Witcher starts with Get Inspiration Panel

Chapter 168 The powerful strength of the werewolf clone

The spider knight's scream before his death immediately alerted his other companions to look back, and they saw this horrific scene on the spot!

Suddenly, the remaining spider knights had expressions of shock and disbelief!

Because they know deeply how much power is required to cause such an effect of tearing the human body apart.

First of all, the physical strength of the Demon Spider Knight is very high. Secondly, the body is also protected by sophisticated knight armor. It is really difficult for them to imagine how a weak species like the opponent's human wizard apprentice can burst out with such huge power. .

But then, when they got clear about the figure, they understood why this scene happened.

I saw a ferocious black werewolf that was at least two meters tall and with thick hair. At this moment, he was standing in an upright position behind the recently deceased Demon Spider Knight. A pair of thick and sharp werewolf claws were still bleeding to the ground. With bright red blood!

It seems to be swearing a strong demeanor!

But its dark green eyes and protruding canine teeth give others the impression that it is more ferocious than majestic.

When Gildas's ruthless eyes swept across the remaining spider knights, they immediately felt as if a bucket of ice water was poured from head to toe, and their whole bodies were chilled!

"(Elvish) Retreat quickly, go back and report to the leader, and find the suspected official wizard fighting force!" A spider knight looked seriously and immediately made arrangements.

"(Elvish) Have you left?" Gildas's werewolf clone spoke in Elvish.

Suddenly, the facial expressions of the remaining spider knights looked as if they had seen a ghost!

"How can you speak Elvish!" A spider knight was so surprised that his tongue was tied.

But what he was waiting for was not the answer from the werewolf clone, but an instant witchcraft - Clumsy Technique!

I saw the werewolf clone of Gildarts, and with a wave of his wolf claws, a dark green mist appeared out of thin air above the head of the spider knight who asked the question, and disappeared instantly.

The spider knight suddenly felt as if his limbs were bound by heavy shackles, and his movement and attacks were greatly affected!

After the spell was completed, the werewolf clone immediately rushed towards the spider knight with lightning speed, intending to deliver a fatal blow.

Seeing this, several other spider knights hurriedly rescued them, but Stefan and Harley were not vegetarians either.

Especially after the scene where the two of them saw Gildarts' werewolf clone tearing apart the Spider Knight with his bare hands, they became even more enthusiastic about fighting and their blood was brimming with blood!

Stefan always kept in mind Gildarts' previous instructions - let him and Harley hold each other back.

As for Harley, who had been chased all the way by these spider knights before, he was already filled with resentment. Now that he had a chance to fight back, of course he would spare no effort to use his witchcraft!

Immediately, the slowness spell, the weakness spell, and even the shadow curse were cast by the two of them like raindrops and released on several other spider knights.

Although the two of them did not directly perform offensive zero-level witchcraft, the various witchcraft they chose to perform made the rescue Spider Knight even more uncomfortable, making the rescue that was originally a little too late, now even more hopeless.

When Gildarts' werewolf clone rushed in front of the spider knight who had been hit by the Clumsy Technique, the spider knight's face turned stern, and suddenly a huge companion spider rushed over from behind the werewolf clone.

If the werewolf clone ignores him and attacks him directly, then obviously, his accompanying demon spider will also give the opponent a fatal blow!

Trade injury for injury!

This is the decision of the Spider Knight!

This decision cannot be said to be ruthless.

But this time he picked the wrong opponent.

Because this time his opponent is the clone of a formal wizard. For a formal wizard, he has experienced almost no less than a hundred battles!

And Gildas can be considered a leader among first-level wizards.

The ferocious-looking werewolf suddenly showed an admiring look at the spider knight, but in the next second, his size suddenly increased, and his height exceeded 2.5 meters.

"Claw Storm!"

Accompanied by a terrifying wolf howl, the werewolf's claws, which were originally extremely sharp, suddenly grew ten centimeters longer. At the same time, the werewolf clone began to spin like a top.

This frightened the Demon Spider Knight and his companion Demon Spider on the opposite side, because their eyes were filled with sharp claws that were so fast that they left afterimages.

