In the video,

Xing followed Huang Quan's footsteps and pushed forward a heavy door in front of him.

What catches the eye.

It's a large hall.

In this place, Xing can even walk on the wall in violation of the rules of physics. In this way, the space in front of him is a chaotic state with no distinction between up and down.


Dreams are indeed complicated enough!

And keep going.

Xing saw it, and many figures appeared in front of him.

They all seemed to be communicating something.

Huang Quan calls it the shadow of dreams.

No need to care.

But Xing was a little curious and came to their side to listen.

First, Robin and Sunday

"The stage of the Harmony Ceremony belongs only to you, sister."

Sunday spoke softly to the robin.

However, the robin seemed a little depressed.

"But if I can't sing, what's the point of being on stage?"

The conversation ended.

The shadow disappeared.

And the star came to the placer and Dr. Truth again.

"Why do you think you can win? Damn gamblers!"

Doctor Zhenli asked Sha Jin.

But in this regard,

Sha Jin seemed particularly calm.

"Three [chips] are enough, everything, or nothing."

The conversation ended.

The shadow disappeared as always.

Xing's eyes once again fell on Silver Wolf and the man who had fought with Huangquan's battle mecha, Sam

"How are you going to bring them down?"

Silver Wolf asked Sam curiously.

Sam's reply was——

"If you tell them the truth, they will naturally go to the appointment."

In the end.

Only Hanabi and Black Swan remain in the shadow of memory.

"The one who remembers.....Do you think you can leave safely?"

Hanabi's tone was a bit mocking.

It seemed that she was questioning Black Swan, some kind of overestimating behavior.

But Black Swan only smiled slightly.

"Sorry, favorite dance partner......I already have someone selected."

On the train,

March 7th was confused at the moment.

Because she didn't understand. Right now.

What was going on? Why did Xing see so many people talking, and there was huge information hidden in this conversation. quantity

"this is really happening"



07 She doesn't quite understand.

What kind of situation is the shadow in Huang Quan's mouth?

"The so-called shadow is a reflection of real objects. What you see in front of you should be a reflection of reality and what is really happening."

Walter spoke out his guess.

In his opinion, the picture in front of him should be what really happened in reality. It was retained by the dream in a certain way and became a reflected shadow. It was a kind of. Similar to the phenomenon of video recording

"Having said that, Pinoconi is really lively!"

March 7th was quite emotional.

The plot has not officially started yet, but things are already not simple.

From the conversation between the shadows just now, there is not much information that can be obtained.


But it is extremely heavyweight..The first is Robin and Sunday.

Before that, the video has already made some introductions to Robin and Sunday. One is a member of the [Family] and the organizer of this event, and the other is a well-known person in the universe. A big star.

She is also Sunday’s sister.

She came specially to sing for the event.


"Judging from their conversation, the robin can no longer sing? Why?"

A big star in the universe.

But can't sing?

What happened to Mockingbird?

Of course!

It's not just her that makes the audience confused.

There is also sand gold and Doctor Truth.

Between them, there seems to be something. Such a conflict.

Doctor Truth seemed to despise this businessman and gambler from the company.

"Are you doing some kind of competition?"

Xing was a little puzzled.

There were also Hanabi and Black Swan.

A Remembrancer and a Fool.

What was happening between them?

Of course!

There was also the last Star Core Hunter.

This made March 7 and others Somewhat surprisingly, the star core hunter who had a fierce battle with Huang Quan in the previous video seemed to have a corresponding plan.

Moreover, the Silver Wolf also followed?

Sure enough!

Although the family did not send an invitation to the star core hunter.

However, the train Wherever they go, they will definitely come.

The Fairy Boat is to let the patrol owe the train a favor, so what is Pinoconi for?

Could it be that it is also to make the family owe the train a favor?

"Oops, it’s really a headache!"

"how do you feel"

"Why is everyone so complicated?"

March 7 sighed.

As expected, the complexity of Pinoconi far exceeded everyone's imagination. Almost everyone here had their own thoughts.

It was just the beginning.

This leaves so many doubts.

This can’t help but make people a little worried. Can this journey really go on smoothly?

In the video, after watching all the shadow conversations, Hoshiya did not stay any longer..

Follow Huang Quan’s footsteps and continue moving forward.

Soon, we arrived in front of a door.

"Here we are"

"Leave here, wake up as usual, forget about this chance encounter, and go back to where you came from."


Xing only needs to open the door to return to normal.

But before that,

Huang Quan asked Xing a question that sounded a bit inexplicable.

That is——

"Have we met somewhere?"

Hearing this,

Xing was a little confused and confused. She looked at the woman in front of her carefully.

Finally, she shook her head.

She was very sure that she had not seen Huang Quan. And Huang Quan was not surprised by this answer.

"You remind me of an old friend. In that hazy memory, she stands side by side with me, just like this bizarre dream, close at hand but out of reach."

"I can....."

"Are you asking me some questions?"

"I....I often forget some things, so rather than recalling, I am more accustomed to using [feeling] to capture something. Whether the answer is correct or not is not important."

"What matters is your immediate reaction."

Faced with Huang Quan's request,

Xing nodded without hesitation.

The first question——

"When you woke up in the guest room, several names were spoken in your mouth. Are they your partners? enemy? You seem to have formed unbreakable bonds with so many people"

"May I ask, are you afraid of losing this connection?" Xing nodded after a brief silence. Because if losing contact means they leave, then it will! After all, for so long, March 7 and others have become very important and cherished people to her. Huang Quan was not surprised. He nodded and continued to ask questions.

"Then if there is a huge dream"

"It is realistic enough, so realistic that it is no different from reality. There is no separation between life and death. Everyone can reap the happiness and happiness they deserve and live happily forever."

"Excuse me, are you willing to live in it?"

