Wang Jianquan could no longer feel the pain in his body as his body was twitching nervously.

The psychological trauma caused Wang Jianquan to be overwhelmed by endless despair and numbness.

After he heard that Wang Beichen knew the real information about Yunjiu, he guessed the truth.

As the person Wang Jiannian trusted the most, he knew very well what kind of methods his third brother had.

However, even if he vaguely guessed the truth, he still fantasized that his beloved brother did not treat him as a sacrifice or a tool...


Wang Jianquan went crazy under a severe psychological blow.

"You are lying to me, hahaha, I won't be fooled, I will never be fooled, hahaha..."

"He is my third brother, the third brother who has taken care of me since I was a child, hahaha..."

"Do you think that your alienation plan can shake my faith..."

"Little bastard, you are dreaming!!!"

The smile on Wang Xianxian's face became extremely exaggerated: "How pathetic, you obviously believe it, don't you?"

"Do you think I can't guess what you are thinking?" Wang Xianxian squatted beside Wang Jianquan, leaned over and said in a low voice.

"Fifth uncle, I won't kill you myself, I will never let you die with hope..."

After hearing this, Wang Jianquan twisted his body like crazy.

"Please, kill me, kill me..."

With pleading eyes, Wang Jianquan seemed to have seen his own end.

His life will come to an end today, but he doesn't want to endure more despair and sadness before he dies.

He begged the young man, hoping that his pleading could awaken the kindness in Wang Xianxian's heart.

However, what Wang Jianquan didn't know was that the boy in front of him was already on the verge of becoming a demon.

Wang Xianxian smiled, and smiled happily.

"That won't work. I promised you that I wouldn't kill you."

"Uncle Wu, I'm different from you. I'm a man of my word."

"What's more..."

The boy paused, and then he looked around, looking at the Wang family members lying on the ground and twitching in pain, Wang Xianxian smiled even more happily.

"What's more, you helped me deal with these people, I have to thank you, otherwise I would have to waste a lot of effort to deal with these people."

After saying that, he moved his mind, and then used his mental power to control all the Wang family members and transported them to Wang Jianquan.

"In order to thank you for your efforts, I decided to let you return safely."

"You are colluding with the Five Poison Sect, so you must have prepared the space props for retreat a long time ago."

"Don't worry, I will send all of you back."

Then, he began to look for Wang Jianquan's space equipment, and then found the space transmission stone on him.

Looking at the teleportation stone in Wang Xianxian's hand, tears kept flowing from Wang Jianquan's eyes.

"Kill me, please..."

There was no mercy in Wang Xianxian's eyes, only the flames of hatred. He looked down at Wang Jianquan from a high position, and then spoke coldly.

"Wang Jianquan, you are really a loyal and vicious dog."

"Don't worry, I won't let you die in the process of fighting with prey."

"For a loyal dog like you, the best way to retaliate is to let your master kill you with his own hands!"

"Treat the hound of death, I think my dear father will definitely squeeze out your last value..."

"Dog meat hot pot... this adjective is good..."

"I hope your loyalty can enter Wang Jiannian's mouth and let him have a full meal."

Along with the words of the young man, the blocked space began to recover.

Finally, when the seal of this space completely disappeared, Wang Xianxian crushed the space teleportation stone in Wang Jianquan's hand, and then threw it beside Wang Jianquan and the Wang family.

The space teleportation stone instantly burst into a dazzling light.

Seeing this, Wang Xianxian took three steps back. Looking at the desperate Wang Jianquan, the young man showed a hellish smile again.

"Before being slaughtered, tell Wang Jiannian a message for me..."

"Tell him that no matter where he hides, no matter how hard he tries, I will eventually stand in front of him, chop off his dog head, take his dog life, and then use his blood to sacrifice to my mother!"

Wang Jianquan was left with endless despair. In a trance, he seemed to see his own end and the end of the Wang family.

Accompanied by Wang Xianxian's nightmare-like voice, Wang Jianquan's sight was completely buried by the space teleportation stone.

At the last moment when his body was teleported away, he heard Wang Xianxian's voice that was more cruel than the devil.

"Wang Jianquan, have a good journey..."

Tianjian City, Wang Jiannian's private residence, underground floor.

As the teleportation array in the living room in the underground room shone with light, Wang Jiannian, who had been waiting for a long time, stood up suddenly.

After three breaths, looking at the tribesmen who kept holding their heads and groaning on the ground, Wang Jiannian's face was instantly gloomy enough to squeeze out water.

Wang Jiannian's eyes kept scanning, and finally stopped at Wang Jianquan, who looked ashen.

At the same time, Wang Jianquan slowly raised his head and looked at his beloved third brother.

There was still a glimmer of hope in his eyes, a faint hope that could dissipate at any time.

Finally, when the two brothers looked at each other, the last glimmer of hope in Wang Jianquan's eyes...


He had never seen this kind of look in Wang Jiannian's eyes, it was a kind of extreme disgust and tyranny.

"Why..." Wang Jianquan asked hoarsely.

"Why?" Wang Jiannian asked coldly.

Wang Jianquan's broken body burst out the last bit of strength from nowhere. He slowly stood up, pointed at his once beloved brother, and asked: "Why did you hide it from me..."

Ignoring his brother's accusations, Wang Jiannian's expression became extremely distorted.

"That damn evil creature always... always... always..."

"Always makes me unhappy!!!!"

Wang Jiannian drew his sword, flashed directly to the side of the Wang clan members, and then stabbed them in the head.

One sword! One sword!! Another sword!!!

Every time he stabbed the sword, a clan member's life would be ended.

Listening to the clan members begging for mercy, Wang Jiannian's expression became more and more ferocious.

"Waste, waste, waste!!!"

"Why do you want me to do it myself, why do you want me to do it myself!!!"

"Why don't you die in the hands of that evil creature!!!!"

After stabbing the sword countless times, Wang Jiannian had become a mad man with disheveled hair.

At this moment, he seemed to no longer care about his appearance.

The blood under his feet had soaked his shoes.

After venting, Wang Jiannian finally came to Wang Jianquan with a sword.

Looking at Wang Jianquan's eyes, Wang Jiannian gritted his teeth and kept making squeaking sounds.

"What kind of look is that? I ask you, what kind of look is that!!!"

Wang Jianquan also did not answer Wang Jiannian's question, he kept repeating his question.

"Why did you hide it from me... why..."

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