Witcher starts with Get Inspiration Panel

Chapter 159 Dramatic changes in the secret realm

The content of the letter is as follows:

[Your Excellency Richard, drastic changes have taken place in the Norman secret realm.

The night elves sent out the elite Spider Knights. The strength of the members of the Spider Knights has reached the level of the top third-level wizard apprentices. After merging with the spiders, they have reached the limit of the third-level wizard apprentices.

In addition, they seem to have some kind of secret method that can bring them together in the secret realm. Therefore, the second- and third-level wizard apprentices of the three major colleges in the Norman secret realm are currently suffering heavy casualties.

It is said that the passages leading to the secret realm exit from our secret realm are currently blocked by the Spider Knights.

The three major academies are gathering the top third-level wizard apprentices to prepare to enter the Norman secret realm to fight the dark night side and rescue the apprentices who are performing tasks in the secret realm.

I learned that Mero Norris, another disciple of Master Seles, is also currently trapped in the secret realm of Norman. I heard Brett say that she is your good friend.

Due to my limited strength, I can only inform you of the information I have learned in a timely manner. I hope you will know it! 】

After reading this, Richard felt a chill in his heart!

How did Mei Luo-senpai enter the secret territory of Norman?

I remember that when we parted ways with the school, the senior sister told him that he was escorting some supplies to the stronghold in the Dark Territory. Could it be that for some reason, the senior sister entered the secret territory?

This is going to be bad!

As for the Spider Knight mentioned by Du An, Richard was not afraid.

Because of the famous name of the Spider Knights, Richard heard his servant Fingart speak in detail as early as in the Gray Fern Wilderness.

The Demon Spider Knights are actually the matron's guardians of the night elves. The official members have the strength of third-level wizard apprentices. The most important thing is that each member has a companion Demon Spider.

In other words, every member of the Spider Knights will have the combined skills that Stepina now masters.

After merging with the Human-Faced Demon Spider, the Spider Knight has almost reached the limit of the third-level wizard apprentice. He is also well-equipped and good at team combat.

If Richard included himself, Abomination, and Stepina, if he encountered a team of Spider Knights of less than three people, he would be sure to destroy them directly.

If he encounters about five Spider Knights, he can barely remain undefeated.

However, if he encounters a team of more than ten spider knights, Richard will have no choice but to run away.

Richard's frown made the old baron stunned, and he immediately asked with concern: "Did something happen?"

"It's indeed a bit tricky. Father, I may have to leave the family immediately to deal with it." In order to avoid worrying his father, Richard did not tell the details.

The old baron nodded and said, "Remember to say goodbye to your mother and brother before you leave."

"Okay, father." Richard nodded.

Immediately, Richard began to pack his bags and informed Stephana.

Half an hour later, Richard said goodbye to his family and Serena, loaded up his luggage and rode on the wildebeest, and headed towards the mud swamp with Stephana.

On the way, Richard and Stepina talked about what happened.

Stephana is no stranger to Mei Luo. She has also met her and knows that the two have a close relationship.

However, after listening to Richard's story, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Richard and said, "Master, should we go back to the school to inquire about the situation first, and then go to the stronghold, or should we go directly to the stronghold?"

After thinking carefully, Richard decided not to return to the Ignis School, but to go directly to the strongholds of the three major colleges in the Dark Territory.

"Go directly to the stronghold. As for the situation in the secret territory, the wizard apprentices over there should know best. The main thing is to save people like putting out fires. Naturally, the sooner the better!"

"As you command, Master!"

So, the two of them galloped away in the direction of the stronghold!


However, Richard himself may not have thought that his route choice allowed him to perfectly avoid a risk.

As early as three days ago, Gildas, Joachim's mentor who was far away in the Ring of North, after a hard journey, found the body of his disciple Joachim on a cliff thousands of miles away. Trace imprints.

When he saw the scene in front of him, he almost vomited blood. He saw a peregrine falcon with a stand-in doll tied to its leg and incubating eggs.

Facing the sudden appearance of a human, the peregrine falcon immediately spread its wings and looked at the other person warily.

Gildas didn't know at this moment that he was being tricked.

In fact, as early as halfway, he felt something was wrong. The tracking mark moved too fast, almost tirelessly.

