At this time, the two of them were dressed.

I saw Daenerys wearing a light blue frost robe, noble and elegant, but her thick braids, which were originally tied tightly, now came loose and fell to her shoulders, showing a natural golden wave, temperament She looks more mature and charming.

The change in temperament before and after made Richard feel like a high-altitude goddess who had just fallen into the mortal world.

Daenerys glanced at Richard with her aqua blue eyes and frowned slightly: "Why are you always staring at me?"

Richard scratched his head and felt a little embarrassed, but he still said calmly: "No, how could it be?"

Although he said this, in Richard's heart, it seemed that a little devil with a pitchfork in his hand and horns on his head jumped out and said: "You only have such courage, this woman is nothing like you, look at it twice What's wrong! Go, hurry up and kiss her hard twice, and then tell her loudly, not only do I want to see her, but I also want to kiss her!"

Richard quickly shook his head and poured out the "fantastic thoughts" in his head. He did not forget that the other party was an official wizard.

Then he pretended to look around, but he immediately saw the big white cocoon. Richard asked: "Is that tall subordinate before you still in the white cocoon?"

Daenerys woke up immediately. She had been in a daze before, but she had forgotten about it.

Just when she was about to go over to rescue her, she suddenly staggered. When Richard saw it, he couldn't help but chuckle.

Immediately, Daenerys glared at her, but her blushing face had long lost its usual intimidation.

"You'd better rest for a while first." Richard said with a smile: "Let my hatred come!"

For a moment, Richard felt as if he was masculine.

After saying that, Richard waved the mutation summoning array in his hand, and the next second, a huge inverse pentagram array appeared on the ground, and the tall Abomination was summoned by Richard again.

Seeing the tall and fat Abomination again, Daenerys seemed to remember something, and said coldly: "I didn't expect you to have the strength of a quasi-wizard. I have been wanting to ask you just now. It seems that you were hiding aside before. Sure enough, there is something else. Purpose, say, why didn’t you come to help before?”

A quasi-wizard is a person whose strength has reached the limit of a third-level wizard apprentice and is waiting for advancement through advanced meditation methods or limit-breaking water.

But the essence of a quasi-wizard is a third-level wizard apprentice, not a formal wizard.

When Richard heard this, he probably understood why Daenerys was struggling with this issue.

Probably in her opinion, if she had taken action earlier, with the combined efforts of both parties, Shadra the Spider Woman might have been defeated long ago, and her team's losses would not have been so great.

Under the gaze of Daenerys' clear light blue eyes, Richard touched his nose. This was a sign of guilt.

One of them must be wrong. When this woman gets angry, she will probably get nothing good from her.

After considering his words, Richard spoke eloquently: "Quasi-wizard is just a nice term. In fact, I am self-aware. I am just a third-level wizard apprentice. And you and Shadra are too strong, so I am Participating in it won’t make much difference,”

"Just look at the two third-level wizard apprentices and you will know that this is the result of blind interference." Richard pointed in the direction of Bai Cocoon.

"If Shadra hadn't been smart enough to cast a suppressing witch formation, suppressing both herself and you below the level of a formal wizard. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to do anything at all."

"And, in the end, I relied on your ice witchcraft to defeat her. I was just helping her."

Richard shrugged and minimized his role as much as possible in his explanation, blaming Shadra's failure to respond and Daenerys's own strength as the reason for the victory.

After a few words, Daenerys' expression softened a lot and she fell into deep thought.

When Li Cha saw it, he let out a big sigh in his heart and thought to himself, Fortunately, he has basically passed the test. As expected, women everywhere need to be coaxed.

It's a pity that I have a huge weakness in this aspect. If I had known that I was a Neptune in my previous life, I would be able to deal with this kind of situation easily.

At this time, Hatred was heading in the direction of the two white cocoons, "dong dong dong" and walked over with long strides.

A few seconds later, Hatred's thick arms swung a huge iron ax at the small white cocoon, and struck it down quickly. The iron ax blade seemed to just cut through the surface of the white cocoon without damaging the inside.

This scale is actually very well grasped, giving people the feeling of lifting a weight with ease.

But to their surprise, a stream of blood spurted out instantly, accompanied by a strong smell of blood!

There was nothing but blood and water, not even a skeleton.

