out of control.

The clenched fists were loosened and clenched again!

After taking a deep breath, Gildas secretly swore in his heart:

"Donato, no matter who kills you, I will avenge you!"

At this point, the seeds of hatred have spread in Gildas's heart.

As for the rescue mission?

I can only say I'm sorry, Donato is dead, you mediocre people trapped in the secret realm, even if you rescue them, what's the point.

As if thinking of something, Gildas took out the [Mistmanto Orb] in his arms, sensed it carefully, and found that the orb had a tendency to gradually dim.

Gildas immediately understood that this meant that the person who killed Donato would most likely also take away the orb on his body.

Immediately, Gildas walked around and sensed carefully again, and found that the person holding the Donato Orb and the person shown by the tracking mark were almost in the same position!

At this time, Gildas was basically certain that the other party must be in this direction.

As for why Gildas is so cautious.

We have to mention Richard. If it hadn't been for the thousand-mile pursuit of birds, which left such a deep impression on Gildas, Gildas wouldn't be so cautious this time. He only dared to confirm the murderer after making repeated judgments twice. s position.

Now that he had determined the opponent's position, Gildas turned his head and said to Stefan: "Let's go!"

After saying that, Gildas rushed out without looking back.

Stefan was about to say something, but he gave up after mumbling a few times, sighed, and quickly followed.

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