But he didn't think that much at the time, he simply thought it was because of the opponent's strength.

Therefore, he hurriedly and slowly pursued him all the way.


Gildarts, who was furious, killed the peregrine falcon instantly with a powerful death ray. After calming down his anger for a while, Gildarts picked up the stand-in and looked at it carefully.

After a moment, Gildas murmured: "It seems to be the production method of Gurus Academy? This is troublesome. However, whoever tricked me must pay the price!"

Before leaving, Gildas thought of the broken low-level witchcraft he gave to Joachim - the Mutated Summoning Rod. Since he had used it before, it had his own breath on it, so he immediately used the witchcraft breath tracking technique. To position.

However, after two consecutive surgeries, the position could not be located.

Fortunately, Richard was more cautious and used cleansing water to completely wipe out all the breath on the Mutated Summoning Rod, otherwise

At this moment, Gildas' whole body went numb.

After thinking for a while, Gildas, who had no clue, decided to return to the Ring of North first.

After returning to the Ring of North, Gildas found his friend, an official wizard who was proficient in prophecy.

Finally, when the wizard handed him Richard's portrait, Gildas looked in disbelief.

Of course he still remembered the face he saw in his disciple Jenna’s mind half a year ago.

But he didn't expect that Joachim would also die in the hands of a first-level wizard apprentice.

This can't help but surprise him, and at the same time, he is also extremely puzzled.

Therefore, after he understood the relevant information about Richard, he asked several of his disciples to inform him to investigate Richard's whereabouts.

He planned to personally capture Richard alive after finding out his whereabouts.

He wanted to see what secrets Richard had that could actually allow a first-level wizard apprentice to be able to kill a senior third-level wizard apprentice like Joakim within a year.

As for the wartime terms of the three major colleges, such as mutual assistance, etc., in Gildas' eyes, they were nothing.

As long as the personal interests are large enough.

It's just that you have to keep a low profile in your actions and don't let others know about it.


Two days ago.

Within the secret realm of Norman, there is a daily supply point not far from the exit of the secret realm.

Set up in the secret realm, the purpose of this daily supply point is to facilitate the collection of resources in the secret realm, or the daily supply of supplies for second- and third-level wizard apprentices who perform other tasks.

There are two daily supply points in the entire Norman secret realm. One is deeper into the secret realm to facilitate the apprentices who perform tasks deep in the secret realm.

The other place is here, not far from the exit of the secret realm, suitable for second-level wizards and weaker third-level apprentices to supply supplies.

Under normal circumstances, the material escort mission that Mei Luo accepted only required the materials to be escorted to the three major college strongholds outside the Norman Secret Realm.

But that day, due to the shortage of manpower at the stronghold, they received a temporary order to deliver the materials directly to the supply point in the secret territory.

Considering that this was the request of the person in charge of the stronghold, an official wizard, there was no need to offend him easily. Secondly, although this daily supply point was in a secret area, it was not far from the exit and had never been attacked by the night elves.

Therefore, the third-level wizard apprentice led by Mei Luo's team carefully considered it and believed that there should be no problem with the safety of this daily supply point, so he agreed.

But after arriving at the resource point in the secret realm and completing the mission, the third-level wizard apprentice who led the team on the return trip happened to meet several friends who had come to the secret realm to complete the mission.

So, six or seven people chose to light a bonfire beside the trail, rest for a while, and chat for a while.

Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened!


Meiluo, who had been smiling just now, was listening to everyone chatting.

At this moment, a large pool of white mixture of brains and blood was splashed on her beautiful face.

This made her stunned on the spot, and she didn't react for a while!

When Meiluo turned her head slightly to look, what caught her eye was the female apprentice who had just been sitting next to her and chatting with someone. At this moment, her head was directly penetrated by a sharp black arrow.

Because the arrow was so powerful and heavy, half of the female apprentice's skull was directly shot up, and her brains splattered everywhere.

Suddenly, the leader of their mission team, the third-level wizard apprentice, immediately shouted: "Enemy attack!"

At the same time, he instantly cast a Wind Swiftness, intending to avoid the enemy's first wave of attacks.

But almost at the same time, he was covered by two white spider webs several meters in diameter, one behind the other.

