The sun sets at Tianjian City No. 2 Junior High School.

The school gate.

"Brother Xian, I finally finished the high school entrance examination cultural class!" The short-haired boy excitedly shook his friend beside him.

Wang Xianxian looked at Zhao Hu helplessly: "Stop shaking it, stop shaking it, or your brain will come out if you shake it again."

"Sorry, sad." Zhao Hu scratched his head naively, "The school will hold an awakening ceremony tomorrow. I'm so excited."

As soon as he left the school gate, Zhao Hu waved his hand fiercely.

"Old Zhao, Old Zhao!!! Dad! I'm here!!!"

After shouting, Zhao Hu turned to Wang Xianxian and said, "Brother Xian, are you really not going? Today, Zhao spent a lot of money on this celebration banquet!"

Wang Xianxian shook his head: "The Wang family also has a family dinner tonight, and it would be inappropriate for me to be absent."

Zhao Hu nodded after hearing this: "Okay, but if you are unhappy, call me at any time and I will pick you up."

"Okay." Wang Xianxian smiled, "Have fun."

"Oke Oke, I'm leaving then." Zhao Hu waved goodbye.

Looking at the retreating figures of his friends and at the parents greeting their children at the door, Wang Xianxian's eyes looked a little more lonely.

At this moment, the gentle voice appeared in his mind again.

'Wang Xianxian, happy graduation...'

The boy tightened his hands on the strap of his schoolbag and smiled on his face.

"Thank you, Ashan."

In the evening, a grand dinner was held at the Wang family's ancestral home to celebrate the completion of junior high school by the young clan members.

Unlike the bustling square of the ancestral home, the back garden of the ancestral home seems particularly quiet.

A young man talking to himself, walking alone on a lonely path.

"Wang Xianxian, don't you go get something to eat?"

"I don't want to go to the dinner party."

"That's right. Those bastards at home always target us deliberately, so we don't have to eat a few bites of food and get into trouble."

"Ashan..." Wang Xianxian stopped.

At the same time, a concerned question immediately came to my mind: "What's wrong?"

Wang Xianxian looked down at the weeds on the lawn, his face full of sadness.

"I feel weak and useless. I hate myself for not fighting for myself, and I even hate myself for not fighting for my mother."

"I'm not strong. I always cry when things happen. I always subconsciously want to rely on you. My talent is so poor that I can't see any hope..."

"I'm afraid of tomorrow's awakening ceremony. I'm afraid that I won't be able to awaken a good vocation and talent tomorrow. I'm afraid that I will disappoint my mother and shame her."

"No, Wang Xianxian, you are great and work very hard. I don't think anyone in the Wang family can find anyone of your age who works harder than you." Ashan quickly comforted, "We will definitely awaken a great talent. !”

"What's the use of hard work? Hard work is vulnerable to talent." Wang Xianxian walked to a huge spiritual fruit tree and spoke softly.

"No matter how hard the weeds work to grow, no matter how tenacious the weeds are in absorbing nutrients, they will never be able to grow into flowers, let alone a big tree..."

"There is an insurmountable gap between the weeds and the big trees, and the name of that gap is talent."

"Just like Wang Beichen and I, he can master the same sword technique once, but it takes me a thousand or ten thousand times to understand it."

"With the same meditation, it only takes him half an hour to condense the results of my ten hours..."

"To the family, Wang Beichen is like a fruit tree that can produce spiritual fruits. The clan members will water and fertilize it, prune it and eliminate insects..."

"He will thrive according to the wishes of the clan, and then bear abundant fruits. He will continue to grow, and eventually grow into a towering tree of the Fuyin family."

"but me……"

Wang Xianxian knelt down and gently stroked the weeds on the lawn with his hands.

“I’m like a weed, competing for nutrients from other plants and affecting the appearance of the lawn.”

"No matter how hard you work, no matter how tough the environment is, you cannot avoid being eliminated in the end..."

"so what!"

Before Wang Xianxian finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ashan.

"Whether it is a fruit tree or a weed, it has nothing to do with you. You are not a weed or a fruit tree. You are Wang Xianxian!"

"Mom and my favorite Wang Xianxian!"

"No matter whether you are strong or weak, you can't change the fact that you are Wang Xianxian!"

"You can be cowardly or strong, it doesn't matter to me, because you have me!"

"I am you, you are me, as long as we are together, as long as we can be together!"

"We will be able to do anything!"

Ashan's words were like the quiet and shining moonlight, shining on Wang Xianxian's body.

The young man's eyes were full of fighting spirit. He moved his eyes away from the weeds under his feet and the thick trees...

Finally, his eyes looked at the vast moon in the sky, and then the young man clenched his fists and strengthened his belief.

Late at night, in the bedroom.

Wang Xianxian packed his schoolbag, then opened the window and looked up at the stars.


"I am here."

"The book says that deceased relatives will turn into stars. Which one do you think my mother is?"

"Every one." Ashan's voice was still gentle, "It is never the dead that turn into stars, but the thoughts. So when people gaze at the stars with thoughts, all the shining stars in the sky will turn into the people they love. …”

"The stars in the sky are filled with love."

Ashan's answer made Wang Xianxian fall into silence.

After a long time, the boy's mouth slightly raised.

"Then mom will definitely cheer for us..."

"Yes, mom will bless us to awaken a super powerful mission." Ah Shan echoed.

"Ah Shan, look quickly." Wang Xianxian pointed to the arc across the sky, "It's a shooting star!"

"Let's make a wish!"

The boy put his hands together, closed his eyes, and began to make a wish in his heart.

"Ashan, what wish did you make?"

"If you say a wish out loud, it won't work."

"I didn't expect you to believe this, Ashan."

"Wang Xianxian, are you stupid? You believe in making wishes on shooting stars, so why don't you believe that it won't work if you say it out loud?"

"That makes sense, but our words don't matter, because shooting stars can't hear our whispers." Wang Xianxian cleared his throat, "To show my sincerity, let me speak first."

"My wish is that we can awaken super powerful vocations and talents at tomorrow's awakening ceremony, and then become super super strong, so that in the future, we may have a chance to let our mother return to us!"

The boy's voice was unusually excited.

"Okay, I've finished my wish, Ashan, it's your turn, what wish did you make?"

Ashan smiled softly: "I didn't make a wish, I made a blessing."

"Blessing?" Wang Xianxian asked in confusion, "What blessing?"

The boy's right eye turned blood red.

"Happy birthday." Ah Shan said with a smile, "It's past twelve o'clock. It's now the imperial time, May 1st, midnight."

"Wang Xianxian, happy birthday to you!"

Under the moonlight, Wang Xianxian was stunned, and then he laughed.

"Ashan, you are cheating. You clearly want to make a wish for two people..."

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, because you are me, as long as you are happy."

"That's not the case." Wang Xianxian's tone became very serious, "We want to be happy together!"

"So let's make a new wish."

"But there are no shooting stars." Ah Shan said helplessly.

"It's okay." Wang Xianxian pointed to the entire starry sky, "Didn't you say that all the stars in the sky are our favorites?"

"Then let's make a wish to our mother!"


Under the moonlight, the boy put his hands together, like a devout believer, and made their common wish to the starry sky.

A wish that only the two of them knew...

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