Witcher starts with Get Inspiration Panel

Chapter 139 New Witchcraft Shadow Dance Steps

Regarding Mu Ken's body, Richard took out the formic acid potion from his arms, which was also purchased from the Black Forest Market. However, what Richard did not expect was that he would use this potion so quickly.

He only thought of this problem after experiencing the last battle with three second-level wizard apprentices in the North Ring.

In the Gray Fern Wilderness of the Underdark, every corpse of a monster can be used as blood food to sacrifice to the three-headed snake god Kumera. Even the worse ones can also be used as rations for the fish-men tribe. No need to use medicine to dispose of the body.

But things are completely different after returning to the surface.

Many of the enemies Richard encountered were no longer mainly monsters, but mostly humans.

Therefore, it is sometimes very necessary to destroy corpses and eliminate traces.

Although it cannot completely cover up the traces, it can at least greatly increase the difficulty of the other party's investigation.

Formic acid is a highly corrosive agent made from the saliva of black fire ants and mixed with other herbs.

For common items such as corpses, linen, and ordinary furs, only a few drops are needed to turn them into a puddle of black water.

But its effect on inorganic objects such as iron and stones will be much worse.


As several drops of formic acid dripped, a strong corrosive sound was heard, and a faint black smoke instantly rose from Muken's body, exuding bursts of stench.

It's like the smell of rotten eggs that have been expired for more than half a year, mixed with the smell of Yoneda.

Richard, who had been holding his breath for a long time, immediately shook his head!

After a while, there was only a puddle of black water on the ground, and Muken's body and clothes disappeared without a trace.

At this point, Richard finished his tidying up and started to pack up his things. He took a brief inventory of his gains. If you don't consider the gains in knowledge such as witchcraft and potion formulas, the gains this time are quite large in terms of physical goods alone.

It was even richer than the loot previously obtained from the three North Ring second-level wizard apprentices.

The top witchcraft item [Wrath of the Storm] alone is worth about two thousand magic stones.

What's more, Richard later found a top-level active triggering witchcraft item [Wind Spirit Pendant] on Mu Ken. According to Richard's estimation, its value may be higher than [Wrath of the Storm].

[Wind Spirit Pendant] is a top-level witchcraft prop. When the holder encounters an attack, it will actively trigger the zero-level witchcraft wind element shield and swift wind. At the same time, after the prop triggers the special effect once, it only takes 12 seconds to trigger it again. Hours of charging time.

Richard touched the prismatic transparent crystal-like pendant in his hand, and could feel the two increasing powers of the wind element inside the crystal.

It's a pity that Richard said it was impossible not to be greedy for this kind of defensive witchcraft prop that would be automatically triggered, but he still decided to sell it immediately at the next wizard's market.

Reduce the risk of being tracked or located.

Mu Ken also carried seven intermediate magic stones and more than 300 ordinary magic stones with him.

In addition, there are also a series of medicines such as hemostatic medicine, healing medicine, primary mental recovery medicine, etc., which are also valuable.

If added together, there must be about seven or eight thousand magic stones worth.

A great harvest!

Before rushing on, Richard summoned three skeleton guardians to guard him in the middle.

At the same time, he also took out a set of black robes from his package and covered one of the skeleton guardians.

With such an arrangement, it looks like two wizard apprentices carrying two skeletons.

This way it won't look too obtrusive.

After all, a wizard apprentice, even a third-level wizard apprentice, with three skeleton guardians is too conspicuous.

As for why not take out three sets of black robes?

It's very simple. The number of black robes in the package is limited, so you have to save some.

While rushing on the road, Richard was also reflecting on the battle process, such as where he could improve and where he still had shortcomings.

In terms of combat awareness, your own inspiration panel cannot be directly improved.

During the half year in the Gray Fern Wilderness of the Underdark, Richard spent most of his time fighting.

Therefore, in terms of combat experience alone, he is no less than Muken, the third-level wizard apprentice of Gurus Academy.

But for Mu Ken, most of his enemies are wizard apprentices who are also humans, unlike Richard, who are mainly monsters.

So from this perspective, Richard's combat experience is not rich enough.

Richard has a good habit of constantly summarizing and accumulating combat experience.

Develop good habits that will benefit you for life!

This is what he did when he was in the Gray Fern Wilderness. After every battle with a strange monster, Richard would sum up the battle experience.

So in the future, whenever he encounters familiar monsters, Richard will be able to quickly find out the opponent's weaknesses, formulate tactics, and kill them quickly.

This is also the reason why the warriors of the blind fishman tribe have great admiration for Richard, the "wandering wizard".

