Huang Yue and Wang Xianxian exchanged glances, then walked into the store at the same time and came to the storage room on the first floor.

After closing the door of the storage room, Huang Yue couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Looking at the little junior brother in front of her who was often mentioned by the master, Huang Yue couldn't help but smile.

"Hello, my name is Huang Yue, and I am a disciple of Li Jianzhou."

Hearing this, Wang Xianxian was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly saluted: "Hello, senior sister."

Huang Yue smiled and nodded: "Hello, little junior brother."

"The master has already told me about your situation and identity. Senior sister will briefly tell you about the situation of this store."

Wang Xianxian nodded seriously: "Senior sister, please speak."

Huang Yue took out the tablet and projected the architectural projection map.

"Our store currently mainly sells spirit wines from level one to level six."

"The first floor lobby sells spirit wines below level three, and the second floor is a high-end reception area, which mainly sells spirit wines above level three."

"The third floor is a commercial reception area and office area, mainly used for business cooperation and office work."

Huang Yue explained the basic situation of the store to Wang Xianxian while swiping the screen.

"I heard from Master that this store was a gift from Master Mo's father to Master Mo."

Hearing this, Wang Xianxian was stunned for a moment.


"Yes." Huang Yue nodded affirmatively, "Master said that the name of this store was given by your grandfather, Mo Wan Pavilion."

"Later, Master Mo left Tianjiu City for various reasons. Before leaving, Master Mo handed this store to Master to help manage."

"But later, because of Master's position change in the Winemakers Association, he became extremely busy, and he was worried about other people, so I came to take over."

Speaking of this, Huang Yue's face became a little more apologetic.

"I'm sorry, Junior Brother. I didn't do it well and brought shame to Master Mo's name."

Wang Xianxian waved her hands and said anxiously, "Sister, how can you say that?"

"Both Master and you have been very attentive."

"Master and Master said that we are a family. How can family members say such things?"

Looking at the anxious look of the young man, Huang Yue was somewhat relieved. She gently patted Wang Xianxian's shoulder and smiled.

"Sister, you said the wrong thing. We are a family. We shouldn't talk about different things."

Hearing this, Wang Xianxian smiled again, then he remembered the main topic and asked.

"Sister, what happened today?"

Huang Yue took a long breath and said in a serious tone.

"Five days ago, I launched a summer promotion in the store as I did in previous years."

"Yesterday afternoon, a large group of parents suddenly came to the store."

"They were very emotional, saying that their children began to have fever and other abnormal symptoms after drinking the wine they bought from our store, and all of them have been sent to the hospital."

"Then, during the communication, those parents and the store clerks had a conflict, and finally the police were alerted."

"I happened to be away from the store at that time. When I rushed back, the parents were on the verge of collapse."

"If it weren't for the police comrades to control the situation, I have no doubt that some parents would choose to self-destruct in order to attract social attention."

Recalling the scene of yesterday, Huang Yue still has some palpitations.

Hearing this, Wang Xianxian asked curiously: "Senior sister, are the students in trouble really suffering from the symptoms caused by drinking our wine?"

"Is there any misunderstanding here? Or did they ignore the instructions for consumption and cause problems?"

"After all, it should be impossible to have such problems if you drink qualified spirit wine normally?"

Huang Yue shook her head: "At first, I had the same idea as you."

"So, I followed them to the hospital in person and learned the specific situation from the doctor."

"According to the doctor's judgment, those children did suffer from heart damage due to drinking spirit wine."

"As for whether the culprit spirit wine is the wine sold in our store, the parents also provided corresponding evidence."

"Although the chain of evidence is not perfect, I can feel that it is likely that the problem is caused by our wine."

At this point, Wang Xianxian finally couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Senior sister, what is the problem with our wine?"

Hearing the question from his junior brother, Huang Yue's face became a little ugly: "No problem has been found yet..."

This sentence shocked Wang Xianxian.

"What's the matter? Isn't this our own wine?"

"How is it possible that the problem hasn't been found after a day?"

Huang Yue began to explain slowly: "Because our store doesn't make wine."

"The business model of our store is to integrate resources, rely on the channels provided by the master, purchase a variety of spirit wines, and use the price advantage of the channels to open up the market."

Hearing this, Wang Xianxian instantly understood.

Mo Wan Ge's business route is equivalent to a middleman.

Uncle Shi is the head of the purchasing department of the winemaker headquarters. The spiritual wine resources he controls are so huge that it is unimaginable.

The way Mowange operates is to use the channel advantages provided by Uncle Shi to buy various spiritual wines at low prices, and then integrate them into the store for sale.

It mainly relies on the price difference to make profits.

In other words, Mowange does not brew wine, it does not have its own spiritual wine, it is just a porter of spiritual wine.

No wonder Li Shan just said that Mowange is a second-hand dealer.

Wang Xianxian continued to ask: "Then we just need to find a manufacturer that provides spiritual wine, right?"

Hearing this, Huang Yue's face became a little ugly.

"That manufacturer is a little special. They are not normal spiritual wine merchants, but students."

"Students of Jiusheng University."

Seeing that Wang Xianxian was a little confused, Huang Yue walked to the shelf of the warehouse and took down a bottle of spiritual wine.

"Hanling wine, a second-level spirit wine, its main function is to cool the heart and cool the blood."

"The main consumer group is the warriors in the Blood Refining Realm, or more precisely, the warriors in the Blood Burning Stage of the Blood Refining Realm."

"Warriors in the Blood Burning Stage will always endure the burning of blood and fire, and their whole body will be as hot as fire."

"Especially in summer, the heat caused by blood and fire can even affect the warrior's mind."

After a brief introduction, Huang Yue handed the wine to Wang Xianxian.

"Junior brother, I think you are familiar with it, right?"

Wang Xianxian looked down at the Hanling wine in his hand, frowning.

Of course he knew that he had experienced the Blood Burning Stage when he was taking the high school entrance examination.

After the high school entrance examination, the first spirit wine he brewed was Hanling wine.

Huang Yue continued.

"Most of the warriors in the Blood Burning Stage are high school students, so the sales of Cold Spirit Wine will increase greatly when the summer vacation is approaching."

"Our store has been in short supply of Cold Spirit Wine since two weeks ago."

"It's not just our store, all the wine shops in the city are probably facing this situation."

"It's mainly because many students are training during the summer vacation, and in order not to affect their own combat status, they will purchase a large amount of it."

"In order to solve the supply demand, I contacted the management of Jiusheng University through my connections, and purchased a lot of pre-made wine powder for Cold Spirit Wine, and then hired students from Jiusheng University to help brew it."

"The process of brewing spirit wine is very strict. Not only is the spirit wine brewed by each student recorded, but there are also surveillance videos."

"So, those students have no motive to commit a crime, let alone the opportunity."

Speaking of this, Huang Yue sighed.

"Junior brother, this matter involves too many things. Once it gets out of hand, the investigation will probably involve Jiusheng University."

"Our sect is also considered to be in Jiusheng University. Once the matter is exposed, it will cause a great stain on Jiusheng University."

"The most difficult problem now is that the spirit wine is brewed by the outstanding students of Jiusheng University."

"Social media will not care about the details of the case, they only care about the results."

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