"Hiss! It actually melted!" Richard couldn't help but exclaimed, and at the same time, he was a little afraid of the corrosive nature of Spider Woman's venom!

Richard immediately recalled Shadra's action when sucking the first white cocoon. Could it be that during a gap in the previous battle, the Spider Woman poured the venom into her body?

Because he was sure that when the three of them were trapped in the spider woman's big white cocoon, he could still feel the vital signs of the three of them being relatively strong.

But later, after Spider-Woman was severely injured by Daenerys' glacier scroll, the purpose of the three of them obviously changed, from disposable spouses to disposable blood banks.

Richard immediately walked towards the last white cocoon. Sure enough, at this moment, he could no longer feel even a trace of energy fluctuations in the white cocoon.

Then, he shook his head at Daenerys.

Daenerys had an expressionless face, not knowing what she was thinking.

So, Richard still commanded Abomination to break the white cocoon, and sure enough, there was another large pool of blood!

It seemed that Daenerys was in a low mood. Richard thought for a while and said with relief: "Don't be sad, let's go and see the trophies. As a high-ranking member of the underground race, Shadra must have a lot of good things. Then we will be half of each other.”

Daenerys raised her head, gave Richard a white look with her beautiful eyes, and said in a cold voice: "What are you dreaming about? I'll choose one thing for you at most."

Sure enough, the method of diverting attention is very effective.

Richard suddenly smiled bitterly and said, "One piece is a bit too little, how about two?"

Daenerys stopped paying attention to Richard and took the lead in walking towards the altar.

As soon as Richard saw it, he immediately followed.

On the back of the altar, there is a large bag made of black spider silk.

It turns out that Spider-Woman often transforms during battles, so she wears relatively cool clothes and carries almost nothing with her. Most of them are kept in packages.

As a two-armed spider woman, her strength is equivalent to that of an official wizard on the human surface. There are really a lot of good things in the package, some of which even Richard can't name.

However, Daenerys on the side was very knowledgeable and pointed out the names and functions of some rare items to Richard one by one.

"Hey, what's sealed inside is actually the blood of the traitor. I thought this thing had become extinct a long time ago!" Daenerys' eyes lit up and she pointed at a red drop-shaped pendant.

"Blood of the Faithless? What is this?" Richard asked curiously.

"The main function is to eliminate the soul contract. This amount is probably enough to eliminate a soul contract." Daenerys thought for a while and said.

When Richard heard that this item could actually be used to cancel the soul contract, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought to himself that if he had this item, his subsequent plans would seem to be able to be adjusted.

"Okay, as a thank you for your help this time, you can choose one of these trophies first."

It seems that he is a little unjust. After all, without the help of Richard and his Soul-eating Demon Spider, there is no doubt whether he can defeat the spider woman. But who would have thought that in the end, he would be killed by a little brat?

Daenerys's face turned red again, and she explained: "This Spider Woman incident has caused considerable losses to the kingdom. Not only do many wizard apprentices who died in battle need to be compensated, but each destroyed town also needs large sums of money. Rebuild so you are only allowed to pick one item."

Richard remained calm. Although it was just one piece, most of the things, although precious, were indeed of no use to Richard.

Moreover, Daenerys gave her the right of first choice, which was considered good. Richard did not hesitate to choose the item that could be used to terminate the contract-the blood of the betrayer, and asked at the same time: "What about this blood of the betrayer?" use?"

"There are several other things that need to be used together. As precious knowledge, the [Elimination Ritual] can be considered as compensation for the fact that you can only choose one item, although I don't know why you chose this item."

After saying that, Daenerys gently tapped Richard's forehead with her white fingers, and a simple stream of information was sent to Richard's mind.

"Thank you!" Richard was stunned. On the one hand, he was trying to understand the new [Elimination Ritual] that appeared in his mind. On the other hand, he was also surprised by Daenerys' generosity.

You must know that the acquisition of this kind of precious knowledge is usually hard-won. Even if it is a formal transaction between wizards, something of equivalent value must be paid.

Several high-level magic stones that were originally placed on the altar had more than half of their energy consumed at this time, but they could still be used. Daenerys stretched out her white fingers and collected these high-level magic stones that had been mostly consumed. In one's own pocket.

"Here, I'll give you those dozen intermediate magic stones!"

