Suppressing the anger in his heart, Wang Jianquan regained his aloof attitude.

Looking at the embarrassed Wang Xianxian below, and thinking of his fate after today, Wang Jianquan couldn't help but feel happy.

Thinking of what he was about to say, Wang Jianquan turned to look at 995.

"Your Excellency, let's talk about some family matters next."

The implication is to drive people away.

However, after hearing this, the member of the Five Poison Sect was indifferent and instead laughed twice.

"Boss, I still have a task assigned by the guardian, so I can't stay too far away from you."

"Besides, one of my babies has been lost because of this hunting..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Jianquan next to him threw him a space ring.

"This is compensation for you. You don't have to worry about the agreement between us. We still need you to detoxify the little beast."

"Besides, I just want to chat with my nephew who has been away for a long time."

995 took the space ring, weighed it twice, and let out a hoarse laugh.

"Boss, please enjoy your time together."

Just as he turned to leave, he seemed to remember something.

"Oh, by the way, bosses, the prey has been poisoned. Please pay attention to the conversation time and don't kill him."

The corners of Wang Jianquan's mouth rose crazily, revealing a sinister smile.

"Don't worry, he is now our Wang family's 'treasure pimple', how can we be willing to let him die?"

After 996 left, Wang Jianquan took out a milky white jade bead, and then he squeezed it hard.

The jade bead shattered, and a mysterious energy centered on the jade bead quickly spread to the surroundings, eventually forming a special energy shield.

Looking at Wang Xianxian below, Wang Jianquan explained 'intimately'.

"This is the Escape Pearl, a top-grade spiritual treasure of the earth level. It can only be used once. Its function is to block everything in the surrounding space."

"Third brother really thinks highly of you. In order to catch you, he actually ordered me to use this kind of spiritual treasure."

"To be honest, it really pains me to use this bead on you."

"However, an order is an order after all. In order to prevent things from changing, waste is indeed necessary."

After hearing Wang Jianquan's words, Wang Xianxian circled around and made sure that the surrounding space was completely blocked, then he showed a faint smile.

"It is indeed an excellent spiritual treasure."

The young man's fearless attitude in the face of danger surprised Wang Jianquan.

"It seems that Third Brother's guess is right. In just a few months, you have gained considerable strength."

"You must have put in a lot of effort. You know your shame and then become brave again. I'm starting to appreciate you a little bit."

Wang Xianxian did not respond. He just looked at the dozens of Wang clan members in the tree calmly.

Faced with the young man's silence, for some reason, an unknown fire arose in Wang Jianquan's heart.

"A bastard is a bastard. He will never learn to respect his elders!"

A few months later, when Wang Xianxian heard Wang Jianquan's abuse again, he was not as angry as he imagined. On the contrary, he even found it a bit funny.

The corners of the young man's mouth raised slightly, and he smiled softly.

"A loyal family dog ​​will not become an elder just because it grows older, even if it lives longer."

"However, loyal family dogs are not in trouble. Young children will still shout when facing older loyal dogs..."

"Old dog."

The faces of the Wang clan members present suddenly changed.

Everyone knows that the third master of the Wang family, Wang Jiannian, has three generals under his command, one of whom is his fifth brother, Wang Jianquan.

The third grandfather of the Wang family regards his fifth brother Wang Jianquan as his right-hand man, and the two have perfect cooperation in the business world.

Because of Wang Jianquan's loyalty to his brother and his radical methods.

A certain enemy of Wang's business community openly called Wang Jianquan Wang Jiannian's loyal dog in order to sow discord between the two.

Although the enemy eventually paid a heavy price for these words, the title of loyal dog has been spread in the business world since then.

For Wang Jianquan, this sentence is his absolute rebellion!

Not even the Wang clan dared to mention it.

However, this young man who was expelled from his home dared to openly provoke Wang Jianquan under such circumstances!

After the young man's accusations and curses fell into Wang Jianquan's ears, his chest began to rise and fall rapidly.

Wang Jianquan gasped for air, his eyes full of anger, and he gritted his teeth.

"Sharp-tongued bitch!!!"

"Even if you die, you won't be able to change your bad mouth!!!"

Wang Jianquan's defense made the corners of the young man's mouth curve wider and wider.

"My friend once told me something, and now I will give it to you."

"The ultimate bad mouth, the ultimate enjoyment, remember it, old dog."

Scored twice!

Forcibly suppressing his anger, Wang Jianquan looked at the young man with a ferocious expression, and spoke fiercely.

"It seems you haven't figured out your situation yet!"

"You haven't forgotten how you were expelled from the family, right?"

Wang Jianquan sneered as if he remembered something that made him happy.

"No member of the Wang clan will ever forget who, like a dog with a broken leg, got out of the Wang clan in the family square that day!"

"Why did you get out of the Wang family? It's because you, a sharp-toothed puppy, bite and bark randomly!!!"

Seeing that Wang Xianxian stopped talking, Wang Jianquan thought that he had poked a sore spot in the other person's heart, and couldn't help but feel elated.

"What? Did I hit you in the sore spot? It must be hard to be kicked out of your home?"

"Before, you fled Tianjian City like a stray dog, and we had a hard time looking for you."

"I didn't expect you to run to Tianjiu City to seek refuge with the Lin family!"

Wang Jianquan became more and more excited.

"At first, you hid your real name, afraid of being found by us."

"Now, you take the initiative to appear on TV, so impressive, a little hero who saves the train!"

"Let me guess why you dare to reveal your identity?"

"The answer is not difficult to guess, it's nothing more than the confidence given to you by Lin Jiu and Yunjiu!"

At this point, Wang Jianquan's eyes flashed with ferocity.

"Lin Jiu is Mo Wange's master and your master's master, so you first joined him."

"But at that time, you still didn't dare to reveal your identity, because Lin Jiu was like an ant in front of Wang's family!"

"Until the sudden appearance of Yun Jiu!"

"Yun Jiu is also Lin Jiu's disciple. As a fellow disciple, Yun Jiu, who is highly talented, gave you great courage."

"This made you extremely inflated, so you exposed your identity."

"Do you think Yun Jiu's sudden appearance will make Wang's family afraid of Lin's family?"

"Do you think your special relationship with Lin Jiu will make Wang's family dare not attack you?"

"Do you think you can rest assured by climbing up to Lin's family?"

"Don't be funny, you are just a dog in the eyes of Lin's family!"

"Not to mention you, even Yun Jiu dare not disrespect my Tianjian Wang's family!!!"

Hearing this, the young man who had been silent for a long time finally spoke.

"That may not be the case."

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