Richard had fought against almost all the monsters on the outskirts of the Gray Fern Wilderness. Almost as soon as they met, Richard instinctively knew the best way to kill them, and quickly killed the monsters. Ordinary fish-men warriors only had to cheer on. , after the battle, just collect the loot.

Judging from the problems he has experienced in this battle, Richard feels that first of all, he still has too few powerful single-body witchcraft. Although the Shadow Grasp is fully functional and belongs to the hexagonal witchcraft, In terms of attack power, it can only be considered strong, not top-notch.

Secondly, in terms of long-range attack methods, the long bow originally from the Shadow Stalker has gradually been unable to keep up with the increasingly powerful enemies.

His current enemies are getting stronger and stronger, from the original first- and second-level wizard apprentices to the current third-level wizard apprentices.

From the Ring of North to the Gurus Academy, the background is getting bigger and bigger.

Moreover, Richard found that Gurus Academy was indeed the strongest among the three undead wizard academies. The third-level wizard apprentice Muken just now was quite powerful.

Not to mention top-notch witchcraft props, there are also disguise potions, goblins, etc., which are extremely rare, but the other party can actually find them. It can be said that various methods are emerging one after another.

If Richard hadn't had enough back-ups and he hadn't been vigilant enough, the ship might have capsized.

According to Muken's memory, Richard found that following the Black Forest Trail, all the way south, after crossing the border of the Heron Kingdom, but before reaching Rossby County, there were still two counties to pass, among which the one in Andel County There is another Wizarding Market near Andel City.

Based on your own travel speed, it would take about two and a half days to reach Andel City, but if you work tirelessly and travel day and night, you can compress the time to one and a half days.

Just work harder if you work hard!

Richard planned to rush to the wizard market quickly, get rid of the things in his hands, and then see if he could find a strong bow that suited him.

Many wizards and wizard apprentices in this world are from noble families, and for them, bow and arrow is a basic skill.

Therefore, many people, even if they become third-level wizard apprentices or even wizards, will try to make or buy bows at the level of witchcraft props, that is, bows engraved with special witchcraft arrays and with special effects.

If you can buy this kind of powerful bow at the next wizard market, your long-range attack power will be greatly improved.


Time keeps passing as Richard continues to rush!

Richard accidentally looked up, but he didn't expect that today was the full moon, and the moon in another world was as bright and flawless as in his previous life.

The moonlight shines on the dark forest with intertwined branches, and sheds little bits of moonlight, making the already weird-shaped trees look even more ferocious and weird at the moment.

The trees on both sides of the path danced and danced in the breeze, making bursts of rustling sounds, like strange laughter.

If ordinary people saw this scene, they would be frightened and sick.

No wonder at night in the Black Forest, even first- and second-level wizard apprentices generally do not choose to travel at night.

This atmosphere alone is scary enough!

Only a man as skilled as Richard was bold enough to travel overnight, but he also noticed several waves of scents following him. Some had already left, while others were still following closely in the trees on both sides of the path. .

As the morning light dews, the sky gradually gets brighter.

Richard, who had been on the road all night, was a little tired even though he had the physical fitness of a senior knight.

The unknown creatures on both sides of the black forest trail, after following Richard for a while, still did not dare to rush up and attack him. This may be because the two fully armed skeletons holding swords and shields looked really meatless and unpalatable. .

Looking at the tall trees that gradually became sparse on both sides of the trail, Richard knew that he had left the core area of ​​the Black Forest, and his current position had probably entered the border of the Kingdom of Heron.

The borders of this world are basically roughly divided. For example, taking a certain river as the dividing line is just a rough idea.

There are no barbed wire fences, boundary markers or 24-hour patrols along the border.

So, the journey was uneventful.

After walking for about an hour, Richard finally walked out of the black forest and entered a plain area.

As the morning sun slowly rose and the mist gradually dispersed, Richard, who had excellent eyesight, could already see dozens of miles ahead. There seemed to be a human village with scattered houses vaguely visible.

Richard immediately looked happy. There was a village, which meant there were people.

You can take a break and buy some food, water and even horses.

Although the speed of ordinary horses is definitely not as fast as that of mutant winter wolves, it is just for transportation, so there is no need to be so particular.

Since there is no mutant winter wolf, a mount that is good at climbing over mountains and ridges, and he has to go to the wizard market near Andel City, Richard's original plan of taking a shortcut over mountains and ridges was changed to taking a shortcut along the way. Expressway to Andel City.

Getting closer to the village, Richard saw obvious changes in the environment on both sides of the trail.

I saw that the originally messy bushes of different heights had turned into a patchwork of winter wheat fields.

Since it is already the Green Grass Moon, winter wheat has survived the cold winter and entered the period of greening.