Richard was immediately overjoyed, but he frowned again because he thought of another thing, and said with a grimace: "Can I not give up the intermediate magic stone?"

"Why, you still want high-level magic stones?" Daenerys snorted coldly.

"No, no, can you give me the Spider Girl's body?" Richard hesitated and said.

Daenerys immediately turned her head and stared at him fiercely. After a long time, she said: "So you have this hobby! But no, don't have sweet dreams!"

This made Richard confused. He didn't understand where he said something wrong.

The next second, a flash of inspiration flashed in Richard's mind, and he realized what Daenerys was thinking, and he burst out laughing.

"Why, am I wrong?"

"of course not!"

So, Richard briefly told Daenerys about the two souls of Stephana and the Soul-Eating Spider, which were one and needed a body to be resurrected.

This made Daenerys blush immediately and lower her head like a child who had done something wrong.

Just when Richard was about to tease Daenerys a few more words, he suddenly heard a noise, which came from the other end of the collapsed passage.

Because the huge energy that just suppressed the magic circle caused the collapse of the passages around the hall, the sound just now should be the sound of someone digging at the other end of the passage.

I saw Daenerys' face straightened and she said: "It should be the previous batch of wizard apprentices and demon hunters that I asked them to leave first. I think I should leave. What happened between us should be treated as such. It’s a misunderstanding!”

After Daenerys finished speaking, she walked towards the blocked passage.

However, as soon as he took a step, he stopped, turned around and asked Richard: "You haven't told me yet, what is your name?"

"Richard, Richard Clavell!" Richard said with a happy face: "Then, can I go find you in the future?"

Daenerys seemed to feel Richard's fiery gaze staring at her, which made her hesitate for a moment. She nodded slowly and said, "If you can become an official wizard, you can come to the capital to find me. If I'm not there, then It’s time to return to Hydraxia Academy.”

After saying that, Daenerys no longer hesitated and turned to leave.

After a moment of silence, Richard said calmly: "I will definitely come to you, wait for me!"

Daenerys paused, but said nothing, and continued walking straight towards the passage.

This made Richard feel a little disappointed.

I saw Daenerys casting a loudspeaker spell and saying: "People on the other side of the passage should stay out of the way. I'm going to use witchcraft to blast away the rocks!"

After hearing Daenerys' cold voice on the other side of the passage, he immediately realized that it was Daenerys who was speaking.

A flurry of activity was heard on the other side of the passage. After more than ten seconds, it calmed down. A low voice said respectfully: "Your Excellency Daenerys, we have all retreated to a distance of thirty meters."

"Not enough, at least fifty meters!"

"As you command, my lord!"

After a moment, Daenerys began to whisper a spell in her mouth, and a sharp, giant ice pick four to five meters long appeared out of thin air directly in front of her.

With a wave of his white finger, the giant ice pick rushed towards the boulder blocking the channel!


The ice pick collided violently with the boulder. When the dust and ice chips dispersed, in Richard's surprised eyes, a circular hole appeared in the center of the passage.

One blow directly penetrated a boulder nearly one meter thick. The power of first-level witchcraft is really terrifying!

But there was more than just a boulder in the blockage. After Daenerys cast the giant ice cone technique three times in a row, she suddenly heard a burst of cheers from the other side of the passage.

Obviously, the passage had been opened at this time. Daenerys cast an ice protection on herself, and her petite and elegant figure disappeared into the dim passage.

After a while, some sounds that made Richard feel noisy came from the other side of the passage:

"Lady Daenerys, are you okay?"

"Lord Daenerys, where is Lord Vincent?"


There was a flurry of inquiries from across the passage.

"The Spider Woman has been killed. Vincent and the others are all killed. Let's return to the county now!" After Daenerys said something coldly, she seemed unwilling to say more and set off back to the county.

The others immediately muttered and returned together.

Richard looked at the disappearing figure, feeling an indescribable sense of loss in his heart!

He sighed secretly, "Oh! At least I know her name, Daenerys Bannings, and she also knows my name!"

After a long time, Richard touched his chin and said, "But if you just become an official wizard, it should take about half a year!"

Dear friends, the protagonist has gone through a coming-of-age ceremony. Why don’t you give me a monthly vote and like it? ^_^

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