Wang Xianxian's strong emotions when he learned the truth about his mother's death penetrated his heart like dawn and fell on Ashan.

The crazy emotions gave Ashan unimaginable power, and the originally impregnable shackles began to shake violently again.

'kill him! kill him! ! Let's kill him together! ! ! ’

At this moment, Ashan's roar finally reached Wang Xianxian's mind.

Wang Xianxian slowly raised his head, and his delicate and young face seemed to turn into a demon in hell!

His right pupil began to faintly reflect a hint of scarlet, a red that was more dazzling than blood and tears.

"Beast!!! Kill you!!! I'm going to kill you!!!!!!"

The young man rushed towards his mother-killing enemy desperately.

However, no matter how strong the emotion is, it needs strength as its foundation, and the crazy boy was easily knocked down.

Looking at the scene where Wang Xianxian collapsed on the ground, Ashan's speed of breaking free from the chains accelerated again.

‘Wait for me, Wang Xianxian, wait for me, wait for me! ! ! ’

Wang Jiannian ignored his son who was lying on the ground and knelt directly in front of the clan leader.

"Clan leader, Wang Xianxian and the following offenders have arbitrarily insulted and injured their elders. According to the clan rules, their spiritual veins should be abolished, whipped, and expelled from the clan!"

Click! ! !

Under Ah Shan's frantic struggle, the colorful chains broke!

But Ashan didn't feel happy because this was just the first one...

‘Hurry up, hurry up! ’

Click! ! !

The second one!

"Who gave you permission to do something in the ancestral hall?" The tenth elder stood up.

Click! ! !

The third one!

Looking at the scene of the ten elders shattering Wang Xianxian's spiritual veins, Ashan let out a heart-shaking cry of grief! ! !

'ah! Old dog! Kill you! ! Kill you! ! ! ! ’

Click! ! ! ! ! !

In an instant, dozens of chains were broken by Ashan!

"Wang Xianxian, I'll give you a chance. As long as you can walk out of the gate of the ancestral home before the sun completely sets, you will be exempted from whipping!"

The elder's words made Wang Xianxian's reason, which had been covered by anger, suddenly become clearer.

At the same time, Ashan's physical strength weakened due to the boy's return to reason.

However, he has already broken free from dozens of shackles, and with only the last twenty or so, he can regain his freedom!

Through the inner world, Ashan saw Wang Xianxian's awkward and heavy steps.

'Hold on...Wang Xianxian, hold on...we...we are together...'

The young man stood up from the ground with difficulty and slowly, and then walked towards the outside of the ancestral hall step by step with steps as heavy as a mountain.

Ashan looked at Wang Xianxian angrily and heartbroken, then let out a cry that could tear through rocks and pierce the clouds, tearing the chains on his body.



Heavy footsteps sounded continuously in the ancestral hall.

The harsh cracking sound kept echoing in the inner world.

Because the spiritual veins were shattered, bright red blood continued to seep from Wang Xianxian's pores.

Blood flowed down his body, and every time the boy took a step, he left scarlet footprints soaked in blood on the ground.

Ashan also felt uncomfortable. Every time he broke free from the chains, his body became a little more transparent.

At this time, the square in front of the Wang family's ancestral home was surrounded by clan members.

The tenacious young man stood up countless times after falling down countless times.

The ridicule and abuse from the onlookers did not disturb Wang Xianxian's determination.

'I don't want to die...I don't want to die anymore...'

'It's okay, Wang Xianxian...'

'Slow down...please...slow down the sunset...'

'It's okay, it's okay...'

'Fall slower... please... give me some more time...'

'It's almost time, I'm almost ready...'

'I was wrong... I will never seek death again... Please... let me live...'

'Don't be afraid... Wang Xianxian... don't be afraid...'

Finally, Wang Xianxian, who was covered in blood, came to the gate with difficulty with a strong smell of blood.

And Ashan only had the last chain left.

The five steps and the remaining chains became their last obstacle.

At this time, most of the sun had set below the mountain.

When Wang Xianxian struggled to step onto the fifth step, the last chain on Ashan was about to be destroyed.

At the same time, a ruthless and cold voice sounded from Wang Xianxian's ears.

"The sun goes down and you fail."

The words of the tenth elder made Wang Xianxian despair.

'I can't die...can't die...who will come...who will come...who will save me...'

Almost at the same time, Ashan looked at the last chain on his body that might break at any time and shouted.

‘Don’t be afraid, I’m coming, Wang Xianxian, I’m coming! ! ! ’

Just when the chain was about to break, a clear voice sounded from Wang Xianxian's ears.

"He hasn't failed yet."

The sound like the spring breeze turning into rain made Wang Xianxian look behind him with difficulty, and at the same time, Ashan's body strength began to weaken.

Looking at the graceful girl in golden clothes, Ashan began to feel a little scared for some reason.

"The sun hasn't set yet, so why fail?"

Yu Xian'er stretched out her little hand, revealing her white jade-like wrist, and formed a seal with her hands.

"Royal Sun!"

As the girl finished speaking, a huge sun rose into the sky, replacing the disappearing sunset.

The originally dim dusk was revived by her appearance!

The dazzling light penetrated Wang Xianxian's inner world and shone on Ashan.

This light not only dispelled the haze and despair in Wang Xianxian's heart, but also dispelled Ashan's strength and hope.

'No! No! No! No! ! ! '

Ashan, who noticed something was wrong with his body, tore the chain on his chest desperately, and he even used his teeth.

However, all this was in vain.

The girl's light not only dispelled his strength, but also gave the colorful chain new strength.

The chain, which regained its strength, quickly repaired its broken body.

Countless colorful chains entangled Ashan again.

'He needs me, he can't do it, he can't do it alone...'

'Let me go... please... please...'

'That's mine... Wang Xianxian... mine...'

'Wang Xianxian, save me...'

Listening to Ashan's begging, the voice of the chain finally spoke.

‘Sorry, Ah Shan…’

With a roar, Wang Xianxian suddenly stood up in the shocked eyes of everyone.

He took a firm step and finally stepped out of the Wang family’s door.

The moment he stepped out of the door, the golden crow in the sky instantly dissipated, the girl fainted without any signs, and the colorful chains in her inner world also completed the re-seal of Ah Shan.

At this moment, time seemed to stop.

The boy kneeling on one knee and his loved ones who were sealed.

The boy who left in a panic on the street at dusk and the boy who was forced to seal in his inner world.

Under the manipulation of fate, the complete line was cut and split, and finally turned into two parallel lines that could not intersect.

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