Greening, as the name suggests, means that winter wheat starts to grow new leaves again, and the leaves that originally turned yellow to survive the cold winter will now turn green.

Accompanied by the unique fragrance of new leaves of winter wheat and the smell of earthy wheat fields, Richard unconsciously began to feel very good.

Before entering the village, Richard put away the three skeleton guardians.

With a warm smile on his face, he walked into the village like a sunny boy.

Soon, Richard was treated like a distinguished guest at the home of a slightly affluent farmer, of course, after paying a gold dinar.

After eating a breakfast that was quite luxurious in the eyes of the farmer's family, Richard asked for a room to rest for a while.

A bedroom on the second floor of a farmer's house.

Richard looked at the 76,598 energy points accumulated in the past six months on the inspiration panel and fell into deep thought.

The original plan was to save this large amount of energy points and use it to break the limit of meditation, but now it seems that it is necessary to improve the [Shadow Dance Step] first.

The effect of this rare zero-level witchcraft is to blend oneself into the shadow. Within the shadow, the caster's movement speed is greatly increased, and part of the damage taken when attacked will be shared by the shadow. The specific effect depends on the witch. There are big differences depending on the degree of technical control.

If he masters this witchcraft that focuses on increasing his movement speed, Richard's strength will rise again by a small margin.

[It was discovered that the host is practicing the zero-level witchcraft shadow dance steps. Did/do you consume energy to gain inspiration for practicing the zero-level witchcraft shadow dance steps? 】

Richard thought for a moment, then dragged the slider to 5000 and selected "Yes!"

In an instant, Richard entered the dream space. This time, the location seemed to be a forest. He saw Richard possessing a man in black robes and began to chant the shadow dance spell, synchronized in his mind. Outlining the six sorcery runes involved in the Shadow Dance

With repeated attempts, Richard's understanding of shadow dance steps is also improving rapidly.

After an unknown amount of time, Richard's figure began to fly in the mottled light and shadow of the forest. As soon as he entered the shadow area, Richard's speed would surge. At the same time, his whole body seemed to be covered with a dark gauze, making it difficult to see clearly. .

After thousands of practices.

After a while, the world was spinning, and Richard returned to his true body.

Bring up the panel and look at the [Witchcraft] column, which shows the following:

Shadow Dance (Master 38%, special effect: primary shadow avoids damage)

[Primary Shadow Damage Free: When the caster is in the shadow area, all damage received will be reduced by 20%. 】

Richard looked overjoyed because this special effect was very practical.

So, Richard started to improve again without hesitation.

After traveling through dreams several times, Richard spent a total of 12,000 energy points to raise [Shadow Dance] to the limit.

At this moment, the relevant information on the panel is displayed as follows:

Shadow dance (extreme, special effect: shadow avoids damage)

[Shadow damage-free: When the caster is in the shadow area, all damage received will be reduced by 50%. 】

Looking at the above information, Richard smiled with satisfaction.

With the window ajar, Richard couldn't wait to test the witchcraft [Shadow Dance] in the room.

It was seen that Richard's speed remained unchanged in the bright area. When he entered the shadow area where the sunlight could not reach, his whole person seemed to be covered with a black gauze, like a human-shaped black mist, and his speed doubled.

But once out of the shadow area, Richard's figure returned to its original speed. This fast-to-slow transition, if repeated more than once, immediately made people feel dizzy and made them want to vomit.

It is conceivable that if the other party is not prepared, he will be caught off guard by Richard's witchcraft.

The shadow dance steps at the extreme control level doubled Richard's movement speed in the shadow area. You must know that Richard himself has the physical fitness of a high-level knight. What is the concept of doubling it on this basis? !

Its mental power consumption is approximately 2 standard units of mental power per minute.

This was not a big problem in Richard's opinion, as formal battles usually lasted only a few minutes and ended.

If you still can't win in a few minutes, it's better to choose a strategic retreat!

Half an hour later, Richard rode on a horse with a helpless expression and said goodbye to the enthusiastic farmer's family.

This rogue horse was already the best one that Farmer Helper Richard could find after searching the entire village.

But the speed of the horse is not much different from Richard's walking speed. The only advantage may be that he is not so tired.

So, Richard rode his horse and headed towards Andel City along the wet path.


A day and a half later, Richard, who traveled through the stars and nights, finally arrived at the wizard market near Andel City.

After paying the entry fee for a magic stone, Richard walked into the Andel Market, which has the same name as the nearby county.

I saw a sign board erected at both ends and in the middle of the street, which marked the pattern, name and sales type of the official store.