The strong wind that hit their faces in an instant cut their skin and cracked it.

They wanted to avoid it, but it was too late!


A sound of tearing leather sounded continuously.

When everyone came to their senses again, they saw that the Demon Spider Knight and his companion Demon Spider had been cut into fist-sized pieces of meat by the super-speed werewolf claws. They were stacked on top of each other with a strong smell of blood. On the ground, there were two piles of rotten meat, one behind the other!

After using his ultimate move, the werewolf clone fell silent for a while and stood calmly, motionless.

This made the remaining two spider knights look frightened on their faces!

Although they are the elite of the night elves, they are still timid when facing enemies whose combat power far exceeds theirs!

It can be said that they have completely lost the courage to continue fighting.

Gildarts was actually not as relaxed as he appeared. The blow just now could be said to have been carried out with almost all his strength.

With the blessing of the werewolf clone's natural witchcraft and frenzy, he used one of his unique skills, Claw Storm, which also consumed a lot of his physical and mental energy!

It's just that he didn't show any signs of it!

As a seasoned official wizard, he knows the importance of momentum in battle.

Not only can it attack enemies, but it can also inspire teammates!

But after Gildas used his ultimate move, the sight of him standing there without blushing or panting was quite unfathomable in the eyes of everyone.

Stefan and Harley, on the other hand, were in awe of Gildas's strength.

At this moment, they were beating up the drowned dog like a chicken, and kept causing trouble for the Spider Knight, throwing out zero-level witchcraft and scrolls one after another.

Gildarts' werewolf clone, after adjusting its breath for a few seconds, was like a wind and a cloud, killing all the remaining two spider knights and several companion spiders who had long lost their fighting spirit.

"Your Highness Dolores will avenge us!" The last spider knight who died seemed to be a squad leader. His last words made Gildas frown.

He knew what the word "Your Highness" represented in the night elves, and coupled with the obviously feminine name Dorothy, the answer became a bit obvious.

It seems that there is a high probability that the dark night party is led by a high-level spider woman and enters the Norman secret realm.

As an official wizard, Gildas certainly knew that the strength of the high-level spider woman far exceeded the upper limit of the rules of the Norman Secret Realm.

It’s just that we don’t know yet what kind of secret technique the other party used to enter the secret realm.

Gildas shook his head and stopped speculating on this question. After returning to his human form, he rested aside.

Stefan and Harley, on the other hand, began to clean up the battlefield dutifully and search for trophies, but they could not find any valuable trophies among the corpses that had been cut into pieces of rotten flesh.

Because, even if it existed originally, it was now cut to pieces by the claws of the werewolf clone!

The two of them glanced at Gildas sitting aside from time to time, their eyes full of awe!

They knew that there was a huge difference in combat power between themselves and the official wizards, but they didn't expect that just a clone of Gildarts, whose strength was suppressed to the level of the rules of the Norman Secret Realm, could be so terrifying.

If the opponent were them, they thought about it and realized that they might not be much better than the spider knights just now.

Gildas took out the [Mistmanto Orb] in his arms and tested the brightness in different directions. Now, the orb can sense the brightness in both directions.

Obviously, this means that the two remaining members of his team are in almost completely opposite directions.

However, after he heard what the spider knight said about Dolos just before his death, he became a little worried about his heir Donato.

After thinking about it, Gildarts decided to take Stefan and Harley and speed forward first.

Although he didn't know whether the person holding the orb in front of him was Robert or his son Donetto, it was too passive to stay and wait now!

What if Donato encounters the Night Elite led by Dolos?

This picture was so beautiful that he didn’t dare to think about it!

Sometimes, caring leads to chaos!

What Gildas didn't know was that the direction the three of them were traveling at great speed was not the direction of Donato, but the direction of the golden-scaled lizard's cave! ——

Norman secret.

The former daily supply point of the three major colleges is located in the largest wooden house.

A beautiful woman with a seductive face and a graceful figure was sitting at the top, listening to the report of a spider knight.