Just as he instantly held up a dark element shield, which was able to withstand the spider webs and two sharp arrows fired at him, a night elf wearing exquisite knight armor rushed towards him.

But he was also restrained in place by the white spider web, and the next second, a sharp blade shining with a cold light emerged from his chest.

The captain was stabbed through the heart by the night elf's sword!

As soon as they saw the strongest captain being killed, Mei Luo and the others panicked and were completely unable to organize an effective resistance.

I saw that there were not many night elves on the opposite side, only five of them, but the aura of each of them was extremely profound. In Mei Luo's perception, they seemed to be no less than their captain.

As soon as the two sides engaged in a battle, it could be said that they collapsed at the first touch. After another third-level wizard apprentice was killed, Mei Luo and others either took accelerating potions or cast swift witchcraft, and immediately ran away in different directions with their lives. .

The remaining people chose the direction of escape, either towards the daily supply point just now, or towards the exit of the Norman Secret Realm.

For a moment, Mei Luo seemed to have a flash of inspiration in her mind.

She thought that since she was attacked by the night elves so close to the exit of the secret realm, it made no sense that the other party would not arrange a backup plan to allow her to easily leave the secret realm.

Therefore, Mei Luo gritted her teeth and decided to go in the opposite direction. She ran in a different direction from the others and ran towards the depths of the Norman secret realm alone.

This actually made the chasing night elf stunned for a moment. Since Mei Luo's speed was not slow after drinking the Wind Elegance potion, he might not be able to catch up in a short time, and he also had a more important mission.

Therefore, to Mei Luo, who was running towards the depths of the secret realm, she said angrily: "I'll let you live for a while longer, but it won't be more than a few days!"

So, he temporarily gave up chasing and turned towards the exit.

And a male wizard apprentice who was on the same team as Mei Luo luckily ran back to the daily supply point just now.

The sight in front of him shocked him. Half an hour ago, the resource point where apprentices from various colleges had gathered dozens of meters away was now a river of blood. There were broken arms and bodies on the ground. Most of them were humans, and most of the night elves. few.

Obviously, this place suffered a major attack from the night elves.

Moreover, judging from the corpses left by the night elves, the costumes of the night elves were exactly the same. The armor was not the usual leather armor, but a knight's armor with exquisite patterns.

There was also a huge and eye-catching demon spider corpse at the scene. It seemed that the wizard apprentice suddenly realized something and muttered: "It's actually the Demon Spider Knights! It's a large number of Demon Spider Knights!"


The second-level wizard apprentice, who had just figured out the origin of the other party, let out a miserable scream, then slowly lowered his head and glanced at his chest, only to see a black arrow piercing his heart.

In the end, he fell to the ground unwillingly!

But he was obviously not the only wizard apprentice who could guess the origin of the other party.

Therefore, although in the entire resource supply point, only a few wizard apprentices escaped from the secret realm, the entire stronghold outside the secret realm instantly boiled.

Since the Norman Secret Realm restricts the entry of formal wizards, the highest combat power that can enter is only the third-level wizard apprentice.

Therefore, the official wizard of the stronghold immediately began to organize the remaining twenty third-level wizard apprentices in the stronghold to enter the Norman secret realm.

However, since entering the Norman Secret Realm will be automatically dispersed and teleported by the power of the Secret Realm, it is still difficult to resist the Spider Knights in small groups. Only by luck and organizing a few people can they resist one or two.

However, teams of wizard apprentices with more than five people from the three major academies will be heavily pursued by the Spider Knights, and they will still suffer heavy casualties.

So, after getting feedback yesterday.

This information was reported immediately, which was also the source of Duan's information.


At this time, Mei Luo was alone and exhausted, hiding in the center of the Norman secret realm where monsters were rampant.

Encountering night elves and powerful monsters from time to time, the few potions and alchemy bombs she had prepared were almost exhausted.

She didn't know how long she could hold on!

But when she thought of the figure in her mind, she felt that she should do everything she could to persevere.

She believed that if the other party knew the news that she was trapped, he would definitely come to rescue her.

But...she is very conflicted in her heart!

She wants him to come, but she doesn’t want him to risk it!

Because the enemy this time is too strong.

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