For example, the cross symbol of a sword and an ax represents a store called the Dwarf Hammer Blacksmith Shop, which sells a variety of well-made weapons.

For example, the test tube and beaker logos represent a store called Yedel's Pharmacy, which sells various alchemical potions.

And so on

This allows new wizard apprentices to the market to quickly find their target store.

Richard took a look and found that there was actually a small auction house here.

Moreover, it seems that in order to avoid vicious competition, there will be no more than three stores of the same type in the market. Li Cha looked at it and found that there were basically two.

This should be the result of deliberate guidance by market managers.

Both sides of the street, like the previous Black Forest Market, were filled with wizard apprentices setting up stalls.

The size of the entire market is half a chip higher than the Black Forest Market. Probably because they are far away from large academies, the trading needs of wizards and wizard apprentices have also begun to increase.

After thinking about it for a while, Richard decided to go to the auction house to take a look first. Generally speaking, if something goes to the auction house, it must be a good thing.

Moreover, the few things I have on hand may not be affordable in ordinary stores.

Therefore, Richard went straight to the only three-story building in the middle of the street. On the way, Richard slightly adjusted the special effects of breath gathering, and displayed the fluctuations of the third-level wizard apprentice.

In an unfamiliar environment, you can avoid a lot of trouble by showing your strength a little bit.

Just as he was about to enter, a beautiful girl came into the gorgeous lobby. She was about twenty years old and exuded the mental fluctuations of a first-level wizard apprentice.

Obviously, the other party noticed the young Richard immediately, not because of his handsomeness but because of his unfathomable aura. The girl immediately understood that the young man in front of her might be a big customer.

"Sir, Peter Auction House welcomes you. Do you want to consign or buy?" The girl's voice as clear as an oriole sounded from the side.


The girl smiled and continued:

"Sir, please come with me to VIP Room No. 3 to take a rest. At that time, I will give you a detailed introduction to our auction house's collection. By the way, do you have any requirements for the items you want to purchase?"

"Do you have a better bow?"

Richard pondered for a moment and then said: "If there is a good knight's long sword or half-handed sword, I would like one too."

Hearing Richard's words, the girl looked happy and said hurriedly: "Sir, you are so lucky. Yesterday, someone just sold to our auction house a high-end witchcraft prop-level longbow.

Moreover, our auction house also has two intermediate-level witchcraft prop-level longbows. If your time allows, there will be a small auction in three days."

Richard immediately frowned, stopped and asked, "Can't the items in your auction house be sold in advance?"

"Well, it's not impossible, it just needs to be increased by 50% from the auction's base price before you can buy it directly. In this case, the price may be lower," the girl explained awkwardly.

In her opinion, this business may go bad again. After all, a 50% increase is really not something ordinary people can afford.

"The magic stone shouldn't be a big problem, as long as it's good enough." Richard breathed a sigh of relief, then waved his hand, interrupting the girl's answer.

Of course, it was impossible for Richard to spend three days here just to buy a longbow.

Moreover, there might be someone competing with him at the auction, so if he could buy it directly, it might not cost much more magic stones.

"Okay, sir, please rest for a while. This is honey tea, which has the effect of calming the mind and relieving fatigue. I will go get the long bow." The girl turned around happily and walked out of the room.

Richard didn't touch the honey tea.

After a while, the girl fetched three long bows.

The first thing that caught Richard's attention was a pure white long bow with a hint of cold air. It seemed to be made from the backbone of some kind of marine creature. Circles of polished joints could be clearly seen on the bow. .

"Sir, it is said that this longbow is a weapon from the naga, a rare species of intelligent sea creature. Since it was transported from the distant Vitral Continent Commercial Alliance, the price will be higher."

When the girl saw Richard's gaze, she first noticed the white long bow, so she quickly introduced it.

"[Naga Heart Piercer] Advanced witchcraft prop-level longbow, with zero-level witchcraft ice arrows solidified. Three special ice arrows condensed from ice can be used every day. It needs to be charged for 24 hours after use. Use again.

The basic price is 780 magic stones. If you want to buy it directly, you need to pay 1170 magic stones. "

Ice arrow? When Richard heard this, his eyes immediately lit up and he said, "Three times a day, what is the attack power of the ice arrow? Is it comparable to the ice arrow technique?"

The girl suddenly felt embarrassed: "Sir, how is this possible? If you can use the Ice Arrow technique three times a day, then this [Naga Heart Piercer] is at least a top-notch witchcraft item.

After actual measurement by our appraiser, the condensed ice arrows, when used with longbow shooting, are about half as powerful as the zero-level witchcraft ice arrows. "

This immediately made Richard frown. This power was still too weak.

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