If Richard were present, he would definitely be surprised that this beauty's appearance is so similar to Stephana's current body. However, if you look carefully, you will find that the beauty in front of you has maroon hair and a waistline The face and face should also be slimmer.

"Your Highness Dolores, the losses of our Spider Knights have been rising sharply since half a day ago. Currently, the 15th Squadron and the 21st Squadron have lost contact, and the three search teams have also lost contact."

"Judging from the feedback from several of our teams just now, they all encountered extremely powerful wizard apprentices. I guess it was the human wizards on the surface who launched a counterattack and sent many powerful human wizard apprentices to the Norman secret realm. .”

A handsome-looking leader of the Spider Knights was bowing slightly and reporting respectfully beside Dolos.

Dolores, on the other hand, tapped her fingers on the armrest of the chair very rhythmically.

"Ta-ta, tap-ta!"

The sight of white fingers being able to tap out a very powerful rhythm is pleasing to the eye.

"Oh, the fifteenth squad and the twenty-first squad should be composed of five people, right? We can destroy them. It seems that the enemies that appear this time are indeed a bit tricky. Portia, go and kill them. The place of disappearance is marked on the map.”

Dolores raised her slender fingers and pointed at a huge topographic map of the Norman Secret Land on the table in front of her.

As the night elves have been running the Norman secret realm for many years, they naturally have a more detailed map than the human wizards on the surface.

After marking several places where the Spider Knights squad and the search team disappeared, Portia was immediately stunned.

If the several points in front of you are connected together, it will almost be a straight line!

"Your Highness Dolores," Portia seemed to have guessed something, but she still said in disbelief.

"Portia, mark the time when they disappeared!" Dolores' beautiful eyes stared at the map with great interest as she continued.

After Portia finished marking, the entire pattern became extremely obvious, and only a huge arrow was marked on the map.

The direction in which the number becomes larger is the direction in which the opponent moves, and Portia now uses an arrow to indicate it.

From this point of view, the opponent's movement direction is slightly lower than the core area of ​​​​Norman's Secret Realm, from east to west.

"It seems that the human wizards on the surface have sent a very interesting opponent this time." Dolos smiled coquettishly.

From the perspective of Dolores and Portia, it is obvious that the disappearance of these groups of members of the Spider Knights was caused by the same person or the same team, otherwise these points would not happen to appear in a straight line.

However, if Richard and Gildas were present, they would suddenly realize that this was clearly a piece of the two people's traveling routes.

In other words, a small section is the route traveled by Richard, and the remaining large section is the route traveled by the three Gildas.

Since Dorothy took up residence here, she has encountered several organized counterattacks by the wizard apprentices in the secret realm.

Except for the first time when Dolores was interested in taking action and killed a troublesome human wizard apprentice, in the remaining few battles, she didn't even have the desire to take action.

Originally, she planned to hunt the black-scaled dragon beast tomorrow.

The black-scaled dragon beast is a dragon-born creature that has been extinct in the outside world for a long time. It is said that it has a trace of the blood of the ancient black dragon. Some time ago, a shadow stalker discovered it in a secret cave in the core area of ​​the secret realm. trace.

After several days of continuous searching by the Demon Spider Knights, its scope of activities has been basically determined.

The second task assigned by the mistress is to extract the blood essence of the black-scaled earth dragon beast. Because the black-scaled earth dragon beast is a dragon-born, its combat power far exceeds that of ordinary monsters, and its strength is even stronger than that of a high-level spider girl. .

If the mistress hadn't given her a special item, even Dolores wouldn't have much confidence that she could kill the black-scaled earth dragon beast within the rules of the Norman Secret Realm.

But now it seems that the hunt will have to be postponed for a few more days.

I must first get rid of these "little mice" that sneaked into Norman's secret realm!

I saw Dolores slowly getting up, revealing her beautiful body covered by a few strands of gauze, and said: "Portia, you will be responsible for the defense here. I took No. 1, No. 3, No. 9 and No. 12 with me." Detach your team and go there to take a look.”

"Yes! Your Highness Dolores, Portia will fight until the last moment!" Portia, wearing exquisite knight armor with a serious face, performed a dark night noble salute.

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