And Xing's answer was very firm.

"No matter what, I don't want to live in a dream."

A dream is a dream after all.

It can never replace reality.

And living in it forever is not so much about enjoyment.

It is more about escape! After hearing this sentence, the fire-chasing moth had no thoughts in the minds of Su and others. About to appearname.

Stigmata plan! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What Huang Quan said is basically no different from the Stigma Project."

Su spoke softly.

A dream that is no different from reality. There is no tragedy.

Only beauty.

And that will be the last refuge of mankind.

Escape from the tragedy of reality.

Live a long and beautiful life.


"However, Huang Quan should not be referring to the Stigmata Project, but Pinoconi"

"after all"

"Pinoconi’s is a dreamland!"


There is one thing that makes the Yingjies feel a little confused and puzzled.

That is.

Why are Huang Quan and Xing talking about this? []

In fact, from the beginning of the video, Huang Quan's appearance has been full of doubts, and now he has said so much It sounds like a confusing question.

What is the meaning?

"Did she want to remind Xing of something? Don't you want to indulge in dreams?"


"Just like Xing's previous answer, she and Xing didn't know each other, so why did she need to remind Xing of this?"

Weil Wei couldn't understand this for a while.


Before arriving in Pinoconi, Huang Quan did not exist in Xing's memory.

But with these words, Huang Quan seemed to have some connection with Xing? Sure enough,

Huang Quan seemed to have some connection with Xing.!

The Pinoconi matter is very complicated.

In the video

, after getting Xing’s reply, Huang Quan did not have any special reaction.

Instead, he continued to ask questions

"That.....If this dream is destined to be shattered, everything will leave"

"friends, relatives, strangers"

"Then the briskest wind, the flying birds, the stars, and finally yourself"

"Everyone, everyone in their memories, those smiles and tears, completed and unfulfilled agreements, will eventually move towards the predetermined ending."

"If at the beginning of the journey, you already know the destination of this trip"

"May I ask, will you still embark on this journey?"

Xing was silent for a moment, thinking about Huang Quan's question.

In fact, this question is asking Xing.

If the ending is determined, will you still move on?


Xing never believes that fate cannot be changed.

"I will continue to develop without hesitation."

No matter what the result is.

At least.

I have worked hard for it and fought for it.

This is Xing's belief!

However, this time, Huang Quan shook his head.

"I know it's hard"

"No need to make a decision, I said.....The answer is not important"

"Listen, touch, think, and you will feel it - value it, we make the choice"

"So, back to the original question."

Huang Quan's eyes fell on Xing.

"Excuse me, do you still want it?"


This time, Xing's answer was different.

"I seem to have seen you there!"

Huang Quan nodded, indicating that he understood.

And she had finished asking her question.

"The golden dream is about to begin to restless. In the long night that follows, you may experience many setbacks and witness many tragedies. In the end,......All I can see is black and white"

"but please believe"

"In that black and white world, there will be a little bit of red that is fleeting"

"But when you make a choice"

"It will surely appear again!"

Huang Quan held the long knife in his waist and walked in the opposite direction of Xing.

And her voice continued to sound behind Xing.

"And you, you have to chew the meaning carefully——"


"Go back to the waking world."

Huang Quan stopped, but she did not look back.

But in her eyes, for some reason, she shed a line of tears of blood!

"We will all be there to find out."

When these words fell,

Xing's body exploded violently, and the dream world seemed to turn scarlet.

And when Xing opened her eyes again, everything was the same as before.

She was back on the familiar train! 430 It's just that At this moment, tears fell unconsciously from the corners of her eyes.

St. Freya

At this moment, Theresa and others looked confused.


These many questions.

It can be said that.

Among the Riddler The Riddler.

They couldn't understand at all. What was the meaning of Huang Quan's raising these questions? What was the answer she wanted to get? Finally, she understood something.

"How inexplicable!"

"Why, obviously every word can be understood......"

"connected together"

"What, in the fog?"

Kiana scratched her head in confusion.

Now she has a feeling.

That is, she understands, but she is not done yet.Understand. but.

One thing is certain.

That's why Huang Quan seems to be reminding Xing that what the eyes see and hear is not real, and one must learn to use feelings to distinguish whether it is a dream or reality.

Don't dwell in dreams.


In the waking world.


Why Huang Quan reminded her of this, she had no way of knowing.


"Did Huang Quan shed tears of blood in the end? Is it possible that this reminder just now will cost her something?"

Theresa also looked puzzled.

Not only Huang Quan shed tears of blood.

Even Xing.

After returning to the real world, she shed tears unconsciously.

This was not the case after feeling great sadness. Tears.


Xing hasn’t experienced any grief yet!

The conversation she just had, I’m afraid even she herself was in the fog.

How could it be possible to shed tears of sadness?

I have to say. The doubts and incomprehensions at the moment.

There are too many.

If you want to answer, the current information alone is far from enough.

You can only continue to watch the video.

The puzzles must be revealed bit by bit.

The truth will emerge sooner or later.

The video returns to the real world. Although Xing was very confused and puzzled, in the end he did not delve too deeply into it and just regarded it as a nightmare.

At the same time, the train had arrived at Pinoconi.

Walter and Himeko had already gotten off the train in advance. Check in.

Xing immediately found March 7 who was packing his luggage. He went to have a round with Walter and Himeko. However, when he arrived at the front desk of Daydream Hotel, some trouble occurred. Because the Star Dome Train was accepting When the family invited Xing, Xing had not yet boarded the train, so the room list reserved in advance did not include Xing's name, but Dan Heng. Jizi hoped that the front desk could change Dan Heng's room to Xing. But about this, the front desk was a little confused. Embarrassed. However, a figure gradually walked towards the train crew. Sand gold!.

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