Although the child tried to escape, he was caught and thrown to the ground without any suspense.

The people chasing him began to snatch the child's schoolbag. Wang Xianxian grabbed his schoolbag tightly and shouted in fear.

"That's my schoolbag!"

The snatcher focused his eyes on the child's hand holding the straps.

A teenager stepped hard on Wang Xianxian's hand.


The sudden pain made Wang Xianxian's hands loosen directly.

Watching his schoolbag being brought to Wang Beichen, Wang Xianxian quickly got up and wanted to take it back, but others also ran to him...

Wang Beichen took Wang Xianxian's schoolbag and threw it to the ground.

He looked at his brother who was desperately resisting but was blocked, and smiled playfully.

"Justice is being executed, we caught the thief!"

The brother next to him raised an evil smile on his face: "Beat the thief, beat the thief!"

Hearing this, the children of the same age around him swarmed over and began to punch and kick Wang Xianxian.

"Beat you to death, thief!"

"I'll let you steal!"

"I'll beat you to death on behalf of the police!"


Under the setting sun, the child was besieged by a group of his peers on the street. He kept protecting his head with his hands, but he was still beaten non-stop. Finally, he fell to the ground with blood all over his face.

"I'm not a thief... I'm not a thief..."

"Give me back my schoolbag..."

The children of the same age ignored Wang Xianxian's cries and kicked Wang Xianxian's head and waist wantonly. Fists like raindrops kept falling on his body, making Wang Xianxian's consciousness almost comatose.

‘It hurts... Stop hitting me... Stop hitting me...’

‘Ashan... Ashan... It hurts so much... Woohoo...’

‘Ashan... It hurts so much...’

On the street, the child was lying on the ground covered in blood. He watched his schoolbag being roughly torn open by Wang Beichen, and the zipper flew out due to the strong force.

The other party dumped out everything in his schoolbag.

Textbooks, stationery, test papers, spiritual fruits, and the sachet sewn by his mother.

Wang Beichen picked up the spiritual fruit on the ground excitedly: “The evidence is conclusive, and you still say you are not a thief!!!”

After hearing this, the children around him immediately echoed excitedly: “Thief, thief, Wang Xianxian is a thief.”

“I hate thieves the most.” Wang Beichen crushed the spiritual fruit in his hand, and then stepped hard on the pencil case on the ground.

Under the step, the pencil case was directly deformed, and the stationery inside was scattered all over the ground, and a photo of mother and son also slipped out of the pencil case.

The children next to him picked up the fallen textbooks and test papers and tore them up happily.

Amid the flying scraps of paper, Wang Beichen finally noticed the photo next to the pencil case.

He bent down to pick up the photo, a look of disgust on his face, and then quickly threw the photo away.

"What bad luck, seeing a photo of a dead person."

"Wang Xianxian, are you a pervert? Your mother is dead. Photos of dead people are called portraits. Do you understand?"

Wang Beichen's words directly hurt Wang Xianxian's heart and angered his body.

Wang Xianxian, who fell to the ground, rushed towards Wang Beichen like crazy, trying to hit him on the head with his fist.

But the difference in numbers could not be made up by anger at all.

A new round of group fights began again.

In the end, Wang Xianxian's body was like a lifeless piece of wood, lying quietly on the ground, with only tears in the corners of his eyes, as if telling of his grievances and pain.

He helplessly looked at the group of tribesmen who harmed him, kicking the sachet given to him by his mother like a football.

At this moment, the familiar voice in my mind sounded again.

‘Wang Xianxian, what happened…’

Hearing the familiar voice, Wang Xianxian’s grievances instantly burst out.

‘Ashan… they bullied me… they said I was a thief…’

‘They also beat me… and said that my mother’s photo was unlucky…’

‘I’m so useless… I can’t protect anything… I can’t beat them…’

‘Wuwuwu… ah…’

The child’s aggrieved cry continued to echo in his inner world.

At the same time, gentle comfort also sounded.

‘No, Wang Xianxian, you are the best…’

‘It’s okay… It’s okay…’

‘We’re bullied, we just fight back. ’

Wang Xianxian couldn’t help sobbing: ‘But I, but I can’t beat them… I’m so useless…’

‘It’s okay, Wang Xianxian. ’Ashan continued to comfort, ‘It’s okay, just leave it to me…’

The gentle voice gradually became fierce.

‘I will make them pay! ’

On the street, Wang Beichen and others threw Wang Xianxian’s schoolbag into the trash can.

Just as they were about to leave, they found that Wang Xianxian, who was injured all over, had appeared behind them.

Wang Xianxian clenched his fists, and his joints turned pale with anger.

He had a contemptuous smile on his face, his eyes were strangely red, and his eyes were full of brutality, as if he was a violent beast that could explode at any time.

However, the Wang family children, who were about ten years old, were frightened by this look and stayed where they were.

‘Wang Xianxian’ bent down, picked up the pens scattered on the ground, and held them tightly in his hands.

The next moment, ‘Wang Xianxian’s’ body suddenly moved forward and stabbed a member of the clan directly in the thigh with a pen.


Accompanied by a scream, 'Wang Xianxian's hand shook again, and another pen stabbed into the thigh of another tribesman.

The screams of the two children instantly frightened the mob and made them flee.

'Wang Xianxian' did not care about the other fleeing children. His eyes were fixed on Wang Beichen, and then he caught up with Wang Beichen at a very fast speed.

Immediately afterwards, he used a fierce whip kick to sweep Wang Beichen's knee, causing him to fall without any defense.

At the moment of falling, a pencil fiercely stabbed into Wang Beichen's calf.


The spoiled child made a heart-wrenching cry.

'Wang Xianxian' did not waver. He raised his hand again and stabbed the pencil into Wang Beichen's other calf.

After making the other party unable to move, 'Wang Xianxian' walked straight to the scattered pencil case and picked up the photo of his mother.

After gently wiping the dust off the photo, he put the photo in his pocket.

Then he picked up the spiritual fruit that was crushed beyond recognition.

Finally, he returned to the crying Wang Beichen, grabbed his hair with his hands, and lifted his head up.

‘Wang Xianxian’ looked down at the spiritual fruit in his right hand, and then smiled at Wang Beichen. ”

“Since you like it so much, then eat it.”

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